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Free Credits Page Bug


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I've been having this problem since I started playing this game.

It's that whenever I click a link on the Free credits page, no new pop-up or window or tab comes up. The page just kinda refreshes and goes back to the Free credits page.

And I don't get the Action points, Value points, Credits (etc.)

Can anyone help me?

I am using IE6

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For a while the page was disabled due to a bug, depending on when you clicked on the link this should be the case, Manu said it should be back up and working now, if it isnt please point it out in this thread again

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I am working with IE Sol and I have the same problem 1/3 of the time with about three of the links, what I do is close my browser and try a different vote link. Most of them don't do this to me 3 or 4 occasionally will. If you can figure out which ones are really giving you the big problems, you can just avoid them until the end and hopefully get some use out of not only the credits, but my fave, the VE, ap, and vp bonus.

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My status bar says: http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.advertlinks.php#

I dunno how php and all of that jazz works. >_>; I have very little idea as to what is causing your problem, but it works for the majority of us.. did you ever say what browser you are using? Maybe try disabling any add-ons, proxies, ect? That's the only idea I have.

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