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No Man's Land


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No Man's Land, huh? No land is completely empty and without ruler. There is always somebody who knows its secrets, finds a way to live within its rules. What if you are not a Shade, but have the occasional dark thought? What if you aren't a tree hugger, but don't plan to chop down Loreroot? What if you seek knowledge and enlightenment, but would rather not spend your life buried in a book?

Do you feel better forging your own path but would still like to know who else is out there like you?

I like to burn my candle at both ends. I like to test the fires of many different places. I don't want to be tied to or unwelcome in any land. My flame burns brightest in No Man's Land.

I know there are others out there like me... where are you?

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You know your words really hit home with me, i mean why read of far away lands in books if you can go there...why destroy it just to learn it's secrets. Any why be held down to one place if you can see them all!

But atleast in my own case, i wouldn't want to be tied down, even to no man's land, the candle should burn the same everywhere you go. On the offthought, you're still lacking something every alliance has, a purpouse in the society. The archivists have books, and read...stuff, the artisans doodle...then there are the "roleplaying alliances" that try to kill eachother.... what's your value?

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As no man's land includes the road of battles, and the battle torn scenery I see no reason why there ought not be two alliances who cover that ground. It may make for some interesting historical interpretation.

As a whole I would like to see more alliances in game.

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I see Innundo understands the role this alliance would play in society. I'm not sure mercenary works, but close. Imagine a group who joins one side of a battle or another, not for payment or even to support the cause, but simply that at that moment it suits our purposes, our fancy, our whim.

As for another alliance in No Man's Land... it would not bother me. I'm looking for a particular group of people. The location is representative of the people who would join, but they still have to be of a certain ilk.

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I agree with meiche :) Why couldn't be two alliances in the same land? I think the Archivists and Dimensional Shifters belong to the same land.

EDIT: Maybe merge both alliances together, that would be great :)

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Yes, dimensional shifters and archivists have the same land. But merging? I don't think so :). I'm not really into books research (at least not in the game) :). And you already have a lot of work so adding our tasks to yours...would not be that fair.

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Oh lord! If all the lands are going to be claimed by one alliance or another, then I am going have to get some location (the Tranquil Plains is a strong contender) reserved as a permanently neutral location for the Dojo! I had no idea we had major land grabs going on!

If you do not already know about the dojo, please see The Way of the Dojo. If you do know about it, you should know I've put up a poll to find out whether the dojo should remain at Marble Dale Park or move into neutral territory. Please vote soon. Proper acknowledgment of the dojo may be contingent upon settling this important issue.

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Actually, I would like to start a alliance myself headquarters at the No Man's Land and I am gathering interested peoples. Here's my promo:

Want to restore the lost balance? I am gathering people with similar minds and maybe we could form an alliance. You know that the day never ends, the night never comes, the seasons never change, the rains never pour. If interested look at my story.

Hm... I know it ain't good but the main aims of my alliance would be: Restore the lost balance, seek for peace and harmony.

I would call my alliance "School of Balance" we would have a very very high Energectic Immunity buff.

EDIT: If interested contact me in-game or post here I suppose ^^

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Personally, I think the idea of a No Man's Land alliance would be feasible. However, like shown by the 3 alliances already trying to form by the time I post this, I think the number of NML alliances should be.. a LOT. I mean, NML represents those with their own specific purposes, not bound to any existing factions. An alliance is a collection of people having the same purpose, then we would need a lot of alliances to cover all those purposes. Since NML is actually.. everyone's land, then everyone should be allowed to make guilds here.

The problem is.. if too many alliances are spawned, then we would lose track of all of them. I really like the current concept of alliances, where it is really the colection of people sharing the same purpose, not just some kind of power-mongering guild that consists of people just trying to gain honor(not in-game honor) and make themselves famous. If too many alliances are spawned, this would turn the alliance concept back to the common guild concepts of most online games. I hope that every alliance spawned would have a solid background, not just created by people so they can get into alliances.

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I'm not sure.. No Man's Land is No Man's Land. Being an alliance of No Man's Land is kind of contradictory in a way. It belongs to no man, don't you see?

If you don't want to be tied to any land, if you want to wander about and all, don't be tied to No Man's Land either, because it is a land (although no man's land). Maybe a neutral sort alliance with no land, but not No Man's Land. It just doesn't make sense to me. No Man's Land isn't just neutral. It's no man's.. Oh, am I starting to repeat now?

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