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So I was wondering... The Couplet at Angiens Fairy Reads...

" Take the Boat and Cross the Ferry

But Beware the Water Fairy"

I just reread these Forms and Noticed, Ren Mentioned That there is a Winged Creature Stirring Inside the Egg. And There was the Recent Drop in Water Level Lately.

Maybe I missed something, but Has anyone Hear Rumors of this "Water Fairy" because Current events could very well Point to the Conclusion that We have Awoken this Fairy.

I also had the Theory that The White "Light" coming up from the Island could Perhaps Be Steam?

If so that Could Explain the Water Level Dropping.

Hmm... Could be possible but I don't think the winged creature in the Egg is the Water fairy

Hmm... Could be possible but I don't think the winged creature in the Egg is the Water fairy

I Think "Beware of the Water Fairy" is something that will be uncovered as the water resides more... Something that lurks below the water.... As with the egg.... Nothing that is rational that comes to mind at the moment.

But yeah... The Water Fairy is definetly some kind of guardian i would say....


  • 4 weeks later...

Well i think that yes that is an angien birth place and ya willow is their king but what your missing is why would they protect marrind bell well maybe because it's their home

willow was a berserker fighter right so the puzzle on berserkers way

leads to a puzzle that takes you under marrind bell

correct then what happens is game border stops at gazebo of chaos but past the gazebo of chaos could be where the angiens live because doesn't it make more sense for them to protect themselve's from the shades?

  • 3 weeks later...

It seems that the figures of "actual" Angiens have been discoved in certain special access locations. These angiens take the names of Preserver and Vangaurd are stand near their own statues most days. I wonder if they can be enticed to speak to anyone. Does anyone know anything more of them?

I wonder if it's not time we took a more direct approach to speaking with the Angiens. I hear that they are in Marind Bell.


first to comment few things from the beginning of topic

interesting is the white box and the shade, this assumption that willows was angien later killed marind and became shade....etc...... and he offered us white box to help us, apparently because of need to help him save marind, and thats way we are still alive, well i didnt taked the box (well because it was offered to me by shade :P ), i run away (or at least tryed to do so), and still later i somehow finished in wooden box with marind, i dont know what that shade has to do with willow, lets remember homepage of magic duel, there is on picture angien who liberated (or something like that, cannt remember story for sure) the world from box, and that shade is..... well he is trapping ppl again in box, so here we see contrast, that also could be a proof that angiens arent only protecting their city/lands but people too, since marind helped us in that box (very interesting things to read between lines at end of ch1 and at beggining of ch2) so she might be an angien

another proof that angiens care for ppl is if we assume that marind is angien or not, still if we take a look at following facts we can conclude that

fact no1- when wind started to build his stronghold, later he was persuaded by marind to make it a sanctuary for these in need of help, and angiens helped him to build it, again we see that angiens care for ppl

fact no2- when wind and his men were healing injured at winds crossing, angiens noticed it, and became friends with wind because of healing others

hmmm someone suggested to extract mind of barren souls and ask morpheous to do that, since they are defeated berserkers (warriors of winds army) which after death became barrens and now are mindless, well i talked to raven ingame in chat, since he got powers like morpheous so i asked him if he could do that, he said no, so that means for now we cant do that to barrens

next thing it doesnt makes much sense that angien city could be reached from gazebo of chaos (because of name :D )

for now it seams that it is one of the portals that will be added to the game

, next question is, why is puzzle called "berserkers puzzle" and what was that scream we heard after solving it, since that device is supposed to be some sort of soul trap i think, and what was the name of that statue which stood in there??? (well i forgot)

and finally, about two angiens that came, first i must thank mishadow for letting me now about them, i am trying to catch them out there to speak to them, i just did saw them yet but their papers are interesting to me.......

  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone else think that Magicduel is akin to Lord of the Rings. The Necrovion being Mordor. The Angiens possibly being elves, and the shades orcs and greater shades being the ringwraiths. Just thought to point it out.


[quote name='Marten_Lord' post='17597' date='Oct 1 2008, 03:34 PM']Anyone else think that Magicduel is akin to Lord of the Rings. The Necrovion being Mordor. The Angiens possibly being elves, and the shades orcs and greater shades being the ringwraiths. Just thought to point it out.[/quote]

Not really, have you read the history behind MD?


to be precise, MANY stories has a bad strong mysterious evil side, and another strong side which is not the main characters' group, but will aid them as allies. As for MD, actually, the shades are not even actually 'evil' ( or so many thought, though things they do sometimes are nasty), and the angiens.. well, some say that there are evil angiens as well..


[quote name='Marten_Lord' post='17597' date='Oct 1 2008, 08:34 PM']Anyone else think that Magicduel is akin to Lord of the Rings. The Necrovion being Mordor. The Angiens possibly being elves, and the shades orcs and greater shades being the ringwraiths. Just thought to point it out.[/quote]

Actually yes, in the way that it is flatly portrayed with similar fantasy archetype, stereotypical dark side and balancing opposers, in the Adventure Log. But I believe that is not how it is supposed to be in the game, like Udgard says. Posted about it as criticism in the Adventure Log thread but no reply/change, so guess you and I are the only ones that feel that way..

  • 1 month later...

Interesting theories...but i think if the angiens are mystical beings of light they do not seek do create chaos and destroy the balance because they do not have a need to do so..
Shades destroy and kill because they need to ..to create an imbalance in which there would be people who would personally reflect their evil intentions unto the shades for them to survive...
An evil person or a misguided person can easily be manipulated by the shades for them to survive or to feed on that person's misfortune, hate, anger and anything else ..
But because angiens do not need feed on evil emotions they will survive on anything that we do..
Happiness and etc. if my theory is correct :D
Or maybe angiens are actually hiding from us to prevent themselves from causing more harm on us than the shades ever did because their power can also create an imbalance therefore giving the shade's ,their natural enemy, more power but if that is correct why do they hide until now?
My last theory is that angiens have been neglecting their duties on everything because they have given up on humans and their wars and petty differences ..
If Angiens are divine beings of light they would be pretty much disgusted about that we always kill ourselves and those around us ..

Willow's Walk theory...: the angiens made that for the memory of willow who's ghost still haunts these waters because he may have something to say or he still (like his brother) walks around ..continually searching for marind..


its a hard thing to say what does balance has with angiens, since balance and shades are related, and since angiens and shades are natural oppositions, i thought a lot about angiens and balance thus i never rushed into some theory since none of them are logical to me, in ever theory i came to something wasnt right............

about willows walk, you are totally disinformed :P


hahaha MY FIRST SKEPTIC YIPEE that's a first...
hahaha we all our own personal insight about things so i don't blame you :D
and i'm just thinking theories not stating facts :P and like any normal investigator or scientist i just state what i have right now and what i don't ^_^ and i thank you for your comments because now i know that i may be wrong ^_^ or i can be wrong but it's not a problem because you see.. i am a human and humans are created from flaws and with all of our flaws we can still see perfection ^_^


because as atleast partly they are powerful light based creatures so what we do is not there problem in less it affects them directly then they'll came it mess with things tell then they hide where they are inless of couse thet see someone they see as pure hearted shows up then they'll be all over the place trying to use said person for their own ends(even if their ends are good ones their still be useing) and cliaming credit for what the person does or maybe they help said person with that person goals it does happen


[quote name='Chewett' post='20807' date='Nov 25 2008, 03:20 AM']LOL someone else thought that. check the ancient documents. i believe the mythology says Duality creature[/quote]

I am quoting the ancient forum documents =D
Ahh.. wish I had known more than just what I read in the forums.. I'm gonna ask the SoEs for more again when I meet them in-game =)

  • 7 months later...
  • Root Admin

No one (yes he seems to do a lot) has researched anything outside our circle. Unless they have and not released it. We however are always researching things.

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