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The Mechanism of Wasp's Totem

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Now now...you guys don't need to argue about this.. This is the Local Legends thread after all. People can discuss things here publicly if they want more people's input about a legend they're looking into. The Totem is a part of MD lore, and these people want to research it with help from other people. True, we try to avoid spoilers, but this is essentially a thread of theories created from the same little bits of information people are able to find, not a "clear the board, I've got the answer!" submission. That's why people are encouraged to discuss it and give their ideas. If you are of the opinion that legends should only be addressed in game, all you have to do is not post your secrets here and laugh at how off the mark people get. I do that all the time. :)

Considering the Totem once more...what could have happened in the past to need such a weapon? Surely they wouldn't have randomly created a defense weapon without something they were actually trying to defend against? (See, right here is where if you know the exact answer to this question, you stop talking and see what sort of things people speculate. :P They might even hit the right answer, but without confirmation they might walk right by it and create more giggles for you and me. :D

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[quote name='Ren' post='18811' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:44 AM']Now now...you guys don't need to argue about this.. This is the Local Legends thread after all. People can discuss things here publicly if they want more people's input about a legend they're looking into. The Totem is a part of MD lore, and these people want to research it with help from other people. True, we try to avoid spoilers, but this is essentially a thread of theories created from the same little bits of information people are able to find, not a "clear the board, I've got the answer!" submission. That's why people are encouraged to discuss it and give their ideas. If you are of the opinion that legends should only be addressed in game, all you have to do is not post your secrets here and laugh at how off the mark people get. I do that all the time. :)

Considering the Totem once more...what could have happened in the past to need such a weapon? Surely they wouldn't have randomly created a defense weapon without something they were actually trying to defend against? (See, right here is where if you know the exact answer to this question, you stop talking and see what sort of things people speculate. :P They might even hit the right answer, but without confirmation they might walk right by it and create more giggles for you and me. :D[/quote]

Hmm.. my best bet would be the event you posted on Helen's Plan on the Archives..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, seeing as the weapon is at the Path Keeper, then it would make sense that the weapon was created to guard against Marind Bell from crossing their borders.

Just as the Passage of War is protecting Marind Bell from Necrovion, the Loreroot Land Weapon was designed to protect.

It is also curious that it is no longer activated, implying that the protection is no longer needed.


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[quote name='awiiya' post='19489' date='Nov 5 2008, 06:01 AM']Well, seeing as the weapon is at the Path Keeper, then it would make sense that the weapon was created to guard against Marind Bell from crossing their borders.[/quote]

you need some history lessons, so i will make them short

marind bell and loreroot were once one land and later when separated marind bell was in alliance with loreroot and also was supporting them financially in war against golemus golemicarum, loreroot had shades problem, and marind bell was peaceful land

so dont talk nonsense

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The weapon very clearly is the Totem itself. Pathfinder seems to play some role in its use. These things are, I believe, beyond serious dispute.

Awiiya, don't be misled by the Totem's location; Kell'etha's Cannon in Golemus Golemicarum seems to be pointing the wrong way if it is a defense against the other lands, which it clearly is.

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Thank you for informing me of this. I was not aware. If you have any more history lessons, I'm always willing to learn.

Consider my prior comment void. I'm a little mystified to the nature of the weapon. Is it pure magical, is it a shield, does it take the form of projectiles, or is it all of the above?


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While I don't have much to add to the discussion while surveying Golemus for my map I found the following location in the basement of Kelle'tha's Cannon:


Looks very similar to the activation chamber at Wasp's Totem don't you think?

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Indeed it is.. That room under the trap door on Kelle'tha cannon is very similar to the one on Wasp's Totem. Well, since the technology used is the same, I guess that makes perfect sense. I wonder if the Cannon also has a separate activation/control room..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well at the Cannon there is a room with a table and chairs, that could be cannons way of activating. Maybe the activation chamber. in Wasp's totem should have Certain people inside (Maybe It was used like a shelter for the people of loreroot).. I think we should have all the aliance members go there to see what happens

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[quote name='awiiya' post='19522' date='Nov 6 2008, 03:54 AM']Consider my prior comment void. I'm a little mystified to the nature of the weapon. Is it pure magical, is it a shield, does it take the form of projectiles, or is it all of the above?

I have since had time to take a closer look at Kell'etha's Cannon, and I must say I was wrong: it points at the sky, just as Wasp's Totem does.

I have the impression both weapons are energy weapons.

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after look at the cannon agian during the test I think I may have a theory about how it works but this isn't the topic for that and look at both of them they are enegry based weapons that much I'm sure of the totem reminds me of a muti directional beam weapon and the cannon looks to be a single high charge shot type of weapon

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[quote name='Bloodpuppy' post='20870' date='Nov 25 2008, 06:37 AM']Well at the Cannon there is a room with a table and chairs, that could be cannons way of activating. Maybe the activation chamber. in Wasp's totem should have Certain people inside (Maybe It was used like a shelter for the people of loreroot).. I think we should have all the aliance members go there to see what happens[/quote]
The Cannon's means of powering seems to be located elsewhere. I believe I know where, but I do not wish to discuss the matter in a public forum. Suffice to say, considering Pathfinder's remoteness and difficulty of access, I believe the empowering site for the Cannon will be in a similarly hard-to-reach place.

I do not encourage members of our alliance to go to Wasp's Totem [i]en masse.[/i] It is a "weapon of might to aid a fair fight", and should be honored as such.

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[quote name='Ren' post='18811' date='Oct 23 2008, 03:44 PM']Considering the Totem once more...what could have happened in the past to need such a weapon? Surely they wouldn't have randomly created a defense weapon without something they were actually trying to defend against? (See, right here is where if you know the exact answer to this question, you stop talking and see what sort of things people speculate. :P They might even hit the right answer, but without confirmation they might walk right by it and create more giggles for you and me. :P[/quote]

well this is funny because there are sorted clues all over the question is which ones are there for real and which ones are merely there to mess with our heads

like the boot by the armory

the mask too for that matter and the metallic head in lore looks like part of a very large robot could any of these things be related to the weapons could they be what the weapons were used to defend against ?

sadly we do not know all the answers yet or maybe this is not sad at all but something to drive us to all find out the truth ...

this has been my 2 c

The Metal Mage

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