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The Seekers of Enlightenment

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Well, we certainly all have hopes and expectations of the Angiens. But we cant be certain of anything yet. What I would like is facts that can be confirmed to be true. A meeting, or some other way to establish a contact, would be wonderful. Ren, have you learned anything from the visit to Angien's shrine?

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I have seen that the egg on the shrine has a small winged being inside it..perhaps growing? It would appear that one of my theories about the shrine was correct. It is some sort of holy birthing ground.

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Has anyone tried to speak with the Barren Souls about what they may know of Willow, Wind and the Angiens?

"The Barren are the strongest and most known of the Defiled Souls, cursed to haunt the Realm. The curse forces those slain in battle by Necrovians to never truly die, thus transforming them into Defiled Souls. However, there is a grim exception to this rule regarding the Berserkers, the sworn enemies of Necrovion. Upon their death Berserkers are fated to become Barren, an odd ilk of mindless beings trapped in twilight."

They're apparently mindless now, but perhaps their memories could be extracted?

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It is entirely possible that Morpheus could do it..Perhaps they are mindless because they are stuck in an eternal dream?

Ah...there I go again making theories like bunnies make bunnies. xD

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The water level is dropping in MD, check the Angien's Ferry and Willow's Walk.

I wonder what could this mean?

EDIT: Someone suggested that if all the water dries up or something, maybe we could walk across to the shrine.

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Just a side note don't really know if this applies, but I have been doing a little research about Angiens/ lores, mythologies, ect. Found a supplemental spelling for it..Anginn.. which means The Beginning in the old tounge supposedly. Anyway from the couple stories I have found about it the first race that was made in the beginning were Elves. Might just be a lead for us about the race we are looking at or may not, but thought it a interesting piece of info.

I have not delved that much into the whole stories yet but if any in the Seekers Of Enlightenment wants any more info about this would be more than happy to direct them to it, or at least find and more and discuss about it.

Respectfully Godesstda

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Assuming Willow is an angien, the city of the angiens should be at the bottom of the lake.

"Willow walks, although he's dead, nightly on his little LAKE BED."

So the angiens are exposing their city by drying up the water.

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Or they may be devulging there old city to us, there graveyard so to speak,assuming of course Willow was an Angein.

Maybe they live underwater, just like Alantis. Willow walks upon his lake bed, Daniel Raven is at rest at Ravens Peace.....a connection?

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Assuming Willow is an angien, the city of the angiens should be at the bottom of the lake.

"Willow walks, although he's dead, nightly on his little LAKE BED."

So the angiens are exposing their city by drying up the water.

That doesn't fit so hot with being dead. That could be anything...besides, if we follow the commas actually used in the couplet we have "Willow walks" "although he's dead nightly on his little lake bed". My theory here is that "he" and "his" refer to Gabriel Wind and Wind's grave is at the bottom of the lake which may indeed be in the Angien city, for no one would ever find it.

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I like this last line of thought, perhaps we don't have to cross the river afterall but go beneath it. In either case the evaporation is helpful.

I don't see why crossing it is such a big problem there is a boat right there, the problem is that for some reason you can't use it.

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So I was wondering... The Couplet at Angiens Fairy Reads...

" Take the Boat and Cross the Ferry

But Beware the Water Fairy"

I just reread these Forms and Noticed, Ren Mentioned That there is a Winged Creature Stirring Inside the Egg. And There was the Recent Drop in Water Level Lately.

Maybe I missed something, but Has anyone Hear Rumors of this "Water Fairy" because Current events could very well Point to the Conclusion that We have Awoken this Fairy.

I also had the Theory that The White "Light" coming up from the Island could Perhaps Be Steam?

If so that Could Explain the Water Level Dropping.

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So I was wondering... The Couplet at Angiens Fairy Reads...

" Take the Boat and Cross the Ferry

But Beware the Water Fairy"

I just reread these Forms and Noticed, Ren Mentioned That there is a Winged Creature Stirring Inside the Egg. And There was the Recent Drop in Water Level Lately.

Maybe I missed something, but Has anyone Hear Rumors of this "Water Fairy" because Current events could very well Point to the Conclusion that We have Awoken this Fairy.

I also had the Theory that The White "Light" coming up from the Island could Perhaps Be Steam?

If so that Could Explain the Water Level Dropping.

Excellent musings I like ur thinking :)

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