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How do you put a picture on your pages

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The Code you use in the Personal Pages is html. There's lots of Places online that Give free instruction on how to use HTML so I suggest you Search there.

Yes Photobucket is what I use to Upload Images.

Bold and Italics are similar to BB-Codes.

<b>Bold</b> is Bold

<i>Italics</i> is Italics

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The pages support any frontend scripting language. Furthermore there's aome thing you need to be aware of. The pages insert a break tag <br/> everytime you do a line break, it's really annoying and it insert the " around the attributes automaticly so you should omit them in your coding ie <img src=url />

one more thing actually, it escapes the " and ' in the text on your profile, to fix that you just need to replace them with the corresponding ascii code.

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The pages support any frontend scripting language. Furthermore there's aome thing you need to be aware of. The pages insert a break tag <br/> everytime you do a line break, it's really annoying and it insert the " around the attributes automaticly so you should omit them in your coding ie <img src=url />

one more thing actually, it escapes the " and ' in the text on your profile, to fix that you just need to replace them with the corresponding ascii code.

<br/> can be used in the title field (the top box) should you wish to have it on more then one line (pressing enter there doesn't work).

Also, if you have used the " " for any parameters, it will still work (so don't worry, you don't have to go recode if you used them).

I've been using them all along, didn't realise I didn't have to... but I'm used to using them anyhow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Images: <img src="[url]" />
<object width="[width]" height="[height]"><param name="movie" value="[url]"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="[url]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="[width]" height="[height]"></embed></object>

This will show properly in the personla pages but not in the /players/[playername] page for that you need to remove the " pretty much everywhere in the code.
Hope it helps.

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There's no body in the personal page that you can manipulate like that, you will have to make a divider with the background.

<div style="background-image: url('[url]');width:[width];height:[height];z-index:-1;"> [everything else of the page] </div>

That should do it if not I also too only know how in css.

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