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Planning to join Marind Bell...


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Hello everyone! 


I've been in the realm for more than two weeks now, and I have traveled around. But I've noticed that I always return to Marind Bell, it's always welcoming and lovely to me. I have friends here already, and my love is also from here. It already feels like home.


So here I am, trying to get a proper citizenship. I have applied, and from what I understood, my poll should start tomorrow at noon, if you would like to vote... 


Thank you, and see you around!  :D

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Everyone else has known you would do this for the past week :P


Well I have been wondering  what land to pick,if any, but I have just made my decision today.

I don't know how everyone knew, or assumed it, but I thought it'd be fair to post here.  :unsure:

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Many of us will vote for your arrival, but in case your voting fails (purely for the inaction of an amount of people, rather than somebody not wanting you here) just check the alternative ways to get the citizenship here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15199-getting-a-marind-bell-citizenship/


p.s. I like your forum avatar :)

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If it wasn't for Blut's guidance you would be Necro :P


Haha,nope, not really! Blut didn't tell me what to do, he actually encouraged me to pick what I feel is best.

If I haven't had that "home" feeling in MB, it would probably be Loreroot. Necrovion is way too dark and scary for my character.  :))


Thank you very much rikstar and Rhaegar!!   :))

Edited by Witty
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