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Make up for credit abuse

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Muratus can you rehost the free credits and make them all worth 0 cash let us earn your trust back in them. With it being worth nothing there wont be any abuse issues, but theres no point in hurtning yourself as well. Many people found this game threw those top lists lets not deprive future md players of a chance to join us.

Please spread the word to get everyone to come show support here

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I am happy to vote for the game as I want it to grow. However, I have to say I don't understand some of the links and do not want to be accused of abusing the them.

The first two links, Gindis Games and Hot RPG Games, offer no way for a visitor to vote. Are we voting for MagicDuel simply by visiting those sites via a special link?

It would be nice to know what to expect in advance. I am not experienced with these voting sites, and when I cannot find a way to vote I wonder why I am being sent there.

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I agree with Calyx of Isis, I am more than happy to vote ,in fact think it a wonderful avenue for supporting the game. But many of the sites say to click the voting link and there is nothing to click to vote.. :P . Don't necessarily want to be accused of abusing the system as that is not my intention at all. The credits are nice, would vote even if I didn't get them. But the system is not all that it instructs us to do , so guess I am waiting to be accused of abusing it since it is impossible to do as instructed from the get go on some of the sites!

Slightly confused...Godesstda

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About how some of the links lead directly to a page with only game rankings and no voting option.. I believe those are direct voting links that redirect to the game portal site. The other sites have an additional link/button to confirm that you wish to vote and make sure that you aren't being forced into it. Some also make you type in a security code to prove you're human and not a bot.

At least, that's how I think it is. ~_~ I think magicduel is advertising partner to the two other browser games which are included in the free credits page. Maybe the times someone visits those sites from magicduel is logged or something.

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Hot rpg site allows you to vote.

You maybe mean:

Gindis Games and The Renaissance Kingdom.

They are not voting sites but Partners. Your still supporting MD by clicking them. And as Glaistig said, the links that lead you to voting sites but offer no voting options are direct links meaning you vote by clicking the link. Some sites use gateways so bots dont abuse them.



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quick question for how i vote to make sure im in rules. I click one link then alt tab to go back to the credit page and click 3 others so 4 links load at a time since my nets not always the fastest. This wont get me tagged for cheating will it?? Since my net loads slow this allows the credit page to have to be loaded fewer times and i still click on all the ones required.

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Ah, I have a question too. As far as I know, the links only record vote from an unique IP, so when i use more than 1 account on the same day, I tend to vote only once and not for the other accounts, as they won't count anyways. Is this ok, or is it not allowed?

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Ah, I have a question too. As far as I know, the links only record vote from an unique IP, so when i use more than 1 account on the same day, I tend to vote only once and not for the other accounts, as they won't count anyways. Is this ok, or is it not allowed?

I do this as well. I find some of the sites require unique IP others still allow a vote. I try to vote as long as it allows me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have 2 question:

1 - can it be made so that a player recive his/hers reword only after corectly voting? (dont know if it is done alrady)

2 - it is ok to vote with 2 diferent accounts on the same ip??? (i have 2 accounts, but i have stop voting on one of them when the voting links got back up)

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  • Root Admin

try to use a proxy to make the us offers work for you... and my advise is not to put your main email in there, you never know when your inbox gets full of spam later.

I do not manage the offers, they are selected by the company that takes care of this survey system. I removed some that were _realy_ annoying.

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x_x; I'm refraining from using them for the moment, because I don't want to enter someone else's mailing (not email) address and give them spam. *doesn't even consider putting own address*

Not to mention phone numbers..

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waaaah I doubt that there ever be any offers for Israel there...

I guess I'll try a proxy server (luckily I already have one installed).

If anyone looks for good proxy server google "Vidalia Bundle".

Pretty slow but alot powerful. ^_^

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I don't know so much about the free thing, seeing as for example for one today they asked for a credit card and wanted me to sign up for an offer (the cheapest was 11.95 or something) but the credits given only amounted to roughly 6 dollar rounded up.

There it seemedmore logical just to buy credits.

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so leave these surveys that require a credit card to be.

just pick the ones which requre only details of yourself and answers or something like this

without credit card and you'll be fine.

Btw, proxies don't work, it seems that they redirect me to tottaly different pages... I think I'm humped... :D

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