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Actually, that wouldn't be all bad. They wouldn't get to hide behind their little walls then.

That post is just ignorant and foolish.

No need for me to explain.



That post is just ignorant and foolish.

No need for me to explain.



Where does Khal find these guys?

Does self-righteousness one of the prerequisites to join the Necrovion alliance, or is that part of the indoctrination?


Note № 4 - Personal needs (Shades and I and strategy how to destroy them) (mini-note)

I spend little time and from previous note and make new theory - how I can fight with shades. I believe, there is some difference between shades of Necrovion and liquid dust. If that experiment will work ( turning balance to light or dark side), then I will be able fight with shades by turning my personal balance to harmony. I don't know this clearly... If war will cause great unbalance - and shades become "bigger" then that's the way to fight them.... Will keep gathering information.

P.S. Actually King Manu don't know about my notes or researches. I just start put here some of my ideas. That's all my initiative :D .

P.S. Actually King Manu don't know about my notes or researches. I just start put here some of my ideas. That's all my initiative tongue.gif

Actually I don't think thats what Ren was Referring to.... B)


Note № 5 (Device for protection - Page 2)

I was thinking about device, that will protect from shadows and it connection with windmill. If war will be started this weapon, that can cut wind will be needed. If in case with that sign on the wall, we must remove that lines, so the movement will be continued. And in case with windmill, if we want to remove that lines and make the spyral, we just need to make that building work. But how? I need some help.


Yes, yes.... please remove the crossed lines from the walls.... fix your windmill... make the air swirl again!


Note № 8 ( Marind's case )

I have some misunderstanding and need some help. Give me your point of view and I will be happy,

1. Is that Jack Willow imprisoned Marind? But why? This cube was made or by J.W. or by W.G. (99%). Then, maybe, that cube not a prison at all? Just support for spirt in order keep it alive. As I know she can freely go out from that cube.

If that cube - prison, then why somebody want to imprison Marind... That shade ( Jack or somebody else... ) give it to order help Marind... so the most possible theory - that not a prison at all.

And, yes, ---->

2. Why Marind destroying balance of the shades? Quote : “is Marind that is causing all this. She kept her identity when she died ... and she is simply destroying our balance"(Meeting the Shades, post #4). There are two possibilities:

First - she destroying balance just by fact, that she alive ( not purposeful)

Second - She destroy balance by her strength ( purposeful )

My opinion - first possibility... And, yes ---->

3. If shade that give white cube want to help Marind, then he one of possible allies?

Will be glad to hear your opinion. Tomorrow contest will end...

Time for action.



#1 I don't think the cube is a prison it is a fortress. You enter the cube to escape the neverending blackness (theory...you enter the cube from the blackness of the house of liquid dust?). The cube although uncomfortable and mindboggling....is your savior from the shades. It is protection. No idea who might have made it though.

#2 Marind is not alive she is a ghost. Aren't shade the tortured souls of necrovians? From what I understand shades do not retain individuality...each is like a drop of water in the sea, and without a mass conciousness or action they are individualy relatively harmless. I believe that Marind disturbs this balance because although dead, she keeps her memories, and fights for her own purpose. She will not join with them, and she is strong in her own right.

#3 The shade does give the cube, and ought to be counted an ally, but my question is...is that really a shade? Is he angien? Is he other? I am not convinced the offerer is a shade, and strongly doubt it in fact. After all, it is my belief that the cube protects from shades, and liquid dust, neverending black....etc. It would be illogical for a shade to be offering the salvation of the cube, against the destruction by himself.

That's what I think.

Note № 8 ( Marind's case )

I have some misunderstanding and need some help. Give me your point of view and I will be happy,

1. Is that Jack Willow imprisoned Marind? But why? This cube was made or by J.W. or by W.G. (99%). Then, maybe, that cube not a prison at all? Just support for spirt in order keep it alive. As I know she can freely go out from that cube.

If that cube - prison, then why somebody want to imprison Marind... That shade ( Jack or somebody else... ) give it to order help Marind... so the most possible theory - that not a prison at all.

And, yes, ---->

2. Why Marind destroying balance of the shades? Quote : “is Marind that is causing all this. She kept her identity when she died ... and she is simply destroying our balance"(Meeting the Shades, post #4). There are two possibilities:

First - she destroying balance just by fact, that she alive ( not purposeful)

Second - She destroy balance by her strength ( purposeful )

My opinion - first possibility... And, yes ---->

3. If shade that give white cube want to help Marind, then he one of possible allies?

Will be glad to hear your opinion. Tomorrow contest will end...

Time for action.

Alrighties...Time for me to stop lurking and answer a few questions and drop off a few theories of my own. ^^

1. Jack Willow did not imprison Marind. To the best of my knowledge, neither Willow nor Wind made the cubes.

2. The quote from the Shade Sentinel (I believe that's who said it) explained it quite clearly. Marind caused the unbalance by keeping her identity even though she died, which implies that one is not supposed to do that. So...I guess people who die lose their sense of self (i.e. identity) and becomes one with the Shades.

3. Oh boy...hm...don't know how I should answer this one. =/

Well...I'm not 100% sure who's the dude passing out cubes, but he isn't exactly our ally. And as for helping Marind...I don't think that's up very high on his To-Do List either.

Sorry if that last answer is very vague/unsatisfactory. I don't want to say anything that I shouldn't have or anything that's inaccurate. ^^;

this should help a little and, do you havve any info on the cross and spiral beside it related to the wind mill
That depends on what you want to know about it. ;)
anything useful or less so
That's rather vague...xD

I'm not sure what you would consider to be useful. ;);

Well, for starters, I'd suggest reading over some of the threads in this sub-forum. It's an older and deader thread, but there's still useful information in it (and a few good laughs). lol

I'd also suggest asking a more specific question in the future. If you want to be hush-hush about it, shoot me a PM. ^^


First off, About the house itself, i keep wondering if it is boarded up to keep us out, or to keep something locked in, and if it is something locked it, what is the dust then, a by-product of of this detention? a catalyst to the detention? or an unintended side effect of an experiment? (perhaps a result of the Golemus experiment to control a shade? as stated by the Shade sentinel)

From what i know, Shades are a mirror of the Angians, so where ANgians reprisent Light, day, Wind and the sky;

The broken windmill (anti-air), Liquid dust falling from the house onto the ground (oposed to the Specs of light rising up into the air from the Angiens city)

It also seems to exist solely in the dark, and be almost solid when contained in such a manner (uneven planks holding it in), but when touched by light, turns to liquid, and when long term exposure leads to total disintegration of the dust.



I think it's boarder up to keep us out - You can notice, that near the house there is head on pike. Maybe, someone, who put it there was hoped that we will scared, and will not looking the way inside. (sry for bad english :P ).

Okay, Khal already enter in the house of Liquid dust and we will looking for confirmation of our theoris. From now look me near house.

and looking for updates)))

  • 1 year later...

Hmmm sorry if I shouldn't revive this but in the Lore about Jack Willow it says:

"In the battles with the Tainted Sages of Necrovion, he became known as “Fortune’s Son” for he was the only Berserker ever to venture head first into battle and never receive a scratch. Actually, except his childhood scars which also healed in time, Willow never had a mark on his body. Many portraits of him during that time and in his later years show Jack Willow as a beautiful man with a clean skin and gentle eyes..."

Now I hardly think that the skull/face on the spike is Jack Willow's. Also, He never received a scratch even though he was always going head first into battles Time mastery? therefore able to dodge attacks knowing when to dodge(knowing what rit to use to go around defensive rits set XD )

Another reference to Willow and his inability to be harmed(Also a Time Principle reference?):

Page 156 [2008-08-07 03:14:05 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.]
Khalazdad, having concluded that Willow’s incapacity to be harmed was his downfall in the House of Liquid Dust, makes his way to the entrance. He is confident that his vulnerability will allow him to be transformed. Khalazdad’s lungs begin to burn as his feet move the dust. The darkness is heavy, energized by an intangible force. He can feel the memory of another man, in the same spot, long…or soon, in here it is all the same. Breathing deeply, his lungs are ablaze, he feels weak and yet strong; a hollow voice booms out “At last you have come, I have waited so long…..”

According to someone earlier stating about how the cube feels familiar to the gates somehow and knowing that Jack Willow made the Gates through his Transposition principle, no doubt Jack Willow was the one that created the cube. Whether he was the one that gave you the cube or not who knows.

If you still want a way to get into the house of liquid dust, I suggest either doing it during a storm with heavy rains, or causing your own flood. reason for this is from the Adventure logs.(I knew reading them all would be profitable)

Page 94 [2008-05-26 03:56:20 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.]
It seems the water he jumped in is much more than a water, or at least for him it is. It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth.

I might have a couple more things to state/comment about but I'm too tired to compose another more thoughts right now.

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