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Spring Festival: a chance to give back


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Hello everyone, I know this is rather short notice but Willow's Inn and Shoppe of Horrors (or WISH for short) would like to welcome you all to a little festival of our own in honor of the Spring Festival.

...A lot of us have gotten a lot of nice things this festival, and this is our chance to give something back, or at the very least have a gathering place to celebrate.

The festival will gather at Marind's Bedroom and will last all of March 14 and 15th, server time.

...If you would like to prepare a story, a speech, or some other sort of entertainment (i.e. trivia, games, things like that) please post what time you plan on doing it, I will try and keep a sort of running schedule here.

(all times are server time)

Saturday the 14th:

Sunday the 15th:

4 - The wedding of Aia del Mana, Priestess of Moon's Light, and Lucius Tarquinus Superbus

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[center]Aye, i suppose a hiatus won't hurt the festivities one bit, i'll pencil it in right now.


Also, congrats, you know I got nothing but love, and respect for you two, and i wish you all the best.


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[center]The speech can be as long and as boring as you want, the purpose of the event is to give back, and be thankful for what we do receive, and of course a poem to bob will be fine, i have no problem with it, i leave the forms of entertainment up to you, so as to inspire a broad range of creativity.


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I wanted to tell a tale!Of a Jester And A King!Not to mention participating in all classes...

By the way just arrange me an hour,im up to any hour im just lazy to work that out,say the hour and date i will be there with the tale......its one of those tales Khalazdad loves soo much....with meaning...

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[center]alright, if you have an idea when you'll be around to tell the tale, just so i can have a refence, it would be most appreciated, otherwise feel free to drop by at any time and share your tales, i doubt that anyone will take offense to it.

I will be keeping this up to date through the festival, so even if you do need to switch the times of your stories i can make the necessary arrangements.[/center]

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[center]Marind's Bedroom is in the MDA building, take a left, go straight through the door past the man at the desk, 2nd door, go up the stairs, through that door, and viola' you're there


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[quote name='stormrunner' post='26897' date='Mar 12 2009, 03:54 AM']I may have a long boring story full of bad grammer and spelling to tell[/quote]

I am entirely happy to be story editor. Get me a copy and you will have a grammatically correct version within 24 hours. (unless it takes longer than that to read it...)

*smiles* I am a story junkie.

PS - If anyone else would like to get me a copy of their story - feel free.

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