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mp3 max xp/wins limit

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i have a new character The ReaperDeathSeal

he reached max xp for mp3 with only 65 wins and 22 losses

that isnt even 100 fights total

and now my creatures cant get any wins anymore

it is my opinion that they should be allowed to gain wins up to my 100 win limit for mp3 otherwise why have a limit

they dont gain xp or wins or vp from fights

it is impossible to upgrade them anymore

thanks for listening

now my suggestion is this

allow creatures to still gain wins until the person gets to 100 wins or raise the xp cap to 350k xp or something

it would help out with this problem that is bvecoming more and more frequent

thank you

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I've reached max exp at 52 wins only at mp3. It was painful when I discovered that wins don't count for my creatures. It's not clearly announced in mp4 requrements so people have rights to complain. Especially these who are playing first character and are afraid of poweful mp4 players.

But anyway allowing getting wins for people who reached max exp limit is also not good. We don't need people farming wins at mp3, let they move on to mp4 for that.

I would propose to clarify mp4 requrements in the end of story for mp3.

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I think Morgana means allowing gettings wins only to the count of 100, which is the cap for those who don't reach the exp cap before the won fights one. That way, people would advance with an equal value for both exp and won fights for their creatures.

And yes, people are always asking questions about how to advance to mp4. The story page shows it once it is finished, but perhaps newbies should be able to know beforehand without having to ask others.

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Well when i advanced to MP4 from MP3 i had 177 wins / 203 losses, 230k creature exp, and 310k profile exp from MD shop ( dont ask how i managed to go 30k over the max xp i dont know )

One of the things which i didnt like at first was once i reach max xp, i gain nothing for my creatures, except age, evan worse was no VP from battleing.

But its how this game works deal with it really. If you was able to become a god MP3 it would be pointless advancing you would stay MP3 for ever.

And to have max xp in 65 wins is rather amazing, you must have a powerfull army, i mean wow 200,000 creature xp minimum - 65 wins = 3000 per win. 500 xp per creature per fight.

May i suggest not always attacking powerfull people to get wins / honor, personally i found myself killing people for -1 honor, and they only had 30 creature vitality, thus getting a win for my creatures, and only getting around 100xp from the fight.

Thats a good way to keep xp down, and wins up.

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Yes, but it was such a shame that an mp3 doesn't get well informed before. If I had known of the requirements beforehand I would stop training some creatures that doesn't need xp(for the moment, as they would require much higher vp/vit to upgrade than available for an mp3) and focus on getting wins only. Right now I have a few creatures that need only wins to upgrade, but i can't gain cuz of the xp limit. If I had known beforehand, i could've atked 20 vit guys earlier..\

What's even worse is that i haven't finished the sotry mode yet. I've only played for 9 days when i reached max xp, and since I always choose 24 hours meditation when advancing I still haven't finished the story inspite of a login everyday. Now I have nothing to do but trading grasans (for the VP required to upgrade my dark archers, which I can no longer gain from batles) and voting for free credits...

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To clarify what i meant

thank you glastig that is just about on the spot

First and foremost i did attack people strong as that is how you gain stats and early on stats arent important but later on they are the difference from a win and a victorious

secondly i did farm wins from 20 ve guys quite alot to get my wins on my creatures but sadly yes i did beat shop guardians and dark slime and any other that i could for the xp gain I was so unbalanced with 60 wins and 18 losses that i tried farming losses but that even gave me xp

third and the point of this topic is this







if anyone agrees or disagrees please post why i will be messaging King Manu with the results of this topic and will be inserting a poll if i can

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welll.....then what about when you reach 100 wins but not the exp? the way that is, the creatures would stop getting exp at max wins...on the other hand, 100 wins isn't max like exp, so nevermind. just a thought, lol

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so whatever cap you reach first the creatures will not be affected by an increase of it?

i.e. reach max xp first, creatures no longer gain any xp

reach max wins first, creatures no longer gain any wins

(ahhh line sync - http://xkcd.com/276/, i have a habit of posting xkcd, i just cant seem to quit it)

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How come I gathered ~150k exp and reached XP cap in MP3? And I saw other players with 220-250k XP and still in MP3?

I know that my char reached max xp cap - 280k xp. But why such huge difference?

My char - 280k and my creatures - 150k.

I did not sacrificed any creatures

I did not fought any fights with life steal

I did not participated in any healing rituals.

I checked my fight logs - I always got positive XP.

I always was outbalancing my fights. By that I mean my won/lost fights balance was always around -20. I was doing this on purpose so that I would not get extra xp form fights, that my creatures could get enough won fights and grow old before i reach MP4... And now, I only won about 60 fights and I'm at max xp... What the hell?!

Who could explain me why is that so?

And of course I totally agree with Morgana's idea.

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Here's how I understand it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

When a creature gains XP through fights, it only gains XP in fights which it survives, and it gains the exact amounts shown in the fight log. Those amounts are (usually) proportionate to Vitality damage done to enemy creatures.

When a player gains XP through fights, he gains XP relative to enemy's lost Vitality the same way creatures do. However, he always gain those XP regardless of surviving creatures or battle results.

For example, in a battle where you lose all creatures but still manage to severely damage your opponent, your creatures will gain nothing, but you, the player, will still gain a lot of XP.

These two XP values (creatures' and players') are counted separately. Change to one value doesn't directly affect the other value. This means sacrificing creatures will not affect player XP.

If all this is true, then what you should do to avoid the downside of max XP is to make sure that your creatures survive battles as often as possible, and when you lose, you do as little damage to the opponent as possible.

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Then it makes no sense...

If I win, lets say without any losses:

My character get xp and my creatures get xp, this is great.

If I loose, let say no survivors left:

My character get xp, but my creatures don't, ok, I'm ok with that. This is the idea of the game.

But I always have to balance my fights, so I have to loose! In order to avoid xp gain upon loss I must create defense rituals with only one creature and 0% VE bonus... So I need lots of different rituals, with different creatures set to defense...

Only this way my character won't get xp if I loose the battle...

Am I right?

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Well, another way is to spam several attacks at once on players with low VE and no creatures. This doesn't give NEARLY as much exp and you still get your wins. As for your defense, same principle. minimum creatures and vitality for a ritual. (don't forget you need atleast 301 for a rit!)

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Isn't it 401 rule?

Ok then where is the fun of BATTLE? I love huge battles, that's why I gathered so much xp...

If everybody get some losses by spaming you with single creature attacks and then hide in sanctuary?

Afraid of getting out and getting character xp for loss...

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Ok then where is the fun of BATTLE? I love huge battles, that's why I gathered so much xp...

If everybody get some losses by spaming you with single creature attacks and then hide in sanctuary?

Afraid of getting out and getting character xp for loss...

I think you just nailed one major complaint with the game's current state. :P

But the thing is, the max XP limit only feels so restrictive in MP3, and you have the choice of advancing to MP4 without any significant disadvantage, and when you reach the highest available MP level, the game (as of now) allows you to reset your character XP and keep collecting more.

And most players don't even know or care about this anyway, so you can still occasionally find the big battles you seek. (Note that even if no one plays coward, big battles are still not easy to come by, as one such battle will deplete two players in one go.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
One of the things which i didnt like at first was once i reach max xp, i gain nothing for my creatures, except age, evan worse was no VP from battleing.

But its how this game works deal with it really. If you was able to become a god MP3 it would be pointless advancing you would stay MP3 for ever.

And to have max xp in 65 wins is rather amazing, you must have a powerfull army, i mean wow 200,000 creature xp minimum - 65 wins = 3000 per win. 500 xp per creature per fight.

May i suggest not always attacking powerfull people to get wins / honor, personally i found myself killing people for -1 honor, and they only had 30 creature vitality, thus getting a win for my creatures, and only getting around 100xp from the fight.

To say to just deal with how the game works kind of defeats the purpose of asking for and proposing changes, isn't it? I am also for changing how the MP3 fights/xp count works.

It's my first time playing this game, and I ended up reaching max XP at 80/86 or something along those lines. It's not only frustrating to realize your wins don't count for your creatures anymore, but also hindering later on in the game. Now that I am MP4, lots of my creatures only need more battles won to be upgraded, but given that I never managed to upgrade a lot of them in the first place, because of the lack of being able to get those wins in MP3, I have a fairly weak army, and so far have yet to win a single fight in MP4.

It's not only a matter of wanting to build a powerful army, it's also just playing the game. For me it is practically impossible right now to find an MP4 that doesn't have tons of strong creatures, high stats and great items and on top of that *doesn't* give me 650 negative honor if I do manage to beat him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
First and foremost i did attack people strong as that is how you gain stats and early on stats arent important but later on they are the difference from a win and a victorious

secondly i did farm wins from 20 ve guys quite alot to get my wins on my creatures but sadly yes i did beat shop guardians and dark slime and any other that i could for the xp gain

I was so unbalanced with 60 wins and 18 losses that i tried farming losses but that even gave me xp

if anyone agrees or disagrees please post why i will be messaging King Manu with the results of this topic and will be inserting a poll if i can

I have 64 wins and 56 losses and had to work very hard to get those last four losses. I've hit the XP limit that I never knew exisited. At this point I can still get wins, but they are meaningless. My creatures no longer advance. I've become too powerful to loose unless I put up no defense at all. The game -- one that is the most interesting I've ever encountered -- has suddenly become meaningless.

As near as I can tell, the only way for me to loose XP is to the the defender in a healing ritual, but getting anyone into a healing ritual is worse than pulling teeth.

I worked so hard to keep my wins and losses within four or five of each other, but now I am being punished for having learned too well. It sucks. Morgana's may be the right solution, but I gather from MP4's the situation is not much brighter there.

So I am locked in a situation where all I can do is wander over the same 20 map nodes I've wandered over so many times and see and do nothing new. My interest in the game goes away. And why bother resetting my character when this is only going to happen again. For a game that promotes balance, it does a poor job of rewarding it.

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