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Why do rituals require the user to go and find another player to target before they can be created? Wouldn't it make more sense if you could setup rituals as templates wherever and whenever you wanted via a ritual page of some type?

It's annoying having to find someone who you can attack before you can setup any ritual, especially when you're trying to setup any semblance of defense. I tend to have a wide range between my highest leveled and lowest leveled creatures hence a random defense is horrible.

Beyond this, it's annoying simply having to setup rituals after having the creatures in them die. Given this game's combat is mostly about cycling through wins and losses, having to do this task hundreds of times is laborious at best.

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you can mass produce a particular ritual if you click on the button repeatedly

the whole having to find someone to set up a rit has been brought up before, not sure if anything was decided though

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Yes, I agree, and I think a lot of others do too. I've heard complaints of this since I first joined.

Unless Manu disagrees with allowing rituals to be made without a target, there isn't much reason not to do it now instead of later. It does affect gameplay significantly enough and frustrates a lot of newbies.

About the rituals breaking, that's because having it another way would be conflicting with the concept of the bond between creatures and players this game has. Besides that, it serves as a sort of punishment for losing.

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About the rituals breaking, that's because having it another way would be conflicting with the concept of the bond between creatures and players this game has. Besides that, it serves as a sort of punishment for losing.

Punishment for losing should not be via laborious UI issues. Having the bond break is fine, but why make the player reconstruct what often is exactly the same ritual? Having a template you can rebind wouldn't negate having to heal your creatures and wait for sufficient heal, while also eliminating a really annoying task.

This is a game right? Games are supposed to be fun. I don't find it enjoyable doing repetitive mind numbing tasks. You're already paying for loosing via health loss and regeneration time. Punishing someone via UI elements is just begging for people to quit the game and move on.

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A template? I'm not exactly visualizing what you mean, or if I am, what I think of is basically a ritual. What would be the point of the ritual breaking if you could just rebind it without relearning it? I understand that it can be repetitive and annoying, but changing it would mean changing the concept of the magicduel world. As for myself, I don't mind much at all, as it makes the game more realistic.

Magicduel is fun, for me.

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A template? I'm not exactly visualizing what you mean, or if I am, what I think of is basically a ritual. What would be the point of the ritual breaking if you could just rebind it without relearning it? I understand that it can be repetitive and annoying, but changing it would mean changing the concept of the magicduel world. As for myself, I don't mind much at all, as it makes the game more realistic.

I'm not proposing that they get rid of rituals or having them broken (i.e. loosing the win bonuses). I just would like to see two things:

1) the ability to create rituals without having to find a target

2) the ability to store ritual templates so that you can rebind after having all the necessary creatures healed

There's not change of the magic duel world by adding this feature. Rituals are still broken, you still have to regenerate, you still have to heal, etc. As for being more realistic, as opposed to what? The entire game is fictional and you're playing via pressing buttons on a web page. Movement is via shortcuts, combat is setting a target and selecting a ritual, etc. The entire game is already indirect.

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The problem I have is with number 2. Unless I'm mistaken, that's basically just rituals you're storing, and you can't store rituals in the world of magicduel. They're patterns that are impressed into your creatures minds by the player, and when the creatures die they forget everything.

Magicduel is more realistic as opposed to what game it would be if the concepts of the magicduel world and the game itself weren't in harmony. Maybe you're right, and the little annoyance justifies a disconnect between the two. Personally, I appreciate it.

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I also think that glastig is correct

i had a ritual with almost 200 wins on it and it got broken

it healed over 1500 ve on my creatures which at the time healed them fully cause i had weak creatures lol

but it was lost subsequently i now create mutiple rituals from an idle player in a different scene where i am gonna fight from so that away if it is lost then well i have more

you can create more than just one per fight

i create multiple due to some mp5's abilitys to kick my buttocks easily enough and with not that much vitality doing so saves time and effort and you know you have it

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How are you guys misunderstanding this? This does not change how rituals work in terms of combat at all. You still have rituals. Wins with rituals still contribute bonuses. Breaking a ritual still completely wipes out any benefits the ritual would have had from wins.

Imagine you made a ritual that was decent. It worked well. You don't want to forget what the ritual was just in case it's broken in the future so you write it down and hence can recreate it when necessary. The act of writing it down doesn't change anything about the ritual at all. It just lets you more quickly and accurately recreate the ritual in the future. This is equivalent to what I'm proposing.


Oh forget it, I quit.

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lol, don't need to worry about it so much. Seriously, all you want is a Lazy-Button. It wouldn't help the game at all and would just take up space to let you store the same rit. besides, as i understand it, in later stages you start mixing up your strategy more often otherwise you're predictable and easily beaten.

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lol, you're agreeing with him after he left already?

i get what he means, like a 'remember' button thing, whereby it's just a short cut to teach all the creatures again the smae rit

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One of the first things that I quickly noticed (and hated) was having to remake the rituals. I really dont understand why the game is designed this way.

You should be able to setup rituals and keep them no matter if you win or lose. If you do lose then fine, bring the win/loss ratio back to zero. I play mostly when I am out to sea (Navy) and my bandwidth is horribly slow. I get cracked everytime I step out, it is very hard to get any wins. I am very tired having to make rituals and then guess what? Crack again......

This is not easy mode this is called making it more enjoyable for everyone.

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I think what Kentor meant that after dying creatures can forget the ritual, but player (character) should remember what it consisted of. And in case ritual was broken player could remake it with only one click, provided that all required creatures are alive... ;)

Of course we all agree that we need menu where we could create rituals without a target, but with such "template" button game wouldn't be that realistic.

In other hand maybe there could be such button/template thing for remembering just creatures that participated in that specific ritual, but not their actions and targets... But it's just a thought...

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Wow Snake, that is a lot of Adepts! Hey I was wondering, what all do you get with acquiring adpets? I have a ground shaking (2) and am not sure if I noticed any change to my profile except the number.

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Well, one thing I know does change is the percent of VE you give your creatures in one click. I think for each adept you gain another 8%.. so if you get a lot so that for each click you give more than 100%, you could heal your creatures more than you actually give :)

More features for adepts are supposed to be added "soon," but I don't know Manu's concept of "soon."

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I totally agree with this. I've set the same ritual like thirty times now (hyperbole) and it gets capped.

I lost my ritual earlier today again, (hard to keep them when you are the low end of the totem pole) Even though I did not click DEF for it. (I even had a ritual in there for DEF, but it never uses it.)

So i go find a person who is MP4 (very few of the people are.) and i get attacked three times while trying to set up a new DEF rit and my attack ritual. So I lost my rituals again, before i could even use them to attack the guy i was trying to attack. (He actually attacked me when i set up my DEF ritual killing it.)

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I totally agree with this. I've set the same ritual like thirty times now (hyperbole) and it gets capped.

I lost my ritual earlier today again, (hard to keep them when you are the low end of the totem pole) Even though I did not click DEF for it. (I even had a ritual in there for DEF, but it never uses it.)

So i go find a person who is MP4 (very few of the people are.) and i get attacked three times while trying to set up a new DEF rit and my attack ritual. So I lost my rituals again, before i could even use them to attack the guy i was trying to attack. (He actually attacked me when i set up my DEF ritual killing it.)

If you're confused about why you lost your ritual when you didn't set it to defend, that would be because if there is a lack of rituals set to defend then the last ritual made and on the list is used instead. As for the ritual you set for defense that wasn't used, when there is less than 301 vitality in a ritual, it autoassigns a random one; I don't know if that's what happened for you.

But yeah, the having to make rituals only by attacking others is kind of a hassle, although it's not that big of a deal for me and I even kind of consider it a way of just making the game more challenging for me (like when I'm running around with 100 heads and without a defense ritual). As for the template thing--well, that might be nice, but it also doesn't seem necessary.

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If you're confused about why you lost your ritual when you didn't set it to defend, that would be because if there is a lack of rituals set to defend then the last ritual made and on the list is used instead. As for the ritual you set for defense that wasn't used, when there is less than 301 vitality in a ritual, it autoassigns a random one; I don't know if that's what happened for you.

But yeah, the having to make rituals only by attacking others is kind of a hassle, although it's not that big of a deal for me and I even kind of consider it a way of just making the game more challenging for me (like when I'm running around with 100 heads and without a defense ritual). As for the template thing--well, that might be nice, but it also doesn't seem necessary.

No, there was one set to DEF. I think though, i might have saced the creature for that one, i might have not.

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I totally agree with Kentor, and hope u're still here and didnt get too annoyed..

The easiest way to solve this would be to simply set up the option 'rebind' next to 'unbind'. This would create a copy of the original ritual, but with 0 combo.

I also want the option to see abit more of the status of my ritual:

*Which creatures do they contain?

When in a hurry I sometimes make stupid names on the rituals and forget what it did. Would be cool to have the option 'Ritual information' or something. Also,

*What is the current health of the creatures in the ritual?

It would really improve attack preparations if you could see the vitality of the creatures in the ritual you choose before attacking. It has happened more than once that I've been attacked during my preparations, and when attacking with what I thought was full force there is only one or two creatures left alive, providing a certain loss. When I lose I want to do it because I want to or because I was the less stronger, not because of mistakes or bad luck.

*Some kind of alert when a ritual is not working properly

Once one of my creatures have been upgraded and can no longer make the attacks in the ritual, I want a way to see this.

*As mentioned earlier, the option to refresh rituals

.. I dont see any of the mentioned suggestions as changing gameplay, only allowing better control over the rituals which can be abit hard at times :D

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well i think rituals shouldnt disappear, its really anoying to have to make them everytime you lose. and not only when you lose, cos when i win and a creature dies next time i wanna fight my ritual is incomplete. i think the ritual should remain the same, with the exception that i shouldnt work until you fit the exact missing creature(s) (inluding ID) in the required slot(s). that way it would mean that even though your creatures are dead you still have a bond with them, and can bring the ritual 'back to life' as you revive the needed creatures and make em rejoin the ritual! i think its a good idea :D

sorry for my bad english :)


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I totally agree with this. I've set the same ritual like thirty times now (hyperbole) and it gets capped.

I lost my ritual earlier today again, (hard to keep them when you are the low end of the totem pole) Even though I did not click DEF for it. (I even had a ritual in there for DEF, but it never uses it.)

So i go find a person who is MP4 (very few of the people are.) and i get attacked three times while trying to set up a new DEF rit and my attack ritual. So I lost my rituals again, before i could even use them to attack the guy i was trying to attack. (He actually attacked me when i set up my DEF ritual killing it.)

What about a simple revive ritual option, where a broken ritual can be restarted. The combo's is reset to zero and you essentially have a new ritual without all the steps...

It is tedious, 5 clicks everytime I think, and one of the pages simply lists all your creatures and id's, then the next one shows the creatures with how you want them to attack, I say remove the id page, and just include the id's with the att option page.

Also, what about adding the percent option to the att option page and reduce it one further...or maybe have a default that you normally use, rather than 50% all the time, which I rarely use.

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