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Some thoughts about the research points


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IMHO it should be an important part of the game. But it hides too deep (at least for me). Even in the forum my search returned just a few topics on it.

Considering the population of the realm, we don't see other players very often. So the clues in some scenes actually could  play a role of  ... ( I don't know how to describe it precisely, hope you could tell from my below thoughts)

But all the thoughts are rough , many details have to be polished. 

1. fist thing first, I think it's better to be more obvious. (some kind of hint or appear  something on the screen when there is a clue). I know this might conflict with the original idea. But frankly speaking, this wonderful game is not that user friendly. Research should be the first thing we want every players learn at the very beginning. But some time, we couldn't find the right people, the right place, we were stuck some place, some point. It decrease one's willing to continue. but the clues could help give them hope little by little. 

2. the research is better to be a user generated system. otherwise the administrators won't have enough energy to maintain it. And as we encourage that everyone should have his/her own view of the world, the clue may not be unique. Currently players could submit their own clues. But it's too strict and not that convenient. So, here are my scattered ideas about it. 

  • players have to pay 1 research point to submit a clue. (to prevent clues not that confirmative or valuable)
  • the clue has a price of research point (decimal value accepted). other players also have to pay that price for the clue, and it becomes the income of the submitter.
  • the clue is open (or half open to some group of people) for a period (depending on the population of the realm) after the submission.  But the secret part should be hidden before other players buy it. Every purchase would increase the price until it reach the upper limit. (to encourage players explore more often to find the cheaper clues. and encourage them pay for the clue as early as possible.  stimulating the trading could stimulate the circulation of the research point to make it like an ecosystem.  )
  • the buyers of the clue have to vote it after reveal the whole part. it decides whether a user submitted clue could go into the formal higher level. And positive vote will give the submitter some kind of reputation. negative vote will prevent the player's further submission or lower the price of his submission. 
  • based on the reputation, there is a rank decides which level of clues the player could submit. (it's not carefully thought just a remind)
  • some valuable rewords for high research points.


I may not explain it very well in details. But I was very excited when I unlocked the research level and expecting to see some clues. But it's...limited.

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In theory, there is a system in place that works, with submitting research ideas and all. 

I think that for starters, much of the ancient lore behind MD should be put into these clues. Much of it has been forgotten, with players who discovered it leaving, so perhaps now not even Mur remembers it all. The idea was that players who discover things become mentors for players to come, but what happens when the new players don't come or are less interested? So for starters, research clues must be written up to 7 or 10 or whatever is max now. 

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5 minutes ago, Azull said:

I may not agree with all you suggest here. But I applaud the initiative. R&C definitely needs some work.

Thanks Azull. My purpose is to make it a self driven user generated system. The suggestions are just some form base on my limited understanding on the game. I myself even doubt if they are right. 

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3 minutes ago, Ungod said:

In theory, there is a system in place that works, with submitting research ideas and all. 

Yes but the submission has to be approved by Mur or someone if I figured it out right. And before the approval the researcher couldn’t submit anymore. It limits the overall output. 

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Yes, it's as you say, and of course the idea of a user-driven system is very good, especially since with A25 Tools, there will be content there that will bring other aspects into the game. I was thinking, though, that some of the original MD must be put into words before all that. 

(I don't really care about how you would advance - whether it's 10 lvl1 clues to advance to lvl2 clues and then 20 lvl2 clues to get to lvl3 or just from 10 to 10 and so on. I bought 20 research clues with 2 WPs, but they were kind of a waste)

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8 minutes ago, Ungod said:

I bought 20 research clues with 2 WPs, but they were kind of a waste

Aha. That’s the clue I’d like to spend 2 research points on. I was considering buy 20 research points with my only 2 wish points. 

No offense. Just kidding????

BTW. I heart A25 a lot   What exactly it stands for?

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