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Quest: Lucidity


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Good day to everyone!


I'll start off by saying that this is more of an unpredictible contest than a quest, and here's why...



- all the booze you can get my hands on, which I will ditribute at the appropriate moment;

- the chat log, after the event is over.



- no alts;

- sponsors can't compete. (thanks DD!)



- above the Paper Cabin Study Room.



- september 6th, 21:00 server time (Saturday) - september 8th, 24:00 server time (Monday)



- players will sign up by replying to this thread; the order in which they will participate is the order in which they sign up;

- contestants will gather at the designated time and place;

- when the time comes, each participant receives a drink, a sentence/phrase and 3 chances to utter it as clearly as possible, while drunk, through letter permutations.

Note: Please include in your reply the ID you will be participating with, along with a time frame in which you are available.




Player gets a bottle of rum and the sentence: "I can write well, while drunk." Player drinks the rum and begins.

Try 1: "Ia cn rwite, elwl whed linurk." --- 14 points

Try 2: "I nac ,twie relwl dhlier uwk.n" --- 11 points

Try 3: "I can wtirell e,w dnile wruh.k" --- 16 points


The points are given according to how many of the characters landed in their right spot. Player final score will be the highest of the 3 tries. It's possible that multiple players will get the same score, so I'll ask people with experience in these things to send me some suggestions via PM (in-game or forum, doesn't matter which) concerning prize distribution in such cases.


I'm aware that booze is meant to randomize letters in chat, even add the occasional "hic" every now and then, and that this might make this quest seem difficult, but it is meant for a bit of fun, nothing serious.

After everything is over, I'll ask someone for the chat log, enter every try in a excell spread sheet and calculate the score manually.


Participants will be added under this line via post edit. Signups have ended!


01. rikstar

02. Sir Blut

03. Rophs

04. John Constantine

05. Kamisha

06. lashtal

07. AmberRune

08. Intrigue

09. TheRichMerchant

10. Gljivoje

11. WittyLeWat

12. Samon




1st place:

- Angien Egg, age 1900+ from me (Mythrandir);

- 10 silver from *Dark Demon*;

2nd place:

- Pimped Grasan, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);

- 5 silver from *Dark Demon*;

3rd place:

- Blood PactHeretic Archer, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);

- 3 silver from *Dark Demon*;

4th place:

- 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;

5th place:

- 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;

6th place:

- 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;

7th place:

- 1 pickle from *Syrian*;

8th place:

- 1 pickle from *Syrian*;

Extra (if any):

- 1 silver coin to every participant from me (Mythrandir);



Have fun! :)

Edited by Myth
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These quest is close to my heart:) Count John in.



John Constantine (ID: 242609)


I have free time: Sunday: 18:00 - 23:00 and Monday: 15:00 - 23:00.


PS: I hope I will manage to find out the portal code of Pillars of Harmony first (to get out of GG...)

Edited by John Constantine
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Im in. Anything for a free drink.


My ID is: 3860


As for Saturday I have the whole day open but I would prefer a time between 10:00am and 12:00am UTC if possible. If its not during my day I will try to make it but I cant guarantee anything.  

Edited by Kamisha
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I'd like to thank everyone who signed up and offered to sponsor so far! Took me by surprise a little.. :P


In order to avoid same scores, I'll try to keep the character count of each sentence/phrase around 100. Chat limit is 200, so it should be fine. :P


Also, I was thinking of hosting the event next Saturday (september 6th), and was wondering if you could all edit your posts to add the ID with which you will be participating along with some time frames (server time) regarding each of your availability during that day, so that I could find some middle ground for everyone. :)



Again, thanks! :D

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Final message before the event, containing a few details about what things will be like. :)

*** First thing's first... I made the decision to run the contest for a little over 2 days, starting Saturday at 21:00 ST and ending Monday at 24:00 ST. Decision was made because of the different hours each of you can show up at - I needed a couple of days to ensure I'm there for all of you, and I'll do my best to do so - keep in mind, if our meeting takes place Monday between 09:00 and 17:00, it might go a little slow because I'll be at work. :P

The link below leads to a picture containing your availability, as you gave it to me. Still waiting on rikstar and Rophs, but I'm sure I'll catch them around during the (almost) 2 days.


If any changes occur, please notify me.

*** Moving on. Everyone [b]present[/b] will receive their quotes via in-game PM. I'll begin to hand out the drink as soon as someone's ready to begin - feel free to begin immediately, or after you have all your attempts written down. Here's an example of what you'll be going through:


I'll be asking everyone to follow the format shown in the picture - "Try 1/2/3:"; "Ready!"; "bla bla bla". After each "Ready!" line I'll check the triggers, to make sure the drunken state is active on all 3 attempts - just a precaution. :P

*** Finally, here's how scoring will happen:


I'll replace the "...hic ... " insertion with a "^" so as to reduce the damage it causes. What you're seeing is this:
- line 0: original sentence / phrase;
- lines 1 through 3: the 3 attempts;
- last column: number of characters which landed right / percentage of how accurate the attempt is - actual score.


P.S.: If the images are too small, "Ctrl" + "Mouse Scroll Down", "Ctrl" + "=" or "Ctrl" + "Numpad +" will help.
P.P.S.: Sign-ups still haven't ended yet. :P

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It's ok Intrigue, I'm sure you'll hold your own. :P


Ary, I didn't. I actually counted the chars. But I'm sure it's doable: you need a macro to increment the last cell by 1 for every cell it finds (in a specified range) containing the correct background color. :P


Edit: and to make it easier you can run another macro before the first one, which will change the background color of a cell (to a specific color) if its contents match those of (in this case) its countercell on row 2. :P

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