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Caretakers and The Dead


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In regards to Mur's announcement we Caretakers have began a new stage in our life.  Instead of trying to just bury or cremate the dead, now we are also charged with helping those who wish it back to life.  We have already had a few people step forward with flowers to try and bring back their kin.  We are working diligently on this project and will do our best to get those back to life.  Of course there are a few details to work out in order to comply with what Murs/chewys ideas are for these changes in dynamics. 


Before we had Molquert to bring those back to life who could pass the challenges faced in order to be revived.  In the same we we also don't want to make it to where you just throw some flowers and poof they are revived.  Therefore it will be more like a repeatable quest that will involve people helping to revive a dead person.  More details will be posted as soon as we have an official write up on the quest.  Until then please have patience and enjoy your new death.  Please forum pm or in game message me with the name of the person you wish to revive.  We are making a list and revivals will be done as unbiased as possible, based on who has the requirements met and order of requests.  Any questions please feel free to contact me, we CTs want to ensure that people don't feel left out or abandoned. 


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Sorry for the long wait for an update.  With the birthday party and all the new changes its been a very busy time for everyone.  We have come up with a quest and as soon as we have the tools to start, it will be announced and we will start getting people back to the world of the living.  If anything I hope that death teaches us patience.  It will be a permanent quest that requires patience and foot work.

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