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M B: The Spymaster

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THe Spymaster turned to spying for unknown reasons. Some say he bumped into a 'Mur' when he was an MP3 and got mauled and mutated by his toal awesomeness badass creatures (Yes I remember the good old days you could attack anyone :)) and so he wandered for awhile, training and making friends when one day he encountered a group of people by The Howling Gates trying to summon a shade. after helping for a bit he logged off and went to bed. Upon awakening he found that shades had contacted humans and he had missed it, *sob* but decided to become Khalazdad's apprentice. It was good for awhile researching for his master and his master confiding in him even about The Boxes. Then one day He awoke to find that Khalazdad had joined the shades and only just remembered his name. That twisted and warped the young apprentices mind into turning to a turncloak, recruiting spies in every alliance vowing that one day he would get revenge. Only recently he encountered Gargant and Urgard at The Sages Keep whilst talking to Morrel and having a picture drawn of him. Their he told them of his masterplan where Urgard gave him a new name apart from Ace of Diamonds or Spymaster: The Master of Puppets.

This ALL really happened (apart from the Mur thing) and has warped my fragile little mind :)

VOTE FOR ME!!! I have jellybean cookies and Ledah Fudge.

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Gosh, Ledah, I wonder if you started playing before me or not.

On another thought: so... you now openly declare your opposition to the shades' will, then?! Just because Khalazdad forgot who you were during all the excitement of becoming an agent for such enigmatic beings? How petty! I now declare you enemy!

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<==== dead hunter-use the powers of the undead to kill undead

in my home dead zone means a place where the undead are born and form which they attack

necro is feels just a like a dead zone only a lot weaker

I'll add more soon including why I'm not a hero, why I left, and why I will not use my true power

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Pssst. Im not your Assassin (If you think so) <_<

Pssst. Master of Puppets is a song :P (A well known one. Call yourself the Puppet master, can't see how its related to being a spymaster though. That name would suit you better in a role of an evil dictator controlling everything lol :P)

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Pssst. Im not your Assassin (If you think so) :P

Pssst. Master of Puppets is a song :P (A well known one. Call yourself the Puppet master, can't see how its related to being a spymaster though. That name would suit you better in a role of an evil dictator controlling everything lol ;))

Oh no gonna get sued for copyright XD Gimme a Drachorn Brai :P And I have control over myself. That makes me a dictator right?

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