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[quote name='stormrunner' post='20297' date='Nov 19 2008, 11:27 AM']came with a good reason if it just for the hell of it or just because it seems fun then I am not letting you in if you really seek to do as I am making this alliance then tomorrow find me if not don't waste my time or your own,just go talk to loreroot they let just about anyone in if you can come up with a half baked reason[/quote]

:offtopic: :
I'm getting the feeling that you got the wrong impression about the Guardians of the Root. You might mean the support group there. We don't let just about anyone in for half-baked reasons. The Guardians of the Root was formed to protect Loreroot and work to do things that make it better. Those who actually get inside are invited because of their activity in & contribution to the game. Note here that contribution to the game comes in many forms, some role-play to enrich the game storywise, some work on technical matters, some are active newbie helper, and some are simply active players that try to deeply involve themselves in the game world, adding flavor to the overall gaming experience felt by the whole MD community. It is true that Loreroot is not like some alliances that are very hard to enter(and almost impossible without the right inside connections), as we are open to everyone, but those who are accepted to Loreroot's support group do have to prove that they are contributing something to the Realm.

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your said my point the root is suppose to be for loreroot I don't feel like explain more here it be way offtopic and I was in the root remeber I make a note to keep a eye on the surpport group really look hard with recuiters eye you may see everyone who finds a small reason at times it is not even a good one and is on atleast 3 hours gets in, now I will say no more on this that is the past and is no longer important

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[quote name='Udgard' post='20312' date='Nov 19 2008, 05:18 PM']:offtopic: :
I'm getting the feeling that you got the wrong impression about the Guardians of the Root. You might mean the support group there. We don't let just about anyone in for half-baked reasons. The Guardians of the Root was formed to protect Loreroot and work to do things that make it better. Those who actually get inside are invited because of their activity in & contribution to the game. Note here that contribution to the game comes in many forms, some role-play to enrich the game storywise, some work on technical matters, some are active newbie helper, and some are simply active players that try to deeply involve themselves in the game world, adding flavor to the overall gaming experience felt by the whole MD community. It is true that Loreroot is not like some alliances that are very hard to enter(and almost impossible without the right inside connections), as we are open to everyone, but those who are accepted to Loreroot's support group do have to prove that they are contributing something to the Realm.[/quote]

I am not sure whether I have interpreted your post correctly.......... I have tried to do different things with in my preview by bringing a dragon in to the play ( eventhough we have dachron.......no one seem to have put a role play with dragons)......... I think at an mp3 level...it is hard to get inside loreroot itself....... I have tried to give some new ideas to the game too. I am not sure how you are determining a person who are "simply active players that try to deeply involve themselves in the game world, adding flavor to the overall gaming experience felt by the whole MD community" . I too try to do things to get deeper into the game.....but I am still not in an alliance.....you can see in my papers and some stuffs that I have done but since i am not getting any recognition, I stopped doing those.......and now I am concentrating on raising my creatures to high power level and give an answer to all my contradictors......and in the mean time "storm" came with this idea....which is kind of protector for all the players and helper to develop new strategies...........

When I played Travian and Tribalwars........I was a baron in my alliance.......we had made big strategies there......(players can be attcked even when offline there..... so we developed strategies to protect the soldiers of newbie players)......
When there is light there has to be shadows and those shadows are to be guarded.....otherwise some one can manipulate your shadow by using some Shadow bind technique :-)[/b][/i]

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I do know of your role, dragon rider, I read a bit of your story. Nevertheless, Loreroot entry is not gained within days. It has not been more than 2 weeks since you are accepted to the support group, if my memory serves me well. We have seen many people play a lot during the early weeks, then drop off afterwards. Activity here should also be seen as consistency, and that cannot be seen within just a few weeks. Many of the current members right now came from the support group(originally, the alliance only had 10 member slots), and they went through quite some time before they join the alliance. They showed their consitency and contribution to Loreroot and the game even when they are not yet in the alliance, just the support group, and thus they gained entry. Even a member of the Loreroot high council initially came from the support group.

But anyways, enough about Loreroot, let's get back on topic, shall we?
All I can say that you have to make a strong background story, as well as a clear purpose, preferrably one that is unique. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will meet the same obstacle as the previous berserker's alliance plan.

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I dont agree on this alliance to be formed.

-They dont seem to be organised
-They are a bunch of friends who are seeking to get an alliance *In a short time, without proving their worth as i can yet see*
-They dont have a clear story for the alliance
-They dont have a home land
-They ask for others to give them ideas (Please rethink your thoughts for the alliance and come back with a detailed report.

Why they shouldnt be an alliance? Well, its good people like each other, but this alliance does not benifit MD, its like a gang with friends in it, that just want to show off who they are. You need to benifit MD or your home land in some way before you can ask for an alliance.

I dont have faith in them, they will fade away slowly is my vote.

You need a back bone, so gather information, and convince us.

Sorry if im harsh, but this is how it must be.


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little mr on the friends you can not speak and I am working on the home land if I get the surpport I need I post it and gather info that is something I did thats why I want this alliance and of their no clear story did you ever think there a reason for this as I said things you likily don't know about and if things go my way you never will and I was in the graudians of the rook foe oh a mouth saw what they were about then left and started trying to form this hell for a time I was a spy working for loreroot back in before the war test and true we need to work on organiving and I am working on that if you read the WHOLE thing you would see that and i haven't asked any one for ideas just surpport and I am trying to get surpport like I said oh on the FIRST POST

oh Udgard the berserkers reform thing did have one a very clear one but it was still rejected why mur said the seekers were already doing that job I don't think they are then again I have heard anything about them since the fireworks started so who knows I know because I was the one doing that one to and that had good timing with the AL too

and to any one saying oh I just want to lead a alliance or anything like that if that all I wanted I would have taken over the root and kicked everyone I didn't like out instead of leaving and trying to start something new whichh was not my plan at first I hread a few things so please you all think before speak and realize you know nothing about me or my goal because of how narrow your vision is(note I not talk to any I just speak to anyone it appiles to so if it bugs you then it talking about you if it doesn't appile I am not talking about you)

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I have read it, and you have admited. Its not organised, so come back and try again when you have a READY alliance request:)

Dont post something that isnt ready, you wont get a pass from me or almost anyone that knows something about how an alliance is made:)

I think its good you try to make an alliance, but it must be a ready work before you can ask for it to be made. Someone needs to make the alliance and its not us, but you if your the leader.

we just say what we think of the ideas, but we can say anything about things that arent organised and hard to understand.

I say what i want, and this is my opinion.


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I post because those I spoke to about getting surpport asked me to and I'm american who likes when peoople speak there mind I really don'y mind that at all oh and I'm agure wth people with far more weight then me, my back bone isn't a problem and a leader is nothing with out followers and surpporters and thank for say it atleast good for me to try and I never said it had to be made now I just am asking for surpport for when it is ready

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(laughs) first we're far from holy two you right I got a no so I guess I'll walk this road with only my people i done asking for help of other alliances time for me to start carrying my own weight hell put us where you will it doesn't matter our purpose is beyoud any one land and much small our purpose is people not place future not the past shove us in necro will feed off the shadows and rise thows in loreroot we'll show you the fury of wild beasts, thows in the beell we'll show you the resolve to protect others put in GG with dusty old powers and we'll find that which is hidden hell you want a place for us no man's land a place where no can live no one stay a place with nothing a place of only lost souls and we will grow strong the lands doesn't matter, hell some alliances can't even go in their homeland for us those we protect are what matters if it like or not is none of our business

oh ren when you read it this again from your doc I will make my alliance and I will do with my own two hands only surpport of my people and my friends if I ask for another alliance aid do not give me the doc period

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[quote name='Udgard' post='20329' date='Nov 19 2008, 10:26 PM']I do know of your role, dragon rider, I read a bit of your story. Nevertheless, Loreroot entry is not gained within days. It has not been more than 2 weeks since you are accepted to the support group, if my memory serves me well. We have seen many people play a lot during the early weeks, then drop off afterwards. Activity here should also be seen as consistency, and that cannot be seen within just a few weeks. Many of the current members right now came from the support group(originally, the alliance only had 10 member slots), and they went through quite some time before they join the alliance. They showed their consitency and contribution to Loreroot and the game even when they are not yet in the alliance, just the support group, and thus they gained entry. Even a member of the Loreroot high council initially came from the support group.

But anyways, enough about Loreroot, let's get back on topic, shall we?
All I can say that you have to make a strong background story, as well as a clear purpose, preferrably one that is unique. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will meet the same obstacle as the previous berserker's alliance plan.[/quote]

Speaking about my role:- I am a weapon researcher and I have taken the game from ground to air with the help of my dragon, I have access to the skies of MD, so I can also be the Guardian Of Sky......

2 weeks is not right...........it is more than that :-). I am trying to find time to play this game albeit having tight schedule of work ( I have got a couple of warnings too for playing at office hours :-))............ I am playing the game whenever I am getting free time...... i am trying to be consistent and I wont be begging anyone to take me into any alliance and do remember friends or people having having same thoughts can make an alliance that is why I am with storm and I am still with storm :-)....

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Storyline and description will be coming in a few days, I'm in the midst of writing it up. (FYI, to the friends comment, I only met storm two days ago, lol).

And p.s. to anyone who's a part of this- if you could PM me either here or in-game (my character is pretty much always at Wind's Sanctuary if I'm idle or not online, Kazya's the name) with your character bio/background/copy of your papers it'd be extremely helpful. :)

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[quote name='Kazya' post='20408' date='Nov 20 2008, 10:48 AM']Storyline and description will be coming in a few days, I'm in the midst of writing it up. (FYI, to the friends comment, I only met storm two days ago, lol).

And p.s. to anyone who's a part of this- if you could PM me either here or in-game (my character is pretty much always at Wind's Sanctuary if I'm idle or not online, Kazya's the name) with your character bio/background/copy of your papers it'd be extremely helpful. :)[/quote]

Cool!! Kazya........looking forward to see your description...........and I too have met "storm" only a few days back ......... but I felt we both are in the same wavelength :-).....
I will also be there in Winds and you can read my papers there.....:)

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[quote name='dragonrider7' post='20398' date='Nov 20 2008, 11:08 AM']Speaking about my role:- I am a weapon researcher and I have taken the game from ground to air with the help of my dragon, I have access to the skies of MD, so I can also be the Guardian Of Sky......

2 weeks is not right...........it is more than that :-). I am trying to find time to play this game albeit having tight schedule of work ( I have got a couple of warnings too for playing at office hours :-))............ I am playing the game whenever I am getting free time...... i am trying to be consistent and I wont be begging anyone to take me into any alliance and do remember friends or people having having same thoughts can make an alliance that is why I am with storm and I am still with storm :-)....[/quote]

I was referring to the length of time since u were accepted to the support group, not since u played =D
But then again, i do have short-term memory losses(due to pure idiocy of mine), so I might be wrong =)

Yes, alliances can be made by friends together, as long as the background is unique and convincing enough, which is why I have been emphasizing on it. In case it has not been clear, I am supporting this idea, as I have been with Storm's last Berserker idea, but since I cannot be a part of it, all I can do is give you my opinion on what you should prepare before making the final proposal to Mur. The last Berserker's alliance had a background: the descendants of the ancienct Berserkers, but still, it needed something more... as the goal. Something that makes it stand out. It was one of the thing that seemed to make the last idea rejected, so you should put more work on that part so this idea won't have the same fate as the last one. Good luck =)

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  • 4 months later...

You keep on mentioning that you will do other stuff but havent specified in what other stuff you will be doing. Because the only real thing to protect people besides helping is to set up dojos and sanctuaries. So no offence but i do not see the point in this, as people stated above there are the dojo staff for that.
And since there is no one else to protect them from there is nothing to do. Though i like the idea.

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actually because of lack of support namely the little I had disappearing on me I ended up droping this a long time ago, and look around a bit harder llewop you may see few things, and when I started this most of the current staff hadn't even started the game at all in fact the staff was calyx, sage, and meru chi. though next time you bring up one of my past failures do pay more attention it was called shadowguard for a reason namely not much was out in the open that may have been part of the problem but it done with now

close this before someone else decides to bring it up. it was a vein hope anyway

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