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Posted (edited)

I couldnt find any previous coments about the Festival. So Im just posting a few impresions as a common player.

+ The maze was fun, but I was hopping to find some danger inside. Nevertheless, amazing work. I hope it reopens soon. I would like to try again... i might solve it faster ;)

+ I couldnt see what happened at GG but it was fun to listen to all the fuss on the game and at the forum. Can someone publish some pics?

- Not everyone with real email received the free credits :(

+ It was a bit too long but I enjoyed the meeting at the House of Tainted Times. It was a great opportunity to see how new ideas are implemented. BTW... How does the factions organization working?

- Items (this is something that has a direct effect in The Fair Project so i will elaborate a bit more) Some how players fell in love with their randomly given items, no matter if it is a T-shirt or a bag full with nails. Players became attached to their items the same way as if they where a character related item. Unfortunaly this bizarre situation wont aloud items to be trade and sold as common merchandize.

So perhaps gender related items could be an alternative to this situation... like a pink lipstic. Mens/womens boots, etc. I can help with a list of items if necessary. :P

(I appologize for my grammar)

Edited by Kriskah Arcanu

I liked everything,well it was long.....and it made me tired the first week,with the maze thing,but i lied yet yup not all players got 5 credits T_T, and didnt attended to the meeting....soo i pretty much lose this festival...XD

  • Root Admin

The maze was annoying since it opened as i went to work and closed before i got back. Otherwise the festival was really fun.

Golemus was intresting although it didnt seem very important as nothing really happened, yet.


[quote name='Chewett' post='28350' date='Apr 6 2009, 06:33 PM']The maze was annoying since it opened as i went to work and closed before i got back. Otherwise the festival was really fun.

Golemus was intresting although it didnt seem very important as nothing really happened, yet.[/quote]

Yes...the maze hit team brit poorly :P


I like the style of pluses and minuses, so I will use them as well, with the addition of the / sign which means neither plus nor minus. A combination of /, +, or - means somewhere in the middle of the two signs.

Ex. /- means so-so to bad.

I agree with all of Kriskah Arcanu's, so I will not repeat them here.

- Length of the festival. It would have seemed a lot more festive, and less... extended, if things were done within the span of a week or a few days. I realize it's hard to get all that content ready for a week, but it would be amazing if that could be done.

+ Survey. The fact that Mur is interesting in our opinions makes me happy, and hopefully it will result in some great new features.

+ The pending RPC process. Speeding things up is necessary, and I think this was a good way to go do it. I know RPCs are eager to get their spells and tags, however in all honesty it's more fun if those things come after the festival, just so we can get through it faster.

+/ RPC promotion choices. Some I loved, but there were none I thought, "What the hell?"

+ Weaponsmith location

+/ Prison Tours. Awesome that we got to see that, bad that some people couldn't use the gazebo.

+ RPC demotion. All of the demotions were deserved, and I have heard no problems or strong reactions to the demotions



actually the free credits issue is something i have talked to a few about and i dont know anyone who got them ... if some did please post here letting us know im sure mur would like to know his gift is able to be used as he intended


i got it on my Lifeline account. but my second account which i rarely use that is mp3 and registered with a valid email as well didnt get it. i might have mixed the .de or .com and thats the reason why the second account didnt get it but i think i entered it correctly when i registered on that account.

as for the topic. yes the festivals were too long but i am sure that couldnt be helped. its really amazing how fast people got their promotions on the last day of festivals.
the only thing that disappointed me a little bit is that i saw the labyrinth challenge more than 12 hours after it started. if such a huge event was planned and rewards go to those who solve it fastest there should have been an annoucement letting people know that that challenge would start the next day at that time. but oh well doesnt matter the labyrinth was awesome. i really enjoyed the festivals


Chew, unless you go to work *really* early then it didnt open as you left :P

and it didnt hit me badly as a member of team brit, i was co-ordinating it :(


Team Pirate made a strong showing and placed well in all events 3rd or better in everything baby, awww yeah :P ...yarr! Although i have been adopted onto team brit as a pinch hitter... so go team brit. ;)

also i know i'm gonna catch some blowback for this, but i think mur made it a point to put emphasis on item creating characters... just an observation... Don't stone me. :(

  • Root Admin

[quote name='Grido' post='28359' date='Apr 6 2009, 09:23 PM']Chew, unless you go to work *really* early then it didnt open as you left :P

and it didnt hit me badly as a member of team brit, i was co-ordinating it :P[/quote]

wakeup ~ 5 and then off to work at 6. I try not to login into MD in the morning after the time i sacked most of my crits when tired. When did it start? must have been ~6 wasnt it?


well i gathered the ''troops'' at about 2am i think, possibly before that, i got let into the maze shortly after we'd been briefed by Mur, so possibly about 3/4 am start

wise move not repeating that then Chew, sacking most of your critters? ouch

[b][color="#0000FF"]Chewett: it was the culmination of a late night and an early morning. Luckily i a few creatures that i could rebuild an army with.[/color][/b]

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