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Renavoid and the House of Liquid Dust


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It would appear as though Ren, our head archivist seems to have crashed into the House of Liquid Dustand is stuck there... It appears as though his adept seems to think there is a connection between the Wind mill, Golem's mill, and getting Renavoid back...I turn now to you my friends, perhaps you can help...

this has been said by his adept, and i quote

"Adept of Ren: He would mutter about some connection between mills, and try to come up with a way to cease power while exploiting weakness..."
"...I think he more of meant work one's power against the other."

...he seems to think it is relevant...

i am under the impression there is some relation between water and wind...

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well some are looking for a way to save ren I am standing guard making sure no body ends up like him, I'm calling in my worshipers as I can but it going rather slowly if any one can help me, or camn keep me updated on what the people trying to save ren are doing I'd be thankful

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Renavoid has acted rashly and behaved irresponsibly.

He has blatantly taunted the Shade Sentinel and its Guardian, transporting them out of Inner Necrovion to Golemus Golemicarum only to return them moments later after desecrating a hallowed ground, inviting in a massive amount of people to gape and gawk at the Tortured Souls. He seeks to play with powers which he clearly does not understand. He is seeking fame and attention while distracting people with his sophomoric antics.

I say Renavoid be left where he is and that he find his own way out of the situation which he has placed himself. If he believes himself to be as intelligent and clever as his delusions indicate, I am sure he will be able to repair the situation with little to no effort.

Simply leave him to whatever shreds of mercy the shades may have...

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This world does not need [i]this[/i] Master Archivist, one whose ego, arrogance, and self-importance cloud his judgment and lead him to behave like an archetypal 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face.

If there were any true balance in this world, reckless actions would have dire consequence and natural selection would have removed the weak and useless. However, it is apparent that this world rewards idiots and fools while leaving the strong and intelligent to wallow in obscurity.

As much as I would appreciate seeing the removal of Renavoid from the office of Master Archivist, and the installation of someone who [u]clearly deserves it,[/u] I have a feeling that this latest adventure of his will lead everyone to laud him as a great hero.
It is sickening.

It is also clear to me, and to anyone else who utilizes his or her intellect in the least, that the system which rewards actions is faulty in the extreme and possibly beyond repair.

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oh... i like that turn so much that i have to answer in this pointless topic :)

first of all, idk who you are or what you know, watcher, but personally, i always saw a good person in renavoid, even when he used me as target for his grasan attacks^^
he is a bit full of himself, that's true, but nonetheless he is a valueable part of the game, he does write a lot of archives stuff, and he does know a lot of stuff because he is a good listener...
so claiming he wouldn't do anything to deserve his role is a straight-out lie.

and AS there is a balance in the world, reckless actions will bring you closer to your target, kill or be killed, we are not playing kindergarden here...

and with that post count and sign-up date i will just assume that you have NO idea what ren did or didn't do to deserve his role...

PS: i'm not saying that you are a 'fool and idiot' [your words], but assuming oneself to be among the strong and intelligent while the people that were picked as RPCs and PWRs are jerks is most likely not one of the wisest things to think [rest assured, it's easier to betray taxes and get off with it than getting a PWR status in this game...] :(

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Sadly, Burns, you have made several grievous errors in your post.

[quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']he is a bit full of himself, that's true, but nonetheless he is a valueable part of the game, he does write a lot of archives stuff, and he does know a lot of stuff because he is a good listener...
so claiming he wouldn't do anything to deserve his role is a straight-out lie.[/quote]
First, saying that he is "a bit full of himself" is a colossal understatement. There are few people here, or elsewhere, who I have met who have had an ego as large or as out of control as Renavoid. He is rude and condescending [i]on his good days[/i].
As for the material which has been placed in the Archives under his name, if you actually care to look closer, he is the one who is getting credit for it and not the actual author of the material. I suspect that is the case for more of his "contributions" than not.
Also, I never claimed "he wouldn't do anything to deserve his role." Do not credit me with statements I have not made.

[quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']and with that post count and sign-up date i will just assume that you have NO idea what ren did or didn't do to deserve his role...[/quote]
You are judging my position on your erroneous perception that I have only recently joined this community and that I am unaware of what has come before now. I have chosen to remain silent on the myriad topics available on this forum for my own reasons. I am quite aware of what Renavoid has done in the past and his currently behavior only confirms that he is reckless and egotistical in the extreme.

[quote name='Burns' post='26081' date='Feb 28 2009, 05:38 PM']but assuming oneself to be among the strong and intelligent while the people that were picked as RPCs and PWRs are jerks is most likely not one of the wisest things to think[/quote]
Again, you are crediting me with words I have not said. I never claimed to be among those who are worthy.
I can only tell you what I see. And, it would seem that some recent statements by King Manu himself have indicated that those who have been selected to be among the RPCs and PWRs are now proving themselves as less worthy than originally thought. Indications lead me to believe there will be quite a clearing out of those who are not up the challenge of being RPCs.
Beyond that, I have made no comments about the other RPCs or PWRs in this post, or any other, concerning their worthiness or lack thereof.

I would also like to take a moment to point out that I am saying what others wish they could say. Yet, I also realize that others are too timid to do so for their own reason; I, however, feel a strong need that this be said. No one likes someone with an ego which runs rampant and roughshod over others. Nor do others like one who abuses the power he has been given. Renavoid is leagues away from the wonderful saint and mentor which others will choose to paint him.

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While I enjoy the systematic (and witty) insulting of a number of the people in our community, the last few posts are off topic. If you would like to discuss Renavoid's mental and pyschological characteristics, even though I find that to be a waste of time and effort, then make a topic for it.

This topic is to help Renavoid, and as much as the unrelenting insults towards his ego might at first appear to be helping Renavoid get out from Necrovion, shockingly they do nothing.


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LS, as you surely know by now, i assume everyone to be unique unless the person explicitly tells s/he is an alt...

and Watcher, i guess my own vision may be clouded by the fact that i like ren personally...
there are points in what you say for sure, but i guess the truth is somewhere in between...

he definitely can be a stupid jerk, and if you cross him he will do evil stuff to you just because he can, but to me he has seemed friendly most of the time [losing your army while he is having a killing spree doesn't kill you, after all], with helping new players when he comes around, giving away free wins when you ask for them...

and i won't ever call that man a saint or mentor, he's not a saint and way too inactive for being a mentor these days LOL

oh, PS: Watcher, i like you, and whatever i may write is nothing personal against you^^
I just don't like it when people bring out statements from a definitely personal point of view, and _always_ argue against them until i feel that a good point of consent has been reached =)

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ren a nice guy when you don't annoy him and he does do his job well I have gotten info from him shockly just by asking and he once locked one of my alts in the passage of war, so I would have a reason to dislike him but if he is a 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face. as watcher so colorfully painted him he is OUR 'holier than thou' preacher with all the subtle nuances of a well placed brick to the face. and I don't want to have to look for another it hard to find one who is also useful

though I think he more of a egocrazed nutjob myself and you got to admit he has a sense of style and more guts then a grasan on thanksgiving, to actually crash into the shade Sentinel to take him out if you have to nearly die that a nice way to do it

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[b]To Awiiya[/b]: Yes, this topic is about assisting Renavoid. My posts, while they may seem off topic, are quite on target. I do not believe Renavoid deserves assistance. I oppose it and I would actively work against it if I thought it would have an impact on the end result of this misadventure of his. However, it is clear to me that he will survive this self-imposed ordeal regardless of what I, or others, post here.
He does not need help; he will achieve his goal in the end whether he deserves to or not.

[b]To Burns[/b]: You have actually made an excellent point for me: "he will do evil stuff to you just because he can." I thank you for that.
Renavoid should be held to a higher standard, as should all RPCs, than the other people who populate this place. If he is petty and wishes to use his status and power against another for personal vengeance or "just because he can," it is clear that he is unworthy of either.
It has been made clear to me that King Manu does not appreciate it when people abuse the powers he has granted them. Indeed, if stormrunner is to be believed when he says "[Renavoid] once locked one of my alts in the passage of war, so I would have a reason to dislike him," it is clear that Renavoid has abused powers granted to him.
Again, I wish to thank you both for making excellent points for me.

[b]To stormrunner[/b]: At the risk of going off topic and posting something which may be interpreted as a personal attack, I would ask that you use appropriate punctuation in your posts. It is difficult to read and understand, with certainty, the points you are trying to make. Again, this is not a personal attack. Your thoughts will be clearer, and your arguments stronger, if you separate them from each other.
As for the "guts" comment, I doubt that either the Shade Sentinel or Renavoid himself have been injured in any significant way. "Brave" acts mean next to nothing when, one, it is difficult or impossible to die (none of the players can die) and two, if the objective is clearly beyond the means employed. As the Shade Sentinel is able to move about in the way he does, there is little reason to believe that anything has happened to him.

Finally, I will say this again: Leave Renvoid to his own devices.
Renavoid does not deserve aid of any kind. He has placed himself in this situation through his own foolish and shortsighted actions. He should remove himself from this same situation and without the aid of anyone else.
And while my vocal opinion may be in the minority, I know that it is silently echoed by others.

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IF it got any more offtopic or slightly more provocative leading to an unstoppable barrage of personal attacks on others, a mod would have to step in.
Dare I say it?
Please only discuss the object stated in the topic title. Saying that he is a nice guy or not, doesn't really have to do anything with it. Also, saying that stuff isn't personal, may still be read as personal by the other person.

That means, what do you think of Ren going into the house liquid dust? And what do you think will happen? That's what the topic desires. Helping him or not is but a part of this.

I for one, sad as I am though to see a friend go in there, think he will not survive... That's right, he won't survive in my opinion. The first raven, friend of the berserkers also went into the house of liquid dust and was never seen again.
That is enough for me, all I need to know. And so I do realize that, unless you are able to stop him from entering at the very last moment, he won't need any help, because none of you are capable of epic features of finding, researching and experimenting with secrets that will unlock the nature of liquid dust and how to properly deal with it..

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willowed enter and never come out, khalazdad and sagewoman have both entered and came out, though we all know what khalazdad was back then, and sage was dieing as she came out, and there is a shade traped in the house LD as well by khalazdad's words, now ren is traped

see why I don't want anyone near it

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I agree with Metal Bunny. Unless you're good at resurrection, Renavoid is already long gone, eaten by as much the liquid dust as by himself...

A phrase comes to mind. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."


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[quote name='awiiya' post='26162' date='Mar 1 2009, 01:02 PM']I agree with Metal Bunny. Unless you're good at resurrection, Renavoid is already long gone, eaten by as much the liquid dust as by himself...

A phrase comes to mind. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."


You have no desire to make attempts to help retrieve him?

I most certainly do. I will admit that it is as much (or maybe more) do to my own curiosity about the house as it is to rescue Renavoid. But if my curiosity can be quenched and someone can be aided as well, I am all for it.

I admit that I am surprised at how many people are just willing to give up and not investigate at all.

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yea, i just reread al, and ren wasnt going to enter house of LD, he crashed through back of house (like on films when guy jumps and then he crashes like roof and balcony and lands at ground near house and nothing happened to him, lol) and after that he saw that hole in wall of necrovion between house of ld and windmill, it can be seen on map

yey lets invade necro we found our way in :D

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