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The Obsidian Mirror - Night Quest

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Ahh, so within you have gazed...


Come, come closer now.

No need to be scared, is there? Unless... Yes, unless your mind is not prepared. 

Come, come. I will help you.

I will light your path, so in the mirror yourself you may see, 

But before that, you must prove yourself to me.


Show me:

Attunement to the dim blur of dark,

Perception of the subtle art.

Patience for the dawn to come

Wit for it all to sum.


Come to me, and I will point you to your first step.


Or for those who want less fancy words


Approach me in-game, and I will point you to the first of 4 tasks listed above. The 1st step you only need to take once. The sequence 2nd - 3rd - 4th can be completed as many times as you wish, if you've already completed the first step once. Completion of the 4th step will award you with an Imprinted Dark, which will enable you to experience the Night at the time you so desire.


OOC Notes:


For personal time management reasons, I am only willing to accept 3 participants at a time, until my schedule allows me to accept more. One step has a time limit, and failing it will disqualify you until the next New Moon, or for a minimum of 24 hrs.


Edited by Aeoshattr
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  • 1 month later...

Currently the 3 slots are taken. I have removed the possibility of a queue, since after some thought I decided it is bad practice. 

Things to keep in mind:

  1. I will announce when I can take more participants.
  2. Failure of Perception will no longer move you to the back of the queue (as there is no queue anymore). It will disqualify you and your participant slot will be treated as free. You may reapply only after the next calendaristic New Moon, or a minimum of 24 hrs after your disqualification.
  3. I strictly reserve the right to pause the quest at my discretion, however I will not halt it as long as a participant is still active in it (except under extraordinary circumstances, such as them leaving the game, etc; think of it as a cashier closing the desk, I will stop accepting participants but wait for existing ones to finish.)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

I am not sure this can be considered a PERMANENT quest//

a permanent quest would be a quest that can be supervised ultra easy and does not require your constant involvement.


Repeating yes, advertise it maybe, but i don't think its permanent... please contradict me if you think i am wrong.


Maybe show me you have this semi automated and that having just 3 slots is due to other reasons not because that is all you can handle at one time, because if so that is not really a permanent quest. there might be a language issue here, by permanent i always meant a quest that can run on its own...like the challenges i made, or something that can run unattended and just a judge to make sure the results are valid.....but again maybe i don't understand your quest?


Also, there is weird rule in md, no mirrors.  You can use what you have there, but mention is non reflective, i would deny/confiscate/reject any mirror that shows up in the realm out in the open..at most when it comes to mirrors i can pretend i don;t know they are traded or owned by someone. NO MIRRORS, ...by obsidian is non reflective unless is ultra shiny, so you must mention there somewhere it is not usable as an actual mirror, or if you need an actual mirror i am really sorry but this won;t happen.

(the story and reasons behind this outrageous rule are there, and have their beauty trust me)



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9 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

Repeating yes, advertise it maybe, but i don't think its permanent... please contradict me if you think i am wrong.

Also, there is weird rule in md, no mirrors.  You can use what you have there, but mention is non reflective, i would deny/confiscate/reject any mirror that shows up in the realm out in the open..at most when it comes to mirrors i can pretend i don;t know they are traded or owned by someone. NO MIRRORS, ...by obsidian is non reflective unless is ultra shiny, so you must mention there somewhere it is not usable as an actual mirror, or if you need an actual mirror i am really sorry but this won;t happen.

(the story and reasons behind this outrageous rule are there, and have their beauty trust me)

Hi Mur. 

I was just asking if this could be pinned. If you don't think it's suitable for this (as it does, indeed, require more of my attention than other permanent quests), then you don't have to pin it. I would put it on my Quest page... if I had one... 
As a short explanation, I can only take 3 people at a time at this moment because of the fact that it does require me to pay attention to the questers and I don't have enough time for more. I may decide to employ a coder to make a clickie that could do some of the stuff that I do automatically.

As for the Obsidian Mirror, I know :) no mirrors in MD. I have always RPd it as not being able to reflect an image, or if it does it is simply a blurry figure. Like a shadow cast on any other surface. It is named 'mirror' because it looks like one, rather than because it has the same function.

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  • Root Admin

My comments where actually unrelated with the request to pin the topic. I will let mods do that if they considered. I just talked about if it is a permanent quest or not. I can be pinned even if its not probably, for a limited time... But my main concern was to explain how i see permanent quests, thats all.


Ok about the "mirror" 

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