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MDNP Recruitment

Kyphis the Bard

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Hello all!

As was discussed in Nimrodel's topic, efforts have been underway to revive the Newspaper, formerly known as the Golden Globe Gazette. I have been working on getting things setup for over a year now, and things are finally at a point that we can move ahead.


Newspaper Revival

Working with a small team of players, the new team will be writing articles about the large events that occur each year in MD, as well as the smaller player initiatives like quests and role-play events that might otherwise be missed. We will be including interviews of players, blog entries by some of our members specially written for the paper, and small puzzles and games to keep you entertained.
It is our hope to be able to showcase the work people create both under their own initiative and for quests, so feel free to contact us if you any and poems, short stories, or pieces of art you are proud of.


How you can be involved

While we do have a healthy team right now, life can always interrupt our plans. If you think you have skills as an interviewer, columnist, journalist, or editor - or even if you simply think you would like to try your hand at any of these tasks - feel free to post in this topic and we can discuss what sort of talents you might be able to bring.

The newspaper itself is designed not to be a huge commitment for anyone while still producing quality work, with a target release schedule of four times a year and at least a month after the major community events, to give people time to relax, unwind, and compose articles for reader enjoyment. Out target article length is a half page to a page, although if something really grabs your passion we won't ask you to cut it short!
We are planning our first release at the end of January 2016.

The team so far

The following people have committed their time to help make this project a success. If you reading this see a skill that you feel is not properly covered, and would like to be involved, feel free to speak up.

  • Pipstickz  -  Editor
  • Kyphis   -   Editor
  • Nimrodel   -   Reporter
  • Rophs   -   Columnist
  • dst   -   Columnist
  • Jubaris  -  Interviewer/Columnist
  • Ivorak   -   All Rounder
  • Aethon   -   All Rounder
  • Neno Veliki   -   Artwork
  • gonzalocsdf   -   Artwork
  • Grido   -   Process Consultant
Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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