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Item hierarchy - help needed

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  • Root Admin

I am working on a new interface page, to show corelations between items. 

I need your help building this page, so here is what i need:


Tell me about item corelations ALREADY EXISTING at this moment. I need _exact_ item name (copy pasted pls) and what could it turn to (also copy pasted item name), and what items places (coords) or circumstances are needed for that particular transformation to happen.

For example to build you Molima you need x, y, z items. Imagine it will be a sort of branched legend showing all possible items and what they could turn into, and what items are required to obtain them. 


Please send these to me in private, as it would be too much of a spoiler to post them publicly. 


In the end, the page will show only the items that you own, for example:

Item A ---> Item B, C ---> Item ??? -> Item ??? ----> Item F

The final structure and information of this page will be decided based on what info you will provide, and more about this later.


Your help is very useful because there are lots of things i no longer know about but you might know, and it would be incredibly time consuming for me to re-discover all by checking locations, and logs.


Thank you




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17 minutes ago, Muratus del Mur said:

does it contain only info about things already implemented and functional?

yes it should only contain things ingame and working, i have a seperate map with my ideas

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