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Combat, Did you know?


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  • Root Admin

When attacking in a statless enviroment (e.g. BHC) you actually are given 1500 max vitality each and every time?

Did you know some NPC's could cripple you, causing you to use 0% vitality when you fight them?

More "Did you know" to come, as I continue to entirely rip apart combat and rewrite it all.

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  • Root Admin

There are a number of ritual types according to the combat system. A defensive one (used when defending), an attacking one (used when attacking), a random one (used whenever a random ritual is chosen) and a forth "Smart" type. This type, when used, profiled the defense ritual it was fighting and attempted to produce the best counter ritual.

The core 100 lines of code profiled the creatures used, classifying them into defensive/offensive/weak/strong and devised a counter ritual to best defend against the attack. This ritual type isnt currently used but will be making a comeback for some special NPC's.

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