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A topic on new players and hsuggestions on how to help them


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Some Newb stuff and "Newb Protection"

I asked some New players (5 days or below) about their first impressions in-game and asked them what confused/frustrated them the most.

1st Review


When I first started the game I was very confused (though most people are with a new game) I got through the turtorial no problem but once I got out of it and into Marble Park I was very confused. Luckily I was helped by a few kind players and now find the game quite simple.


Well what did you think of the fighting system did it bother you or anything?


That actual still kinda bothers me, It goes too fast and I feel like I can't put too much strategy into the battle I just have to set up the rituals at first, though i was told as you upgrade your creatures that gets easier since they have different targeting choices which i've noticed. One that about the rituals that bothers me if that if you lose with the ritual you have to remake it.

2nd Review

Kyouko: I like the story line and the puzzles throughout the game, and the player community I've seen makes the game vastly better with thier own story involvement. RPCs are doing a pretty nice job.

However, the game interface itself is akward and difficult to work with - especially when it comes to combat.

I hate the fact that I can't set a defensive ritual without first "attacking" a player, and then once the ritual is defeated, it reverts to one that is unpredictably weak and sucks away my personal vitality. The defensive ritual is something I should be able to set up anywhere and at any time (perhaps as an option from the creature page). Also, when a battle happens, I get either a very late warning about it, or sometimes none appears at all.

The page is also too tall. If I want to see chat activity, I have to scroll down at each page.

I guess that's all I have to say so far.


And I had a look around MB lands (where New players which got out of Chap 1 hang out) and saw that some New players were complaining about how they get wiped out easily at the start and they quit just right after that.


From the above points, I see that with a little good help from experienced players will keep the new player playing longer :) and will also leave a great first impression also most new players found the graphics and story interesting, so if we could develop more in the story= new players more happy because the story is one of the first things they meet. And some similar points in both reviews is that both players and other new players found the interface/combat system frustrating and was hard to understand (I don't really understand it too... :D).


What I suggest is that we provide new players with "Newb Protection" for 1 or 2 days so they could learn more about the game, ask other players for suggestions, socialize with others (etc.) without the worry of getting attacked estensively by better players. Also I think that the tutorial should include some info on the Battle system/setting up rits and stuff, as PvP is a important feature in MD, new players should learn how to protect themselves and attack others with specialized rituals. Also I think that since we have such a great community, I would like to suggest having a few people specialized in teaching newbs (on duty when most people are online) posted at the places where new players need help so new players would feel that they are helped and that they are cared about.

More on the "Newb protection"

Maybe newb players with the "Newb protection" could only attack other newb players under this protection but if they win/lose they don't lose creature vit but still gain the XP. Also other players could not attack the "Newb Protection" players so the new players wouldn't feel vulnerable. As waiting for Regen kinda puts new players off the game especially when they get attacked over and over again when they are trying to regain Vit.

Hope you read this and post comments (Hope you don't get bored also too).


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Great job Sol. :D

I have some comments though:

1) the system is intended this way. I mean the noobs must first prove themselves. If they get pass the tutorial and chapter one (they are intended to be difficult and challenging and stressful and unfair) they really have a chance on being able to play this game.

2)There is the live help (also a small FAQ there) also the forum so I don't know what we can do more for them. There are already dedicated players ( btw I really admire them for their patience). I saw something else in the game: sometimes I receive PM from new players asking me things. It's ok, I can handle them because I read them one at the time but if I go on an area where there are lots of new players I cannot handle them. Everyone is asking different questions and I cannot keep track of them. Maybe we should increase the number of lhos since the community has grown larger.

Again: great job!

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Great job Sol. :D

I have some comments though:

1) the system is intended this way. I mean the noobs must first prove themselves. If they get pass the tutorial and chapter one (they are intended to be difficult and challenging and stressful and unfair) they really have a chance on being able to play this game.

2)There is the live help (also a small FAQ there) also the forum so I don't know what we can do more for them. There are already dedicated players ( btw I really admire them for their patience). I saw something else in the game: sometimes I receive PM from new players asking me things. It's ok, I can handle them because I read them one at the time but if I go on an area where there are lots of new players I cannot handle them. Everyone is asking different questions and I cannot keep track of them. Maybe we should increase the number of lhos since the community has grown larger.

Again: great job!

So there's no intention or mobius whatsoever to better the game/system, to make it more newbie friendly?

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Sol this was a really good post. I agree with your idea to maybe allow three days when new players can only attack players of the same age....and then out into the big bad world.

Dst is right too though. Those that stick with it are those that can handle a little frustration. At the very least I think he is right about putting on more LHOs to helps with this.

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I made this topic because of the influx of new players due to the advertisements, and actually tailed some of them, lets say 30 of them got through the tutorial with little problems. Then they read the story, which most new players found it captivationg. Then they reach the Free roam part where players start to explore MD, but then the numbers start dropping due to extensive attacking from other players cause they are weak, from the orginal 30, I think only 10 are left. Because new players are the game's new hope and they will provide a good source of income for the game too if the newbs start exploring the MD shop. So I as above I was suggesting ways on how to keep the newbs from leaving.

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newb protection sounds awesome... It also sounds like some experienced players should be in marble dale park to greet noobs out of tutorial mode... though i have noticed that some people are trying to make that area a non aggressional zone.

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Yeah it is a "dojo" where people can only attack with the other person's consent. Mur has approved and gave titles to the organizers. But actually I think that this confuses the New players more as there are no big announcements about the opening of the dojo. What I found was that new players who were led by a experienced player who was nice and helpful makes them stay longer in the game.

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New players are currently being released/ teleported to the 'vicinity' of Marble Dale Park from the story... Before the 'dojo' idea they would be attacked right off the get go...

What about this... Make the MD Gate area an actual safe zone like Paper Cabin for people who are just coming out of story. Put a link to dst's ritual and newbie help guide http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showforum=23 , and some warnings that when you leave this area you can be attacked by other players?

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Innuendo, the dojo area is specifically not intended to be a sanctuary. It is a place to battle, and heal...all things that can't be done in "safe areas". The point of the dojo is to commit planned and organized offenses with the consent of other players. It allows newbies and more experienced players alike to learn more of setting effective rituals, and defenses.

Please don't take the ability to attack away...we don't want another sanctuary.

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Ah... I see. I thought you were just looking for a safezone for newly 'fleshed' entities :)

So... what then is the incentive for not going in and slashing up people?

I mean... whats to stop a murderous psycho on a rampage? A verbal thrashing?

Someone very 'bad' isn't going to care much for anyones verbal disapprovals...

Just food for thought :)

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Hmm.. I would say, it gets other players' disapproval. While the dojo doesn't officially sanction attacks against players who attack in the dojo, it can't do anything about personal grudge. If someone attacked me in the area, I'd love to go around attacking that person whenever possible for displeasing me. It's allowed ingame, anyway. Not sure if I could use the frog spell though.

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But you understand where I'm going with this right Glai?

I'm just slightly playing Devils advocate/Fire starter if you will.... Not everyone is bound by honor and justice... I was just trying to look from the other side... because I know some will :)

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Yeah, I get you. I think the Dojo doesn't support attacks because they want to focus on progress and coordination, but they may want some stricter enforcement. Well, either way, I don't care much :D Not yet; I haven't tried out the dojo.

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Innuendo, you are quite right. There is little consequence "in dojo" for unprovoked attacks there. In fact a very small number of players have made it their business to do just what you mentioned: enter slashing and hacking on anyone who can be found.

Since the founding of the dojo, we have gained great support from well-known players, RPCs, and even the heads of a few alliances. You might say now that there is great social pressure not to do such things in the dojo.

Remember too, we are fighters...just respectful ones. Those who do not honor the rules of the dojo within its walls, have lately found themselves to be great targets without it. There is one place we ask you not indulge in fighting without permission, and several places where a violator's ass can be handed to them. As previously mentioned, the support of several powerful players has made enforcement of late an easier task.

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:D Thats very good! And just for clarity... I do know our Alliance is in support of the area... and some that had violated that had been spoken with.

I was just trying to think along a darker vein... you know... some really bad character, rules dont matter, blah, blah... :)

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Lol who is this master punisher :P I have a list of names B)

I think people who attack sans consent should be penalised by a deduction of honour points and vitality points and all "victims" of un-announced attacks should be awarded victory regardless of their vitality and that of their creatures....

Any thoughts on this?

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