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Poll to know if i can do a lecture on...you'll see

Muratus del Mur

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Ok, i know the poll its a bit strange, and no i am not recruiting you in some kind of sect of missunderstood persons LOL.
Also i appologise i refered only to christianity , but i do have a good reason for that and i dont want to extend that reason to other religions, but you think of your own religion when answering the questions, its almost the same.

As a note, i keep my beliefs neutral, for the public, so dont feel offended or excluded because i wont talk about or include in the list your cult, religion, sect, fangroup, gang or whatever that is that you belive in.

Usualy such a poll splitts friendships and kills brothers, and i realise that when it comes from me the effect can terrible, but its better to see a general reaction before moving on with one of the lectures i plan to hold myself in the future.

Please answer honestly
comments are welcome, but if you cant find your desired answer in the list, TRY to pick one of the existing ones. I intentionatly ommited some so you will have to chose between the remaining.

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I wish to comment something referring to the first question. I had to answer something but yet it was not what I was thinking. Unfortunately what I had in mind was not in the answers :)

But a nice topic :good:

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Speaking of cults, i wonder how the Savelites answer to this *laughs*

dont drink the punch mates :good:

also, what if you believe in a unity of everything, and that you are part of something bigger...i.e. god, and are just a passing figment, or something akin to that?

there should be an option for that :)

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' post='21293' date='Dec 5 2008, 10:18 AM']I wonder..the closest idea for me would have been 2nd option for the first.[/quote]

This question actually has more than 5 answers. My opinion of course, correct me if I am wrong.

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  • Root Admin

cryxus, that option was ommited intentionatly, as i said, if its not on the poll feel free to comment it but try to pick something as close as possible, thank you. the reason for that is because i am interested in those patterns only and not about a debate on religion and god in general.

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[quote name='DarkPriestess' post='21294' date='Dec 5 2008, 10:41 AM']This question actually has more than 5 answers. My opinion of course, correct me if I am wrong.[/quote]
Of course there are more than five answers. So many, in fact, that for most all five choices wel be almost equally wrong. I just pict the answers that were less wrong than others.

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[quote name='Calyx of Isis' post='21296' date='Dec 5 2008, 10:49 AM']Of course there are more than five answers. So many, in fact, that for most all five choices wel be almost equally wrong. I just pict the answers that were less wrong than others.[/quote]

I agree with you. Yet as King Manu requested I answered the ones close to my beliefs. I wonder though if he will actually make a lecture with this topic or another. I would surely like that! :)

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Whatever comes of this i know it's going to be fun :)
Religion and Beliefs the first lecture YEHEY!! my favorite topics in philosophy
One must have an open mind yet one must remain in doubt to not let thyself get drawn into something that hides what it truly is.
Being a skeptic is good but one must know when it's time to believe and when it's time to doubt.
As a guy who was greatly influenced by scientists. I still believe things that are legitimately true and things that have inexplicable proof that can't be altered, changed or transformed.
I wish doesn't get biased though...PLZ gods of MD don't be biased. Be the gods that all of you truly are.

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Like what other people have said the First question threw me at first... but I ended up having to Choose the 2nd Option. Not sure if it was intentional, but it was the wording of "I believe in IT..." that sold me ;)

I'm curious what is meant by Magic exactly...

I assumed it was the most encompassing definition I could think of (Which would Include such "Paranormal" things like Precognition and "Divination", both of which I believe in). I say "Divination" because I consider that to be things like Tarot cards, I-Ching, and Astrology (I actually practice Tarot and I-Ching, though I find them to be more a method for self-meditation than a method for predicting the Future. And Astrology isn't something I put much faith in, though I enjoy reading about it on occasion. I mention Precognition as something separate because I have had experiences of Precognition in my life, though I haven't had any for years.

I ask because to me Magic is usually considered to be things like wand waving, special words, and the like. I don't think you would restrict Magic to something as Harry Potter-ish as that, but thought I'd bring up the issue.

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i feel the question ''Give a vote to the christian church (in general) based on its benefit to the spiritual evolution of people'' is too confined in the options as answers, whilst i am a christian (i'm an english methodist), i also recognise that different people within the church affect the spiritual development of people differently, and that saying ''generally'' doesnt really allow for an evaluated answer. different era's and different denominations, in differents countrys have effected spiritual evolution differently, so like i said saying generally doesn't really work in my opinion

[written before reading anthing but the poll options at the top]

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As odd as it might sound, what do you think about Dragons or other fantasy creature well known (and not the Komodo dragon or Dynosaurs)

That...question i must say...is one i cannot really answer...other than all thoughts and beliefs MUST have a base...from where it was created or else it could not possibly have been created.

Id love it if dragons did exist...but unfortunatly what i must believe in for now is, maybe not all dinos died? Maybe a few survived for a couple more years while humans evolved *if you believe in evolution that is* and were sighted?

Or you can just say someone saw some lizard or...the story i hate the most is they saw a comodo...:/ Seems...borring:P

This is a debatable question...

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I am a born Catholic by my parents...I converted to a more spiritual Pagan religion lening towards Druidry. I am enchanted by stories of the saints and mythologies, I believe in Goddess and God also in good and evil forces. Dragons I believe I am in the grey area sort of like UFO's or ghost. I don't deny but I haven't encountered any.

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Hmm...dragons...id like to see about:P UFOs...meh...na...aliens? Mb...bt not my dream to...

I must say i have no religion...i believe more in spirituality, or hope to believe more into that. I respect all religions, and i like to believe in their facinating stories:)

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For Cryxus' question of Savelites, here is my opinion. I basically do not believe in God, i don't have a religion. I think there must be something "out there", a consciousness, or a Universal Will, because such a perfect thing cannot be created. The Laws of nature are so precise, that it must have been formed by something. Nature is divine :P
Btw. on Mythic creatures, i sadly admit that they probably not existed ;) :cray: I wanna see a Dragon... But hopefully Angels exist...

Dunno what Mur wants with this poll, but i hope we can aid him. Hail King Manu

And Praised Be Savelfuser :D

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Do you believe in Dragons ?

Yes the word dinosaur was made up in the 18 hundreds by a man who like so many others was afraid of the truth [spoiler]that truth being that dragons are real and we have use incomplete pieces of bones and skeletons of dragons and put them together in new ways and renamed them as mostly docile creatures now called dinosaurs does not change their true nature or what they are.[/spoiler]

as to believing in god yes 100% but the "Church" has twisted the bible and its truth and done so to control men and to make money the "Church" is the most evil thing on the planet today causing almost all the wars and more than it's fair share of political and social problems

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*coughs* kragel, whilst the ''church'' did that the church didnt, if that makes sense, like i was saying earlier you cant globalise or generalise the church, the ''christian'' wars crusades etc. were mainly the earlier catholic church i believe, i cant think or any of the other denominations which have fought wars apart from in northern ireland, i'm not trying to be exclusive

political and social problems are created by every religion and non-religion group, most create their fair share

note: i'm not trying to be agressive or whatever i just get into my point sometimes

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I believe in "God"
Therefore "God" does exist
"God" is in "everything"
Therefore I am "God"

I do not believe in "God"
Therefore "God" does not exist
"God" is in "nothing"
Therefore "God" is dead

How many people does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many people does it take to affirm personal beliefs?

It is human nature to fear that which we do not understand, this is usually results with denial or acceptance.

Tangible and intangible, both are forms of existence, be it physical proof or a mere concept as long as it is known and spoken of it will exist.

Reconciliation of the metaphysical to the physical, this is religion at its core.

Just a few things I felt people should think about, whether they agree or not, these have nothing to do with my beliefs, or do they? :)

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It may not be your own belief but id say its in your mind:)

These answers you have stated to make us think are definatly some ideas that influence how you think or not?

I may be wrong i may not, either way you cant deny that it has some involvment in the way you think no?

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[quote name='Grido' post='21349' date='Dec 5 2008, 12:54 PM']*coughs* kragel, whilst the ''church'' did that the church didnt, if that makes sense, like i was saying earlier you cant globalise or generalise the church, the ''christian'' wars crusades etc. were mainly the earlier catholic church i believe, i cant think or any of the other denominations which have fought wars apart from in northern ireland, i'm not trying to be exclusive

political and social problems are created by every religion and non-religion group, most create their fair share

note: i'm not trying to be agressive or whatever i just get into my point sometimes[/quote]

Actually Grido we agree i just did not want to point fingers at any one or 2 religions for starting the highest %age of wars and such

personally because the heart of every man is inclined to evil there would have been wars with out the Catholic church but would they have ever been to the extent they have been ??? as the saying goes god only knows

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Liked this poll and mainly about the second question,for some time i thought that christianity made more negative aspects than positive,and in some facts they pretty much ruined humanity,but i must say they helped a lot not because its guiding people to do good or "be in the line" but for giving people hope,and that my friend is the only treasure that humans have,the power to always believe in something better.

P.S.:About you two on top,i do not think thats the way it should be put wars arent bad or good,animals kill themselves to control population and rule over another clan,its natural if one religion starts a was against other its not us that have right to blame the religion,but it is our right to look in the mirror and ask who started the war?The human or the god?,its like saying about people who dies from starving but when you walks the streets and see someone without food and decent clothes you dont have the courage to see in their eyes,you only pity them or repugnates you,its like being an hipocrite,and no one escapes from that way of thinking...

P.S².: Ohhh one other thing my god have various names: Love,Belief,Hope,Brotherhood,Friendship,Ever Forgiving and so onif you want to join my god say yay!

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Sorry if I messed up the poll by voting since I don't really play MD anymore D:

If I did, you can discount it D; I voted:

1) Don't believe in God.
2) Not important
3) Maybe
4) Combination of ideas
5) No religion
6) Often hide

I just felt the compulsion :D Now you know I still stalk the forums :(

I don't really believe in the Christian God that is all-benevolence and forgiving. Mostly I reason that it doesn't make sense the world is so full of bad things and that humans are so sinful if he, being the perfect being that he is, created a perfect universe "and saw that it was good." And why would he make something imperfect? And I don't get why he has to be a "he." And I hear that the Bible has a lot of flaws, though I haven't read it.

That''s just for the Christian god, however. I do believe a higher being of genius (but not perfection, at least not from the human point of view, as in moral, etc.) could have created the universe (but then, what created that being? a Creator doesn't resolve any question imo). I doubt that it actively intervenes in our world on the behalf of "good," though, so if I did believe in any god I would be a Deist.. @_@

But I remain unresolved :) From my point of view, it could be either way and I will never know.

I hide my disbelief in Christianity from believers because I don't want to cause awkwardness between myself and the so many that do believe in Christianity. And, being the majority religion in the area, it really is a disadvantage to be a heretic of Christianity. :/ No matter how open one tries to be, it would make a negative impact.

Ah :/ Okay, I fulfilled my compulsion to express my views. I always have that compulsion. :/ As usual, can't manage to write with eloquence. Oh well. :/

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being a christian i probably shouldnt put it back on the religions back but..we're Gods representatives on Earth, the things we do are in God's name, and therefore the religion is the reason, whether us as people are the reason for it or not

[edit - lulu posted as i was writing] the whole 'he' thing is purely becuase the bible as it is today was written by males who generally at the time thought females weren't as important as males, therefore as God was important, God must be male, personally i dont believe God does have a gender

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