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The Crimson Alliance


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I was a MR and I was there when it was about to get disbanded, MRD was very serious about it then. When I left is when I came and started this. Besides MRD had plans on 'hiding' the alliance away until last night, then he mentioned he may try and rebuild it after he got protector status, but I don't think he will lead it anymore...but again, this is just what I heard, and I am acting on my own knowledge, not others.

I apologise that I am not omnipresent.

also, I would like to note ~I~ didnt bring that point up, and was quite content not talking about it at all in this post.

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...i still dont agree...and MRs still stand, even if you left.

The MRs will always live in me...even if the MRs go...i stay loyal to the MRs ways.

Piracy isnt one of it! XD

IF this alliance goes through and lands in GG...ill go against it! Dst has given me an idea and i will follow it! XD

Now, give the pirates their ship...is going to be hard, they can have a boat, and paddle about in lores lake:)

Im actually serious...there is something there to look, its just i dont have clearance to get to the place i want in the lake, mb the alliance could if it was made there?

Out of GG go to lore! XD

bt the lake part is true.

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dude, i am only losing my respect for you...first off I was also a MR, and I am still friends with MRD, who invited me into the guild knowing full well I was a pirate already, and that i had plans on making an alliance in GG. Don't tell me it isn't part of the MR way...you arent the whole alliance, mate...and I left so MRP could take over, because it didnt seem right for me to be the leader of the MRs when i put relatively nothing into making it...I don't know what your problem is, but i seriously think you are acting like a foolish child.

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I would like to make a statement. I AM the Leader of the MR's, nobody else. As leader, i speak for my men as well and in this case MOST will back me, and if they dont who cares. I give Cryx my full support and will help him in ANY way, he is also a MR and is one of my men. His idea is great and Golemus is the perfect land for his ship. If anyone has any doubts about this man you might want to think twice and go talk to him. Get to know him. He is one of the best Role Players in the game.

and neg i am very disappointed in you for feeling this way toward anyone, let alone one of our own. This really disappoints me more than you know to see you trying to get in the way of someone else and their role, whatever it may be. It has absolutely no affect on your role, so i see no reason for you to say these things. I dont know what else to say right now about this situation. It really just tears me apart to see you like this i thought you were different but yet again you proved me wrong neg

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[quote name='MRnegative6' post='20742' date='Nov 23 2008, 03:39 PM']Now, give the pirates their ship...is going to be hard, they can have a boat, and paddle about in lores lake:)

Im actually serious...there is something there to look, its just i dont have clearance to get to the place i want in the lake, mb the alliance could if it was made there?

Out of GG go to lore! XD

bt the lake part is true.[/quote]
Sieur: as a member of the High Council of Loreroot and one sworn to defend it, I will thank thee to keep thy business out of my land. I have been assaulted by thine "MR Fraternity" enough times while simply looking around Golemus Golemicarum, and I will not soon forget it. My land and yours have a non-aggression agreement, so I will put this as civilly as I can: see to thine own business and stay out of the private affairs of Loreroot.

Thou'rt entirely accurate about the lake. Thou dost not have "clearance" to get whither thou dost want to go, and there is ample reason for thee not to have it. I will say this but once: stay out, or bring the consequences down on thyself and thy brethren, with whom, despite their past behaviour, I have no quarrel at this time. Do not give me cause to have one.

Thy suggestion - that the Captain would be better served to sail about a sacred lake, with little chance of discovery and less chance of friendly reception, than to explore an entire ocean whose contents have remained unknown since ancient times - is absurd on its face. I once thought thee intelligent. Now, in sooth, I begin to wonder.

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I am truly sorry mates...I must try and get this forum post back on track, I am trying to accomplish something here...and recently the forum has been wrought to silliness, and i feel it is distracting from the real point of the forum...

...again i enjoy criticism, and motives are easy enough to see through...

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I still opose...i dont have the influence now, but i dont agree...majority seems to beat me greatly though...

I will stand one man all alone, just like in the heads...i dont intend to NOT start the alliance, but cant the location...be soemwhere else? :/ Its a hopeless arguement, but atleast i know i tried something...hey why not no mans lands? No1 has an alliance there?

Is that docks THAT important?

I resign from the MRs MRD..

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[quote name='dst' post='20659' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:16 PM']Why does everybody wants its own alliance? Maybe I should start one: bug researchers guild or maybe head contest winners (something like head hunters or mercenary thingy)...[/quote]
definately...mercenary thingy...lol

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[quote name='cryxus' post='20773' date='Nov 24 2008, 07:36 AM']eloquently put MRD...thank you.

I thought I was gonna go insane if I had to explain it again.[/quote]

Ok, here is what i mean by the word...pirate:

1. One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.
2. A ship used for this purpose.

2. One who preys on others; a plunderer.
3. One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.
4. One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.

The pirate you talk about is stated in number 1. The pirate i state is 2,3 and 4. There are many pirates, not just one..but i guess you MUST persue the number one...SO i will have no more say in this...

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Ohh, Can I start a Pirate Guild that Operates an Unlicensed Radio Station in MD?

Seriously, MRNeg you really are asking childish here. By your own Post you say there Are may Forums of Pirate, yet the One that Cry suggests is the most Prevalent Notion. Also the Seafaring Pirate is the one to Fit best into the MD World.

Cryxus, your Guild has my Support as well, and from the Few Interactions I've had with you, you are the Best Person To Lead such an Alliance.

If and Hopefully When your Alliance is Made I will gladly Offer my Assistance in Navigation (Navigating by the Stars is Such a Lovely way to Travel).

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When did this happen? today? BLECH! gotta say i'm not thrilled about that...

...anyhow, i am sure they are ways to find access there...someone must be able to reach there, and i'll do what i have to to get access..

.I am just saying it is an important part of the guild, and already is a big part to me (seeing as how thats where my ship currently is), and i will do what i have to to integrate it into it...it just makes sense to me.

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Perhaps it is, that is something i hope for, and will work to try to achieve.

And -6, thank you for the kind words...I know you, for one, are indominatable, and i have faith in your drive, mate, i know you've done great things and will continue to do them.

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