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I'd like to say, out of character, that I've been having an absolute blast here lately. And if I were able to give awards for roleplaying excellence, the list would be too long to address easily. Renavoid, you are in the top few on that count.

Anyway, here is a new piece. It is entitled "Wodin confronts Khalazdad before the Gates of the Ages."

Its back to character for me now...



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Added a new fan art. Much to Glai's dismay, yes, it is another one of Wodin.

I tried to bribe him with it, hoping that he'll let me toss him into the fish fountain, but that didn't work. xP

Eh well. At least it didn't suffer from the Minory Effect (i.e. get really smudged).

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I think you forgot that you promised fanart of me. )': Honestly, if it isn't in your heart, and you vastly prefer Wodin for some reason (as I would assume by the choice of topic for this last piece), please don't draw it. I'd rather not have art drawn with the compulsion of someone other than the artist.

Translation: I'm hurt, Yami~ Drawing Wodin.. instead of me, once again. Just don't bother now D: I know your true feelings.

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I think you forgot that you promised fanart of me. )': Honestly, if it isn't in your heart, and you vastly prefer Wodin for some reason (as I would assume by the choice of topic for this last piece), please don't draw it. I'd rather not have art drawn with the compulsion of someone other than the artist.

Translation: I'm hurt, Yami~ Drawing Wodin.. instead of me, once again. Just don't bother now D: I know your true feelings.

I swear, I will draw you Glai! D=

I just really, really wanted to throw Wodin into the fountain. ><;

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No, don't draw me /: I don't want to be drawn. My glory is too great for someone like you to capture. And don't be offended; only the greatest masters would be able to manage it. It has grown ten-fold by forgiving you for that unforgivable slight.

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No, really, I'd rather she not draw me. :o Lu is the only one I'd allow to draw my magnificence now. She is the only one capable of discerning my image, so bright and glowing that it burns the eyes of other artists. She's the only one who deserves the honor of drawing me.

If anyone drew some picture of a goat and called it me, you can be sure it isn't.

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@Glai: You're a really mean goat, you know that? D=

@Bunny: Does reverse psychology ever work?...*thinks for a second*...okay, yeah it works. "Do Not Push" buttons are the bane of my existence.

@Chewett: 'Kays, guess I'll draw one for him too.

...So here's what I've got on my agenda:

Grido's birthday picture <-- up first because it's loong overdue

Ren's glamor shot

Glai <-- you're still on it...maybe. Depends on if I have time.

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First off, I'm not a goat. Second, I'm not mean; don't think I'm putting you down by saying you can't draw me. Drawing me is a privilege, whatever you feel.. yet I don't recall that you were the one who came up with the idea (indeed, I had to prompt you, quite unnaturally), and you've already picked others over me in any case now.

You might've had a shot a while back, but now it's different.. My brilliance has grown beyond your grasp. Know that whatever you draw, no matter how you relate it to me, it won't resemble me in the least, and I won't pretend that it does. I decree that you've lost the right. You might feel that I'm irrationally offended, but really, that's how it is. You, however, should strive to be reasonable and just consider my wishes.

I should not have brought it up in the first place when you didn't volunteer, I guess, but I could help but feel the need to enlighten you. *coughit'sallyourfaultMBWodinRencough*

Translation: In all honesty, my pride won't allow me to be drawn if the artist doesn't truly want to draw me, and that's what your actions have shown (me, at least, and I'm the only one who matters). Now, any drawing of me would feel false, and that would not be a gift in the least. Words won't change it.

Don't be a stickler on it. It would just make me feel uncomfortable, and I still love you despite the insult. </3 Don't think badly of me, either; just try to understand. These are my true feelings.

I still need to do some fanart.. but I'm waiting for some sort of inspiration. :)

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Hmm, well, I said I would do some fanart, and came up with a simply fantastic idea--a scribble version of Manu-tree. I plan to create more versions later, which I will post. You will see how the tree grows. At the moment it looks rather lonely, but hopefully it will grow as pretty as Bob when it blossoms. Maybe they're cousins of some sort?


A tree for me

for a fairy I be

who larks about

and merrily shouts

at louts-

those who pose

and turn the nose

at the majesty

of the tree.

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