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Posted (edited)

Well, this is not much of a "how to" topic but more of a research. As the documentation/questions about it are not public, i will start this topic to start the public research on it

I will write what I know about this topic and what I want to know and I will update it as (and if) information comes in.


Please stay on topic




How is rain triggered?

- but automatic triggering

- by spells (who has them ... I don't remember right now)


What is rain useful for ? / What does rain do ?

- generates (directly and indirectly) 2 kinds of resources : water & rain water

- rain refills the "water holes" (scene with water in it) if there is a certain "sky condition" in that scene (to be updated)

- rain can generate "rain water" by using a "rain collector" during a rain


How many kinds of rains are there ?

- Mild rain - ????

- Heavy rain

- Storm

... and some more. Do you know more rain types ?


How do rain fills in the "water holes" ?

Well, this I don't know. I know that there are percentages of the max water in the location that is refilled during a rain. But that's about it.



- how much is it refilled ?


- is there a fixed length of the rain or is it based on the name/kind of the rain ?

Rein Length

It seems that each type of rain will change the length:

 - heavy rain - 80 min @ lvl 1  - confirmed only by an  announcementat 80 min

 - heave rain - 160 min @ lvl 2

 - Storm - random amount of time ranging from 16min (quick summer storm) to over three hours @ lvl 1

- how does the length of the rain influences the refilling ?




If you know something about rain and you're in the mood for sharing the information then please share it.


Warning: off topic comments will be ... moderated

Many thanks to
 - Aethon for pointing weather types and water holes
Edited by No one

From what I've noticed, I think 1 water gets refilled for every full 20 or 30 minutes of rain. It's not entirely clear, but it's the impression it gave me.


I've also noticed that the length of rain is different, sometimes even between the same type of rain. This might also be just an impression, but if it is the case, then I'd wager this length depends on spell level.

Posted (edited)


What is rain useful for ? / What does rain do ?

- generates (directly and indirectly) 2 kinds of resources : water & rain water

- rain refills the "water holes" (scene with water in it) if there is a certain "sky condition" in that scene (to be updated)

- rain can generate "rain water" by using a "rain collector" during a rain


Is it worth also stating that rain can cause "water holes" to over flow, raising it's harvestable amount above the maximum - i.e. 6/5?


Spell Length




Areas that increase when raining



Edited by Aethon

Thank you Aethon,

Interesting announcement you found about Spell Length https://magicduel.co...ement/view/2613


We still lack the times for the other types of rain.


Also, we don't know how much it refills the water holes.

For example, today, i've just witnessed a Mildrain which raised the water to 6/20 or 3/10 (i think). Interesting is to know that in one place it filled from 6 to 12 water and in another from 0 to 6. So it doesn't seem to behave like normal resource refilling routine.


Based on those numbers (6-12 and 0-6) it would seem that the refill rate is linear, and perhaps based on spell level (or type). Unless the maximum scene values are proportional to the amounts refilled, in which case it goes back to not knowing if the refilling is linear or %.


Did you happen to notice the length of the rain which caused that?

Posted (edited)

It would be logical to think that heavy rain would cause a greater refill that light rain, but we know that sometimes logic doesn't work in MD :P


As far as I know there's only Mild Rain and Heavy rain? Or, at least I think, it's only those two that actually have an effect on water levels. I don't think it rains during storm, though...I may be incorrect as I've never tried collecting during one. :P


Update: Storm does indeed produce rain water! :D

Edited by Aethon

Today a storm appeared in MD.


It lasted for approx. 1 hour. No water resources were raised.


Area used for this test: Well of Tears

Sky Visibilty: Sky is visible





More tests to be done! :D

Posted (edited)

This morning, Fenth Beach and Golem's Mill were both at 0 Water. I think there was only 1 cast of rain through the day.. in any case, Fenth Beach went up to 5, while Golem's Mill went to 12. I don't know how long the rain lasted, but that's giving me a % refill feeling.


Edit: though the numbers don't exactly add up... that's a 25% refill for 1 scene, and 20% for another...

Edited by Myth

This morning, Fenth Beach and Golem's Mill were both at 0 Water. I think there was only 1 cast of rain through the day.. in any case, Fenth Beach went up to 5, while Golem's Mill went to 12. I don't know how long the rain lasted, but that's giving me a % refill feeling.


Edit: though the numbers don't exactly add up... that's a 25% refill for 1 scene, and 20% for another...


Some scenes seem to raise by 1 water every x mins (we have yet to work out if timings are set or random) whilst others considerably more. The minimum amount raised however is 0.25, I believe. Also heavy rain may cause a greater increase that light rain (not tested; theory only) and stormy weather seems to have no affect on the increase of water, even though rainwater may be collected...


T'is a tricksy system and it wouldn't surprise me if it were flawed slightly?


(Give me a message when you're free and I can set up some more weathers to test. :D)


There's still quite a few "tests" to be done. It seems to be a lot trickier than I anticipated.

Posted (edited)

Provided depletion occurred as expected, water levels this morning (following a rain cast of unknown - to me - duration) were:


- 0/10 became 6/10

- 0/20 became 6/20

- 0/60 became 12/60


Throwing % idea away.


New theory: a threshold of X max water at which regeneration gets doubled. Comes in 3 steps:

- 5-9 max water = normal regeneration

- 10-[value?] max water = normal regeneration * 2

- [value?]-[value?] max water = normal regeneration * 4


This can't be tested between steps 2 and 3, since there are no in between max water values from 20 to 60. However, tests can be done by completely depleting areas with 5, 8, 10 and 20 water, calling rain, and observing said location. I anticipate regeneration of 3, 3, 6 and 6 for the mentioned values. (might be different for 8; range of normal regeneration could very well be <=5; no idea, not tested)



EDIT 1: Raven's Peace was at 10/20 this morning. Was it completely depleted last night?


EDIT 2: Marind's Roundabout was at 6/8 this morning. Was it completely depleted last night?


EDIT 3: Fountain of Dark Vibrations was at 3/5. I'll assume it was completely depleted.

Edited by Myth

At about 12:00 today, a 20-30 minute mild rain took place. Quite possibly triggered by system, considering activity.


Refills were quite low:

- 0/5 became 1/5

- 1/8 became 2/8

- 0/10 became 2/10

- 0/15 became 2/15

- 0/20 became 3/20

- 0?/60 became 8/60

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