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Pieces of the past (QUEST!)


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Bonus stage now running. Read post at the bottom. Deadline: 8th February 2015, 23:59 ST.


I'll keep it short.


Your goal in order to complete this quest is the following: Find 5 names according to the details given below.

There are 5 short poems located in 5 different locations across the realm which will give a clue as to either the name, tag or a popular spellword used by the respective person.


For clarity, here are the stages:

1. Find the 5 locations.

2. Find the words which reveal the poem at each location.

3. Read and interpret the poems.

4. Send the details to me (via forum PM), as such: Scene - Clickable name (or description) - Key Word - Player Name.



There is an INSTANT win clause. Solve the following puzzle and you win the first prize immediately, regardless of the progress of the other participants. The only clue I can give is that each line of the puzzle may or may not be connected to the rest.









REWARDS (provided by the TKs)

1st prize: Nutcracker

2nd prize: 2 Gold Coins

3rd prize: 1 Gold Coin




I will post (and update) clues as to where these locations are and what their key words are. NOTE that is ALLOWED for you to come and ask me in-game for clues. I will only answer public requests (no PMs, so when you ask consider that someone else may find out the clue too!) and I will not allow chat-spamming to clear it and the use of any chat distorter will disqualify you (from the instant win clause too). I reserve the right to award clues as I see fit. I will label with L clues to locations and with W clues to keywords.

I will provide additional clues in this post if it is deemed that it is too difficult to progress.



1. Clear water (L).

2. What is it that my knife cannot cut? (W).

3. Sword (L).

4. I bring about change. (W).

5. Shelter (L).

6. What am I to a heretic? (W).

7. What treasures do I hide? (L).

8. Keeps home warm (W).

9. Fountain (L).

10. I am mystery (W).


New Clues:

1. All the players you are looking for have also written on my PL.

2. There are no clickables (for this quest) in Necro, GG, or the Laby.


PARTICIPANTS: (post below if you wish to participate and I will list your name here.)


1. Hiria

2. Lintara

3. Asthir

4. Azrafar

5. DD (?)

6. Intrigue

Edited by Aeoshattr
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UPDATE! Winners + bonus round?


I have now received 3 correct (and only) answers, therefore I can announce the 3 winners! The correct answers, as per requested format are as follows; I have also included the clues I left at each location.




1. Marind's Roundabout - tile next to arrow - Love - Lady Renata

Clue at location:

A white rose to bloom,

In my mind I must have you.
A white page on my tomb,
For my pen is dry without you.

2. Willow's Shop Interior - the shopkeeper - Pain - Mcvities shadow

Clue at location

The pain, the pain,
The pain and the black.
Night is your bane 
Yet any light you lack.
Her name you still carry,
To the ground,
You follow her down the alley.
Every move you mirror,
In bright light we have played.
You always get nearer;
Darkness you are yet of the dark you're afraid

3. Heresy Lane - the hut - Home - *Mya Celestia*

Clue at location

On the wind's wings you fly

An angel
Or a bird in the sky?
The root.
Fly high
To the sky
And you may find
Your heart left behind.

4. Defensive Tower Interior - the chest - Flame - Flamewarrior
Clue at location


Jump on the logs.
A tiger,
A warrior nevertheless.
In the bushes,
Waiting to pounce.
A fiery name
In a fiery vein.

5. Fountain of Dark Vibrations - the fountain - mystery - Aeoshattr

Clue at location

  1. First prize: Lintara 
  2. Second prize: Dark Demon
  3. Third prize: Asthir

Note: If requested, I will provide screenshots with the date/time of the received correct answers from each player. 




I will award 5 credits myself to whomever is able to tell me WHY I chose those five names (I.E. what do they have in common?).

While I will accept very punctual answers (E.G. "You chose them because they're your friends" - no, this is not correct), I will rate the received answers based on their level of detail as well as correctitude. Therefore, if following the example above: "You chose them because they're your friends" vs "you chose them because Lady Ren meant this to you, Mcv's shadow helped you with this, etc", the second answer will win, despite not directly stating that they were my friends, but being closer to reality due to detail. ((Does this need clarification?))


Note: I will require two impartial judges, which I will contact myself and update this topic once more when I have their confirmation to help, as I believe it would be unfair for only myself to rate the entries.

Anyone can participate, except for the judges.

DEADLINE! 8th February. 


Don't be afraid to send answers, absolute accuracy does not matter. If you get a part of the answer right, you still have a good chance of winning!


Judges confirmed! Bonus stage is ready to go!

Find out why I chose those particular 5 names for this quest. Send me a forum PM with your answer - be as detailed or stylish as you wish. Detail and style will get you extra points!

Edited by Aeoshattr
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