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RP Points

wynken vanaril

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In response to the recent announcement about the difficulty of tracking RP progress, I had thought that implementing an RP Point system may help. Points could be given to players by existing RPC's according to some guidelines or requirements, and a description or note could be written at the time so the reason for the point(s) can be logged. That may help to alleviate bias or cheating by unfairly awarding undeserving players RP points.

During events the points can easily be given and tallied making the distribution of rewards or promotions far easier. I've seen this done on many MUDs and it works great. They typically will also use points the same way you use credits in the MD Shop. Players can opt to trade points for various RP rewards like a custom description or title.

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Yeah, but I think the purpose behind them is not what wynken is getting at. His suggestion was to come up with a system to actually reward RP, not someone's ability to solve puzzles. And I can say that in at least that method it seems a viable option. Wishpoints would be a bit extreme for his suggestion because of what they ultimately reward, but eh...nonetheless.

I don't even remember what my point was...blah!

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Yeah, but I think the purpose behind them is not what wynken is getting at. His suggestion was to come up with a system to actually reward RP, not someone's ability to solve puzzles. And I can say that in at least that method it seems a viable option. Wishpoints would be a bit extreme for his suggestion because of what they ultimately reward, but eh...nonetheless.

I don't even remember what my point was...blah!

Right. You would be judged and given points based on character accuracy or RP content. This way there is a comprehensive and fair system and criteria for point distribution and rewards/promotions.

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[quote name='stormrunner' post='16630' date='Sep 13 2008, 09:00 PM']some charaters are hard to judge if there out of charater because there charater are so board and same can even be contradictory with how they may seem and i'm not talking about spys or muti Personalitys[/quote]
Well we do have a Comments on Self page...and the forums. The "moderators" should be able to tell when you are or are not in character. You'll usually be getting points for something grand and losing them for something ridiculous anyway. Chatting in the pub isn't likely to cut it :))

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I personally think this is a great idea. There are some really obvious steps out of character sometimes too, that with any profile are glaring, such as [puts on headphones and bangs head to metallica]. Anyone should be penalized for that.

Outside glaring missteps in character, I think the good points would do enough to set people apart.

There is another thing I want to mention here, that isn't specifically related, but irks me to no end.

Role play is not the same as pulling things from your butt. You can go on a quest and do things...but it seems like lately people have created powers and abilities for themselves that I should take at face value. Typing that you cast such spell and magically 12 things change and you sprout wings...well, it just dosn't cut it. You have to play within the rules of this world.

The second part of this gripe, is that you cannot roleplay other people. You do what you do, and they react. You can [push Penelope and grin evilly], you cannot [laugh at your joke as you watch her face turn bright red]. Please stop telling me how I deal with your actions. You are probably wrong, and it's so inappropriate.

The last bit: evil spam. I don't care if you ride a creature, show off your post, or scream vote for me, my wonderous quest; anything cut and pasted into six or more screens is a bit over the top. If typing it over would take too much time, then you know you have spam. I categorically ignore any request I see laid out in that fashion.

Want an adept? Try talking to an actual person.
Want a vote? Just lost mine.

That's it.....For now.

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Wynken just because I don't run around doing random things to impress people does not mean what I do it's nothing do you think I should run into willow's shop yelling I am the lord of bunnies fear me(no offence metal bunny)I prefer doing my business with those it matters to, when I regen or just want to relax I hang around where I want to if that is unimpressve to you, then you can kiss my hairy, white butt for all I care and isn't Zleiphneir Guardian of Bob that is not impressive (sorry Zleiphneir) if you have a problem with me because I point a large and glaring flaw in your idea that some people are I don't know, deep and would make deep charaters that are more then 2d say so, don't go and insult what I do while regening

p.s.I'll amit I have done useless thing like say I could summon ghost and balor if i can get a role the will o wisp thing will have a use and i'm going to change my kick the wall thing for some better, the rest is staying

p.p.s I'm truly sorry if any one besides Wynken is offend

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Don't know if I like the idea of converting a player's worth roleplaying-wise into points. Like rating the worth of a culinary sensation with numbers when a long description is due instead. Also imagine players would be pressured to roleplay seriously all the time out of fear that acting out of character would lose points. :)) Some players can roleplay incessantly but others can do well enough without saying "*waves at maggot*". Or it could go the other way and people would put annoying rp spam in all the time to get points. :( Some will also spam positive points for friends and negative points for those they don't like. :) In the end, crappy roleplayers become rpcs. <_<

<_<.. Hoping the idea suggested doesn't get implemented.

Rather regular players be able to review other people's roles and their ability to act them convincingly, and categorize their review as either a negative or positive reaction, periodically: like every month. Actually, be able to do only one review and then edit in updates if impression expressed changes. Wouldn't be as casual as handing out or penalizing points at every instance of roleplay observed. Number of +/- reactions could be tallied up for Manu to review if he wants.

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[quote name='stormrunner' post='16637' date='Sep 13 2008, 10:19 PM']Wynken just because I don't run around doing random things to impress people does not mean what I do it's nothing do you think I should run into willow's shop yelling I am the lord of bunnies fear me(no offence metal bunny)I prefer doing my business with those it matters to, when I regen or just want to relax I hang around where I want to if that is unimpressve to you, then you can kiss my hairy, white butt for all I care and isn't Zleiphneir Guardian of Bob that is not impressive (sorry Zleiphneir) if you have a problem with me because I point a large and glaring flaw in your idea that some people are I don't know, deep and would make deep charaters that are more then 2d say so, don't go and insult what I do while regening

p.s.I'll amit I have done useless thing like say I could summon ghost and balor if i can get a role the will o wisp thing will have a use and i'm going to change my kick the wall thing for some better, the rest is staying

p.p.s I'm truly sorry if any one besides Wynken is offend[/quote]
Heh. Easy there...I wasn't even trying to pick on you. Haven't noticed that I've been sitting around yapping in the capital as well? I was merely saying that those aren't the type of encounters you would be getting points for. Also, are you trying to imply that I have no depth? I need a laughing emoticon...
If you seriously think you or anyone else on this board is going to offend me, you're mistaken.

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first of all, i second penelopes point about meta-gaming and godmoding.
in any form of rp meta-gaming (i.e. telling other players how they react, what happens to them or how they feel about something) is considered very bad etiquette. most roleplayers simply hate it.
on a similar note, godmoding is known as mood-killer nr.1 (being able to conjure a flame to light a campfire is nice and flavorful if it fits your story, but evolving this skill to end the planet in an inferno of all-consuming flames because your char somewhere got taught a firespell would be.... ridiculous)

it depends on the matter at hand of course, during murs or rens party for example, noone would care about where all the gallons of booze magically came from or how someone whos legs were cut off a second ago (and who got informed so by the one who severed them) pulls off this incredible moves on the dancefloor ;)

having that said, i dont think the idea of giving points for rp is a good one, for various reasons.
first, you sometimes simply want to do something silly (having to type "ooc" in front of every post really takes the fun out of this ;P )
second and more important, it favors the exact kind of "aggressive advertising" that pen mentioned later in her post. some players like to do their rp in pm's with just the ones involvoled in it and use the chat mostly to answer questions (which wouldnt be noticed if someone were running around counting posts)
and stormrunner (if i got him right) has a point when he says that having others decide when someone is ooc wont be working too well.
everybody who tried the unthankful task of playing a spy/traitor will know that sometimes, doing something strange/unlikely "for no apparent reason" is the best way to play a role... which cant be noticed, since you dont write your hidden agenda or dirty past in your profile (masterspy ledah being the exception ;P)

most important point (you might as well reduce the whole post to that) is simply:
you dont need a reward of points for your roleplay, the reactions of other players to good rp will be reward enough ;)

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Ok...here's my 3 cents:

I don't agree with RP points. Why? Because they are players, like me, who don't play a role. Even if it is an RPG I don't really like playing a role. I am who I am. I act as I feel in a certain moment. I don't want to censor my actions, words because it would not fit the character I choose. Also I like playing this game in a more different way than most of the players. I like taking it to the limits. Discover new things, trying to find new ways of playing. I'm amazed that every week I find a new thing! And every time I do I say that that's the last thing and that there are no other things to discover. Guess what? I'm wrong. I always have projects on the run. I always have a quest to complete, a riddle to solve. THIS is my role. And it doesn't fit the description. And I don't want to fit the description (although I know what Mur told me some time ago about this game and role playing).
So , unfortunately I need to say a big NO to RP points.

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[quote name='dst' post='16749' date='Sep 15 2008, 07:12 PM']Ok...here's my 3 cents:

I don't agree with RP points. Why? Because they are players, like me, who don't play a role. Even if it is an RPG I don't really like playing a role. I am who I am. I act as I feel in a certain moment. I don't want to censor my actions, words because it would not fit the character I choose. Also I like playing this game in a more different way than most of the players. I like taking it to the limits. Discover new things, trying to find new ways of playing. I'm amazed that every week I find a new thing! And every time I do I say that that's the last thing and that there are no other things to discover. Guess what? I'm wrong. I always have projects on the run. I always have a quest to complete, a riddle to solve. THIS is my role. And it doesn't fit the description. And I don't want to fit the description (although I know what Mur told me some time ago about this game and role playing).
So , unfortunately I need to say a big NO to RP points.[/quote]

I don't think it would change your style of game play any...you just wouldn't amass any points ;)

Ok, maybe there is a better system to track RP progress. I've entertained quite a few angry rants without a single alternative solution. I'm starting to feel like a politician...if you think my idea sucks so much, how about coming up with a better one (not necessarily you dst, just the naysayers in general)? ^_^

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Hey! You asked for a feedback not for new ideas. If I had one I would have propose it.
And no! I want every frigging reward that can be obtain in this game.Or at least I need to have the chance to get it. But not doing something that I don't like. In this case I could just quit playing.

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You know, I think the general description of roleplaying has been tilted. Role-playing means playing a role. You see, you don't have to pretend you are someone else all the time, you just do what you play yourself as. Even someone who doesn't have a story background can still play a role, let's take for example.. Akasha. She didn't have any stories made up on her papers, and yet, she still goes on an adventure much bigger than most of us have, on the Role of a PRinciple Researcher. I don't think playing a role requires you to pretend you are someone else: it only requires you to decide what you want to play as, and that can always be your normal self! So, I do support RP points, but I don't support if the point is given only for whole days of drama.

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