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Pleasure to meet you. Odd and creepy things are what makes this game so unique for me.

I did find out about the dojo, Mur (Founder of MagicDuel, supreme ruler of all MD realms and head of the School of Thought also known as King Manu) --Most impressive!-- and "godmod" sillyness. Thx for pointing that stuff out!

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just posting a quick hello to everyone i am enjoying the game and want to thank those who have helped me thus far

also for the other new people coming in if you need any help just ask ;)



the Metal Mage

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[quote name='stormrunner' post='18297' date='Oct 12 2008, 03:42 PM']ok when your done with that go to one of the pubs and tell them I am buying you a drink[/quote]

I've already done that, thanks for the concern though.

Then the guy punched me and asked, "Who the hell is this stormrunner guy? NAZI!"

He then chased me out the building.

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It's Minory, and I'm alive again (ish)! I'd like to say hi to all those people who love and cherish me and who I love and cherish in return. You know who you are, lol...Though I probably won't be too active...After all, high school/rl is pretty hellish...><

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Roar.. uh I mean, HIIIII~! Or how ever you animecans do it..
But really, is highschool that hard? I mean, I eased through it.. lol

Am I making you jealous yet? No?

I have chocolate, how about now? :D


Are you even a real animecan?

I havea compendium of all animes and manga around and it's inside a chocolate vault that you have to eat before you can read it all..
I bet you are jealous now >:P

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' post='18381' date='Oct 14 2008, 04:18 AM']Roar.. uh I mean, HIIIII~! Or how ever you animecans do it..
But really, is highschool that hard? I mean, I eased through it.. lol

Am I making you jealous yet? No?

I have chocolate, how about now? :blink:


Are you even a real animecan?

I havea compendium of all animes and manga around and it's inside a chocolate vault that you have to eat before you can read it all..
I bet you are jealous now >:huh:[/quote]
No, I'm afraid I'm not a real animecan. I haven't seen anime in over six months...

It's not hard, just there's a lot of things to do. Speaking of which, I really should get to writing that case, lol....Seeee? This is why I have to go away periodically. I love talking to you guys way too much. T.T

But I must say, I'm stealing that chocolate vault. >D

Sakiii.....I cahn't. T.T I end up talking about random things like chocolate vaults and animecans instead of homework...

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[quote name='Minory' post='18429' date='Oct 14 2008, 03:13 PM']No, I'm afraid I'm not a real animecan. I haven't seen anime in over six months...

It's not hard, just there's a lot of things to do. Speaking of which, I really should get to writing that case, lol....Seeee? This is why I have to go away periodically. I love talking to you guys way too much. T.T

But I must say, I'm stealing that chocolate vault. >D

Sakiii.....I cahn't. T.T I end up talking about random things like chocolate vaults and animecans instead of homework...[/quote]See? That's your curse for being a debate kid instead of a speech kid. Hehehe...new case every month too. Come join interp. :P

@Buns: Stop it...you're making [i]me[/i] jealous! D=

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I know 1 thing that for sure will make you all jealous.. a 5.5 out of 10 (rounded to 6 out of 10) for every single course you have, with exception of 2 4.5(rounded to 5) is enough to pass you and get you to college (if you are in a vwo system)..
Meaning that I slacked my way to college :D
Uhu, that's right, I coulda slapped my teachers around, never do homework, only study the night before an exam, and then get a 5.5 (which is what? a c minus?) and then be adequate enough for college..


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my system will make you even more jealous:
we can do straight out nothing through all the year, learn just enough to get a D- at the end of the year in the final "you are about to fail, but you get another chance" exam, and still you can go to any college you want as long as not more than 3 (in words: three!) teachers give you an F as last^^
i love living in a society with a slim number of college-graduates *yippie*

we don't even need to receive acceptance letters, we just go there and tell them we want to go to college, and they just ask whether our finals went good, no need to show any former exams or any presentation about how cool we are and how worthy we are of that place, just give them the A-level grades and they'll take you :P

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The registration terms said I should tell someone I read it, and I'm not sure where else to do so... It said something about being willing to give 1 pound or euro or something (I didn't recognize the symbol) to somebody. Anyway, just letting you know I saw it!!


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[quote]Uhu, that's right, I coulda slapped my teachers around, never do homework, only study the night before an exam, and then get a 5.5 (which is what? a c minus?) and then be adequate enough for college..


Study? What is this word?

I went through the American High School system, never studied, skipped alot of class, and DID slap a few teachers around... (there was even a Day I didn't let my Geometry Teacher teach at all. I took the projector away from her, and then Erased everything she wrote on the Board. Luckily I'm a cool guy and all she could do was Laugh about it B))

Oh ya and I was the Valedictorian of my Class :D My GPA was 4.6 (Unweighted) :)

So... hows them apples?

Sorry, Minory MB's bragging distracted me. Glad to see you back :)

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