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Drachorn Haven


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grreetings little ones

as mentioned in my application i will be opening a drachorn haven

this means i will dedicate all my slots to safekeep any drachorns from the cruelty of men, who use them to fight their battles to the death, just for their stupid amusement. anyone who wishes to donate their drachorn to this cause is welcome to do so, just contact me with your request.

to not fully depend on volounteers i will also try to purchase some drachorns if they are offered on the market, in order to get the coins there might be commercial events from time to time, however my inventory is limited so donations to this cause would also be welcome

lets make this a better place for the drachorns to live in, and maybe one day you will see that they are not beasts but you are the savages, and that the chains are applied at the wrong end


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I am shocked you think a Drachorn not fighting is a happy Drachorn...please explain how you arrived at such ideas?

Also they do not die just (or EVER) by fighting.  They die by abandonment, so it would be better to discourage that by some way instead of to discourage fighting...like a pound, but for Drachorns.  


I remember reading in the adventure log that sacrificing of angiens was excessive, but fighting??  Presumably a similar truth is in play with drachs 

As far as us being the savages...this is obvious from the artwork alone, you can see "us" depicted in it, just like with the joker.

Also amusement is NOT stupid...


Edited by klatdees
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How I read this: A wild cat thinks that a cat who's a person's pet is under cruel treatment.
What do you know about said person's love/care/treatment for his pet cat?

Moving away from the analogy, I suppose drach's dont have claws, sharp teeth, fire breathing and superior combat abilities (relative to other creatures) because they dislike fighting and love peace? 

I think someone who's training his/her drachorn is not treating it cruelly at all. The more likely situation is that s/he's attempting to make them both stronger.

There's a reason a drachorn needs 'wins' to grow from a baby.

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how did you get the conclusion that figting is all there is for a drachorn?

"treat someone long enough as a beast and he shall become one"

i am trying to get my kin back to the glorious creatures they can be, but all you seem to see is claws and teeth, and that is what saddens me greatly

and klawdees, you say your amusement is not stupid? then why must my kind suffer so you achieve it?

this abandonment is also a reason for this haven, to give them a new home where they will be looked after

right now peple see a chained drachorn, a dangerous creat, and that is what they apply to theirs as well, a chain to bind them, is it so wrong that i want to see my kin free from the hands from those that abuse them? to return them home so they can live the live the should live?


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(For the sake of this topic, I shall reply in-character, as it seems that Sunfire is speaking in-character here.)

The burden is on your shoulders. If something looks like a dog, acts like a dog and barks like a dog, then it probably is a dog. 

Drachorns look and act like savage beasts and are good at being... savage beasts. Prove to us that there is indeed more to them than this, and that this isn't just the mere folly of one Drachorn who believes he can achieve true power while unbound.

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that will be one of my top items to work on during my reign, i cannot release their chains in the lair the day im elected, even tho i'd love to do so, they have been raised as monsters, and making someone out of that will be a work of long duration.
i hope it will be in my time, for seeing the reactions to my pleas i can only see the savages moan since i want to take their toys away  
thus the odds of another compassionate leader are quite low to say at the least

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I merely pointed out the presence of claws and teeth, and the fact that drachs are really strong creatures. Are you saying that in your ideal scenario drachorns should be weaker than the 'monsters' they are now?

Describe your 'glorious non-monster drachorn'.

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are muscles the only thing that make you strong? i would say not by far
it is not my intention to make them weaker, they will still be able to defend themselves and their home
what i want to accomplish is to make them the intelligent creatures they can be
those growls and grunts can become the words that i speak, given enough time and patience

i want to grow to the point that a drachorn will never be a slave anymore, a companion should HE chose to, being able to defend himself if the person tried to force his will anyway


(between the lines, i wish to use this instrument to steer the rarity of the drachorns, if i were to open a poll on the amount of drachorns you hold i'd think the amount that answers below 2 could be count on 2 hands, while drachors were supposed to be hard to have, buy more now and later reward some if things are more balanced)

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21 minutes ago, Sunfire said:

(between the lines, i wish to use this instrument to steer the rarity of the drachorns, if i were to open a poll on the amount of drachorns you hold i'd think the amount that answers below 2 could be count on 2 hands, while drachors were supposed to be hard to have, buy more now and later reward some if things are more balanced)


As per this topic, and also counting all species of the Drachorn family as the drachorns you are speaking about (since you're not being specific), here are the numbers; these are ALL the creatures of this type that currently exist in MD (at least at the time the topic was posted), unrelated to activity of the account.

Wind Dragons (ID 1): 135
'GG' Drachorns (ID 24): 469
RustGold Drachorns (ID 34): 448
ReinDrachs (ID 38): 257

As far as I am aware, you talk (or ought to talk) about GG Drachorns, since Reins and Rustys are from the item shop. I don't think that 469 gg drachs in the entire of MD, including old, inactive accounts is such a huge number. I don't think the general consensus is that GG Drachorns are common or cheap. 


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the key here is that there is a different between a dragon, and a drachorn, you say you want to return your kin to the glorious creatures they could be, if you are truely their kin, are you an extension of someones else's consciousness, brought into reality by someone else's will and therefore not your own being in its entirety (speaking IC, because obviously draconas will be an extension of your RL self), draconas has his own will, and was born with such, he wasnt born as an extension of another consciousness.

how do you know that drachorns have a mind of their own? dragons i will say yes, they do, but drachs are not the same as dragons. You say that you will look after them in your inventory, and will not fight with them, this means the only interaction they are going to get is you looking at them, you are denying them their only interactions by denying them fighting. what if they want to fight? what if being left in someones creature inventory causes them distress because they feel ignored and have no emotional release or way to channel their emotions into something? What makes drachorns so different than any other creature that is an extension of its creator, when fundamentally they are the same?

You want to stop them being forced to fight, so by this you want to free them from being forced to do things, well is it really freedom if you then force them to do nothing? 

Edited by Syrian
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preferably i would release them in the lair but that is currently unavailable so ill try the closest available, as the only freedom available right now is death, and that is a fate that i want to save them from

as i brougt up on the other topic the spirituality of creatures is arguable so we cannot say they are mere memories, and to the claim that a creature has no mind of its own would be really insulting.

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if its insulting then provide proof that they can indeed do things of their own volition, otherwise as i've stated you are just forcing them to do nothing, replacing one form of slavery for another


edit: to extend from this, freedom is a choice, if something cannot make a choice then its not free 

Edited by Syrian
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Page 17 [2008-05-12 12:12:13 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
Confused, but also intrigued of what is going on, he decides to try and release one of the dragons that the tiny people keep bound and see what happens. He slowly releases one of the drachorns. The Creature is massive and looks dangerous. 

Page 18 [2008-05-12 16:26:49 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
With a terrifying scream, the creature starts to swing his wings and takes off, hitting the ceiling of the cave while struggling to escape the place. Distracted for a second by the magnificent look of the drachorn, SmartAlekRJ immediately turns his attention back to the tiny people.

you can clearly see here how they wish freedom at all costs

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3 hours ago, Sunfire said:

Page 17 [2008-05-12 12:12:13 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
Confused, but also intrigued of what is going on, he decides to try and release one of the dragons that the tiny people keep bound and see what happens. He slowly releases one of the drachorns. The Creature is massive and looks dangerous. 

Page 18 [2008-05-12 16:26:49 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
With a terrifying scream, the creature starts to swing his wings and takes off, hitting the ceiling of the cave while struggling to escape the place. Distracted for a second by the magnificent look of the drachorn, SmartAlekRJ immediately turns his attention back to the tiny people.

you can clearly see here how they wish freedom at all costs

As I mention in"the tiny men" and as is very evident here, there is no way that drach is escaping the cave unless it learns to keep its head down.  Even in the passage you quote all it does is bang its head on the ceiling.

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  • 1 year later...

I have often given my drachorns to others (who I thought would be good owners) but without sacrificing them I fear there is no assurance they will be set free and able to roam the lands without the constant distress created by being used in creature battles. I hope your cause will be the one to change that, Draconas.

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6 hours ago, Mallos said:

I have often given my drachorns to others (who I thought would be good owners) but without sacrificing them I fear there is no assurance they will be set free and able to roam the lands without the constant distress created by being used in creature battles. I hope your cause will be the one to change that, Draconas.

You are saying to free them from slavery you have to sacrifice all of them?

By that logic you're saying that genocide is a way to free something from slavery or the miserable state it is in, pretty sure you should think about that again

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