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while typing about the drachorns in the GG creatures thread, i stopped to think about the RPC and how little of them i see around...

There are some really inactive RPC's by now (that was different when i started, i remember) and i don't know if they should stay in the RPC position forever...
now, i don't want to be an RPC because i officially DON'T roleplay, but it seems a bit unfair to the players who are really active and are trying really hard to roleplay and get some spells and stuff to enhance their role...
we keep telling them that there are already enough RPC, but if they never log in and play and do all the fancy RPC-stuff they should be doing(quests, mainly xD)...

besides, i need new quests that send me all around the map, finding people, places and stuff, and the new 'everything is a hidden trigger' thing mur implemented a few days ago seems to be THE chance for new RPC's to show what they really got behind all the talking^^

now i want to hear what you have to say about that matter, and you doesn't include n00bs who want powers without doing something for it...neither do i want to hear something like 'i want to be an RPC' by any PWR or other roleplayers...

with that said, what do you think? =)


I have also noticed this problem, although i must say you can sometimes catch RPCs that havnt been on for a long time just...there:)

Although i do agree we need new RPCs eventually that are more active...

Im sure theres a solution to this being thought out atm, maybe we shall see a new RPC contest soon:) I am not sure, but i do hope something is done soon before we even change to the next stage of the game:)



as far as i'm aware Mur hasnt said that there are too many RPC's, he does want to make sure a player deserves it before awarding the title however


[quote name='Grido' post='21243' date='Dec 4 2008, 04:44 PM']as far as i'm aware Mur hasnt said that there are too many RPC's, he does want to make sure a player deserves it before awarding the title however[/quote]

I agree...but so far MD isnt completed:) I think RPCs from now on would most likely be permanant RPCs meaning...that once made they may not be turned back normal? Unless theres a really strong reason. Maybe thats why its harder to become a RPC now?



but it doesn't seem right in that way, at least not for me...
let's say smartalek loses the interest in MD (i took him because that's not very likely to ever happen^^), then there we have an inactive drachorn master...
what should then happen to the drachorns? would they vanish? would smarty pass be given to another player who shows more interest? would that work, as persons are very different in here?

imo, it seems better to demote smartalek from being the drachorn master and a new player should get that in addition to the role he is already playing, eg there is dragonrider who would surely love to be drachorn-master =D

and if smart ever comes back, he could ask mur whether he could have the job back, and if mur thinks that smart was doing better than dragonrider, smartalek gets the drachorn master once again

same for all the rpc's...most of the good roles are just given away by now (archivist, artist, warrior, bad guy, carrot...they are all occupied^^) but there are new peple out there who are doing great jobs with their roles and don't have the chance to break through because that special role is already taken (best example imo: cryxus(the pirate guy) vs. simplyzero(you know that one^^))


since you said I have too speak now number one since he's working with me I love it if dragonrider7 become a new drachorn master(a story of a drachorn war would be amusing more so if a new and old drachorm master who hate each other had too work together to fight braiton) on the mainpoint read the inner magic doc topics

I would put a quote of the post I want you to read but I don't know how quotes work


I don't like the current situation either but if you remember, Mur told us something: he will not remove the inactive RPCs. He even gave them spell pages and told us that those pages will be so rare because those RPCs do not log as often as they used to (or not even log in at all). Then again I know that those pages can be reassigned really easy so...maybe this was made exactly for this option:removing inactive RPCs. Also I know that Mur will not remove them from the RPCs list until he has a talk with them.
So...we can only wait and see how things go. :)


Im against giving off the drachorns to someone else to lead UNLESS RJ has an aprentice:) Dont ruin the story people:)

Be fair:)

Would it not sound WAY better IF drachorns has been lost...for eternity? Such rare species...being over worked by such like dst, shoeps, MRD, mur...and...who else has drachorns? nvm, and braiton torments those left or atleast tries to experiment on those left to create another specie...maybe this new one may reproduce enough for all to see another type of drachorns about?

Then maybe a new player could...take up the role to take care of the new drachorns, most likely braiton if my story goes as i assumed above:) or...someone figures out the abandoned caves where the drachorns sleep lazily...and takes control over them by inspireing them...what ever RJ did to gain control i do not really know.

I just...dont like the easy...way out of things in MD. Assign a new player to be the drachorn master...when RJ didnt have any aprentice...*assuming he or she didnt*

What do you think? Its just my current opinion that may change.



again, i have to give in that i like -6's imaginative personality^^

i was not thinking about just making dragonrider a new smartalek, to stick to the (obviously well chosen) example, he has come WAY after smart stopped playing actively...
but, as there was a story about RJ, there could be a new story about dragonrider =D (to those who don't know, looong looong ago, the AL started with page ONE (believe it or not, it's the truth xD), to see the whole story of the drachorn breeder smartalek, visit pages 3-90^^)

in less than 3 weeks (it took smart only 18 days), we could have a whole new character created... maybe we could even let him find some of the old papers smarty left behind, that would give the AL a nice turn and make the new people read it from the start to know what happened to alek, akasha and bigC back then :)

again, same goes for other RPCs... if manu/we see the need to have that power in the game again, but the user who had it is lost, we could just take a user with a similar role who is addicted enough and create new RPCs by giving similar powers to the new user (principle of cyclicity) =D

i know that sounds stupid to those few who know what happened back then in the ice age, but it doesn't need to be made the same way...there can always be new developments and turns in everything, but for me as a guy with the imaginational talent of a tea spoon it's easier to think through things someone else already imagined again instead of bringing up new ideas myself LOL

EDIT: as this incident, if we ever happen to stumble across one like in the example i just gave, would lead to a massive change in roleplay with hundreds of people making roles simliar to those already existing, ther would be a great choice if there is a new roleplayer needed once in a while... and others would still pull their own thing off and maybe get 'fresh' RPCs
I'm not sure whether players as un-imaginative as me should really have a chance of getting an RPC, but even i could make an eloquent role around the fact that i am giving away drachorns ROFL

and others have their fun without running the relatively high chance of having their role stolen by someone who then earns the honor for another players idea (thinking about all the werewolves and hobby-astronomists and whatever comes up once a role gets popular because a good and active player plays it...)


Well, it might not work quite as easily as you would like... from what I've seen, Manu also doesn't like stepping on the RPCs feet, if he can avoid it. phrog's story branch was supposed to give him control over drachorns as well... RJ wouldn't hear of it. I'm still waiting to see if Manu will give in and let phrog join the fray. The idea is that there is no ONE way to get something in the game. ANY

EDIT: Thus, the system looks weak right now, but that's mostly because it's small. Give it time to grow. :)


[quote name='Ren' post='21273' date='Dec 4 2008, 08:11 PM']Well, it might not work quite as easily as you would like... from what I've seen, Manu also doesn't like stepping on the RPCs feet, if he can avoid it. phrog's story branch was supposed to give him control over drachorns as well... RJ wouldn't hear of it. I'm still waiting to see if Manu will give in and let phrog join the fray. The idea is that there is no ONE way to get something in the game. ANY

EDIT: Thus, the system looks weak right now, but that's mostly because it's small. Give it time to grow. :)[/quote]

yes...i did consider mentioning phrog...since he is still...trapped within a drachorn or not trapped but just...in one.

Although...phrog is another RPC hard to find...and to mention talk to....although there isnt really any problem with this aslong as someone can talk to him as he is active...from time to time.

I must disagree, the rustgold drachorn has not ruined drachorns, they are two different species:) The rustgold looks fat also, and its also quite...annoying to even bother getting the RGdrachorn:)

Either way its a challenge, and i dont believe braiton has come across a way to mutate a rust gold yet:)


This reminds me of When Wodin left the game, and Mur suggested that some RPC's be like Positions that players could take up as they are abandoned. Hence why Wodin is now a "Summoned" RPC controlled by the Leader of GG Alliance. Of course this was a very special Case as Wodin was integrated into the Game world (for those who weren't around in those Days, he was actually Pictured in the Environment at Road of Battles. Much like Knator Commander used to be in front of the Loreroot Hidden Exit)

When that discussion was opened it seemed to be the general Opinion that RPCs should not be up for grabs like that, and Seeing how Wodin is now practically Non-Existent because he's not really "Wodin" anymore, I agree with this Position.

Personally I don't see myself leaving MD ... Ever really. There may be lots of times where RL keeps me away or doesn't give me much time to play, but I'm sure I will always come back to see whats new and whats going on. In fact I feel these past few Months I have not been as Active as I would have liked to be due to RL (Ironic that RL gets busy right as I get into the AL here ;))

Like Ren said it will be interesting to see what Happens as the system grows. Who knows we may see more Characters like Wodin and Knator Appear, some of which may be Publicly ran. I think these Roles will have to be something new and Specifically created to suit such purposes though, rather than replacements for the Roles already held by RPCs.


wow such an intresting post.

I have been in MD for a very long time and i too will never leave to be honest
With regards to RPC's beeing as i run one (Wodin) and i play a character who wants to be one
but has not quite gotten there yet.

I find that yes it can be hard to catch the RPc's and it can also be hard to be an RPC.
But i was thinking that for the liks of thoes poditions that have the like of drackhorns as a reward to be given out that maby thoes sort of positions should have an aprentice.

so for the like of RJ he would have a second in line training to be a drachorn master aprentice
whom if the boss is not about for a while can run the show untill the boss come back./ the same for branton. I dont know of any other RPC that has this sort of role. but reading some of the postd above
it might be a good idea to have drachorns of each realm.

For the moment Golemus has the main drachorn. Thanks to bration the necros may have the mutated drachorn. so why not have something like a forest drachorn for Loreroot and something similar for Marind Bell (not sure if Marind bell should really get something like this).

If something like this was to be done then there could be a drachorn master school created to train in new RPC's. if other creatures were to come under that same model of having a master then there could be schools for thoes too.

The like of Morgana le fey (beeing as she is a key holder she can also be hard to get a hold of for some quest one might want to run or even to help gain access to somewere having a second could help in that regard. i suppose the aprentice/ second in command could be come a PWR.

There are many rolls that are hard to get hold of and that is not without reason. They can be difficult to play and to keep running.

I know i have not been online much with Wodin and that is dew to time zone and to work blocking my access. Unfortunatly that is something out of my control but hope to have fixed soon.

I will stop at this point as i may end up repeating my self or jusdt go off on a rambel ;)

Golemus TechnoMage


I must agree with the aprentice i have mentioned before, but it should not be a MUST have an aprentice.

Due to the lack of ideas some people have maybe this may be the role they might like? Becoming an aprentice to a certain RPC...i would say it would be a tough role, because you really dont have any hope in becoming an RPC yourself untill your master is *dead* or something else happens, like you backstab your master etc...

I like the idea about the drachorn to each area, but instead of the drachorn...lets keep it more...to the topic of the post ehh? But i cannot resist not adding this comment:

Instead of having drachorns in each area, why not have 1 legendary creature for each area?

Ok, no more spam offtopic things then:)

I dont think we should have too many NPC RPCs...:/ Guards like wodin and knatty is ok...but RJ? Seems...wrong:) Lets see what mur would do instead? ;)


wait wait wait, if mur doesnt want to remove rpcs when they went inactive but is still giving them spell pages, i say it really isnt good, because then omega is still rpc if you look at his profile, and he isnt on rpc list nor he has spell pages, and i at least see his traces quite often compared to other rpc which left, also there are rpcs which left and gave theirs account to someone, and there are this ones which left and didnt gave theirs account, so its all messy

  • Root Admin

just a quick note, i haven't read all the replies. Old rpc\s will start to be removed after a certain period. i sill have to work on that system but its on my list. when this happends, the position will be made public and spellpage given to othe rpc.


I guess I will add my 2 cents here.

I think we need to make clear the difference between the definition of role as a [b]function[/b] and as a [b]role- play personality[/b](I cannot think of a better term right now).
Some RPCs have roles that are very closely associated with their role-play personality, such as RJ, whose function as the drachorn 'manager' is closely associated to his role-play as the Drachorn Master. Thus, his disappearance could bring trouble as there is no drachorn manager around, but still, the only Drachorn Master is him, and to the same sense that MD tries to make an avatar [b]unique to each players[/b], it just doesn't seem right to give away RJ's role to anyone else. The function, however, can be given to new people, but I much prefer that they have their own role to play, not a Drachorn Master.. at least, a different title and a very different background.

Some other roles, is just unique to the players, and should never be transferred away, an easy example would be Metal Bunny. Do you want someone to be the new Lord of Bunnies if he's gone? I don't think so. Bootes, BlackThorn, Thanasia, Alche, are just a few amongst the many examples I can give for roles that should never be transferred to anyone else. Even simply's role as the ferryman, and aqune's role as the storm maiden (she is PWR, but with a spell unique to her) should never be passed on. Their spell and abilities(teleportation, weather spells), can be given to others, but the title and role itself should never be passed on. This is actually what has been done even now, with Morpheus's ability being shared with others (I know at least 2 others, excluding Mur, who has dream ability).

So to conclude, I think the roles that need to be periodically reviewed and be passed on is very limited to a few functions (drachorn master, spell pages, assassin, Wodin, and maybe KC), but to think of it, there isn't even that much roles that need to be passed on. It would be such a waste if the programmings done to accommodate some abilities given to RPCs/PWRs disappear when they retire, but I personally think that most of the roles itself does not need, and should not, be passed on, but only the few specific functions instead.


obviously, i didn't express myself clear enough when starting the topic...

Udgard is absolutely right, and i don't think that every role needs to be passed on, but seeing some RPC have unique abilities that aid players on their way to growing stronger (like giving away drachorns and the teleportation ability of simply), i think that those FUNCTIONS should live on even when/if they ever stop playing.

Of course the role should be unique, else you could just give the password of smartalek or morgana to anyone who seems appropriate for that kind of 'power'!! I never had the intention to make dragonrider a new smartalek, for example, but i think the abilities of the drachorn master should not be lost forever if RJ decides to stop playing, so there should be some way of getting a new player (maybe with a similar role (cryxus-simply) or a player with a totally different style of playing a role that includes similar abilities (RJ-Braiton)) the same abilities, or maybe a slightly changed ability, like the mutated drachorns of Braiton.

I don't want ROLES to survive or to be passed on because that wouldn't work anyway, but i think the FUNCTION shouldn't vanish...and not every RPC has such a function, like MB and Raven, if they vanished, the game would lose some fun, but no special ability^^

And who would even want a new Bunny? The one we have to endure now is enough for a lifetime of mental disturbance anyway... =P


From Burns:"And who would even want a new Bunny? The one we have to endure now is enough for a lifetime of mental disturbance anyway... =P"

Don't be selfish!Think of the new players: they need to be mentally scared also! C'mon! Shish...


[quote name='Burns' post='21412' date='Dec 6 2008, 03:31 PM']obviously, i didn't express myself clear enough when starting the topic...

Udgard is absolutely right, and i don't think that every role needs to be passed on, but seeing some RPC have unique abilities that aid players on their way to growing stronger (like giving away drachorns and the teleportation ability of simply), i think that those FUNCTIONS should live on even when/if they ever stop playing.

Of course the role should be unique, else you could just give the password of smartalek or morgana to anyone who seems appropriate for that kind of 'power'!! I never had the intention to make dragonrider a new smartalek, for example, but i think the abilities of the drachorn master should not be lost forever if RJ decides to stop playing, so there should be some way of getting a new player (maybe with a similar role (cryxus-simply) or a player with a totally different style of playing a role that includes similar abilities (RJ-Braiton)) the same abilities, or maybe a slightly changed ability, like the mutated drachorns of Braiton.

I don't want ROLES to survive or to be passed on because that wouldn't work anyway, but i think the FUNCTION shouldn't vanish...and not every RPC has such a function, like MB and Raven, if they vanished, the game would lose some fun, but no special ability^^

And who would even want a new Bunny? The one we have to endure now is enough for a lifetime of mental disturbance anyway... =P[/quote]

I resent that. :P
I'm not that disturbing and I like to think I do got abilities.


If only... the evil bunny creature got implemented.. MB would have had a special spell to summon evil bunny armies.. Too bad it was canceled T_T

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