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Happy New Year?


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Hey, guys,

what do you want from 2017?

I wished for myself, luck/fortune. It seems having skills or intelligence is not enough haha...it was never enough, in fact. It's important to want things...somebody who doesn't, dies (at this point I should outline that it's important to want to stay alive, too...but not fear death). So, I want stuff, but I realize without luck, they won't ever come to fruition. Speaking of fruits, why do we call an accomplishment a 'fruit' (fruition)? Is it our monkey heritage? I think so...

I'm asking because Trump became president...kidding. I am asking because things are very tense, it's hard to push frontiers and wish for grand things, even if you're capable and willing to work for them. It's very easy for someone who doesn't see a way out to start shooting people who seem to be doing better than him/her. So, yeah...what do you want from 2017?

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I would wish for the world to be a better place but as you said with Trump being elected.. lol The truth is that, that desire is naive and really I guess I just wish for the strength to survive another year and accomplish my goals. ;)

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