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Make a new Cake or Tea

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While this was done last year also, it was still a fun quest. Write a new recipe or make a new ritual of how you would make cake or a cup of tea with the ingredients found in MD and post them in this thread.






Only the ingredients found in MD are accepted.






1st: 2 gc + 10 SC + 4 wookie points
2nd: 1 gc + 5Sc + 3 wookie points
3rd: 10 sc + 2 wookie points
Others  1 wookie point for participating


Quest will be open until the end of the festival.



1st: Nimrodel, 2 gc + 10 SC + 4 wookie points
2nd: lashtal, 1 gc + 5Sc + 3 wookie points
3rd: Aeoshattr, 10 sc + 2 wookie points
Others: blackshade rider gets 1 wookie point for participating

Edited by Lintara
Results are up!
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Well i have my chawan so ill base a new tea recipe from what i know from using the chawan

Hellacious Tea 

Uses 3 

When consumed : This tea Will give small temporally stats for Attack, defense, power, and luck. Along with the same benefits Aromatic tea has.


What is needed:

2 heat stones

10 cups of cold tea

1 flask of toxic extract 

5 tea leaves

2 rock slat


How to make:

First take 1 heat stone(s) and heat up the 10 cups of cold tea and bring it to a slight boil. While heating the 10 cups of cold tea take the other heat stone(s) and use it to heat up the flask of toxic extract and bring it to a boil . Be careful not to inhale the fumes while the toxic extract is boiling. After the toxic extract has boiled for 10 minutes take it away from the heat and let it cool down. Set the flask on a sturdy table and put the 2 rock salt in the extract to get rid of the bitterness.

While the Flask of toxic extract is cooling take the 5 tea leaves and add it to the slightly boiling 10 cups of cold tea. This is to make the tea stronger. Let it continue to slightly boil for 5 minutes then take away from heat.

Once you take the once 10 cups of cold tea off boiling pour the toxic extract into the now 5 cups of hot tea and stir it till its mixed well. Let the Now "Hellacious Tea" cool down before enjoying. But be careful not to drink to much you may get sick or even die





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Lorerootian Tea Loaf


4 units of tea leaves

Candied Cherry (2 units)

Dried Prunes (2 units)

Bushies (1 unit)

Rainbow candy (2 units)

unidentified plants (5 units)

Sticky goop (4 units)

water (2 units)

Bag of spices (1 unit)

Cherry Jam (1 unit)



  1. Put the tea leaves in cake tin and pour 300ml hot water over them. Leave for a good 10 mins to infuse. Squeeze them out and throw them away, then mix the fruit (Candied cherry, dried prunes, bushies) into the tea. Leave the mixture to soak for at least half an hour. Crush the rainbow candy into fine powder. Grind the unidentified plants into a fine flour.
  2. Heat the cake tin. Stir the crushed candy, flour, bag of spices, water and sticky goop into the fruit ad stir.
  3. Bake the cake for 30 minutes till firm.
  4. Serve with Cherry Jam and aromatic tea.
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From what I'm reading, it doesn't have to be Loreroot themed, right? Feel free to ignore my post, if it does.

Necrovian Bitter (Tea) - 4 portions


  • Mineral Water (x4)
  • Toxic Herbs (x4)
  • Tea Leaves (x4)
  • Solid Stench (x1)
  • Heat Stone (x1)


  1. Warm the teapot with the heat stone.
  2. Melt the Solid Stench into the teapot. Hopefully you weren't planning on ever using it for anything else again.
  3. Add the toxic herbs. Definitely not to be used for anything else again.
  4. Let the toxic herbs simmer in the melted stench.
  5. Add the tea leaves. Maybe that will help with the awful smell.
  6. Add the mineral water. It has to be cold, to douse the simmering herbs.
  7. Wait until completely cold.


  1. Serve only if completely cold.
  2. Can be had with a pickle.
  3. Should always be served with a healthy dose of self-loathing and misery.
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Rumors about this tea recipe circulated a long time ago, but only within a restricted circle of people.. Ancient explorers and mountaineers considered it the only way to resist the harsh temperatures of mount Kelle'tha.

Back then cows, milk and butter were largely unknown, so grasans's fat was the key ingredient to assure protection against freeze.

Anti-freeze tea

Ingredients and materials for a party of 3 people: 

  • 3 units of mineral water;
  • 3 units of tea leaves;
  • 1 to 3 units of aromatic leaves (not strictly necessary, but essential if you dislike the smell of grasans);
  • 3 units of grasan's fat (important: fat has to be collected from a grasan with anti-freeze token);
  • 2 to 3 heat stones (yeah, it's a lot but melting grasan's fat require high dedication);
  • 3 tea cups;
  • 1 big teapot;
  • 1 long stick to stir the infuse (a branch or a bone would do the trick);
  • 1 cutting tool for the fat (a dagger is better than a saw, a saw is better than an axe).


  1. Spread the tea leaves on the bottom of the teapot.
  2. Add mineral water and wait a few minutes.
  3. Separately, cut the fat into small dices.
  4. Use the first heat stone to heat the teapot and bring the infuse to boiling point.
  5. Add the fat dices progressively, stirring the infuse continuously.
  6. If the mixture ceases to boil, use another heat stone (it should keep boiling).
  7. Optional: once all the fat has been added, pour the aromatic leaves (don't stop stirring).
  8. Once all ingredients are placed, use one last heat stone to increase the temperature and keep stirring to obtain an homogeneous (sort of...) mixture.
  9. Pour the anti-freeze tea into the tea cups.

Anti-freeze tea should be consumed very hot.

Can be served with cookies, but don't expect your breathe to improve.

Watch out for pimped grasans: they love the stench of their peers and may come to you for a french kiss.

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