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Tissy stuck on gateway?


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Thanks Chewett. 

It just seems that every option comes to a dead end.

I thought I could get out by solving puzzles. The one in survivor's junction disappeared. The one outside the arena was solved but it turned out to be a test.

I want to take a balloon. But it's been about 4 years before I woke up in Gateway. So I don' t have tools to collect some resources to repair the balloon. 

I want to challenge the Arena Master. He told me to get back to fight my way out when I was ready. But it seems he's never ready for me... I don't know if it because of the Max 30 active days limitation. 



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3 minutes ago, Azull said:

Try the door on the mountain Tissy.

The scarecrow knows how to open it.

The door-puzzle is the only puzzle-way out. The other two aren't part of any exit path that I know of.

Thanks Azull.

I had that idea when I saw the crow counted to six while the only six thing is the button of the lock. 

But such kind of puzzle is the biggest challenge to my English level. I could hardly translate into the full meaning I could understand.

But anyway it's a confirmed thing I could continue working on. 

Thanks again. 

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