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Stealing from the Demo Account

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  • Root Admin

just to clarify this dst.. taking something from someone (something that does not belong to you) and replacing it with something else, its still stealing. If i enter your home and i take what i like then leave something else back, don't you call that stealing? ..and i never said you were the one to take all the creatures away, i have no clue who took "the last" creature, if that matters for you so much.

Btw all the taken creatures (the penalty) are on the demo acc.

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Hey! It was some sort of exploit and I used it just for the fun of it not to harm DA or for other reasons. I got penalized for it (although there is no rule against this) and I moved on. After talking to you yesterday I understood your point of view and I have nothing to comment about it ( I learned in time that you never change your mind and it's pointless to spend energy fighting or arguing with you :P ) It's what you think and I have no problem with it.

As for me I am still not ashamed if this is what the whole issue is.

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You stole. It is against the laws and the moral obligations of society. We work for what we have. The demo account is working for MD as a resource to help other players join MD. I don't see how you still thought you could do this and think it is alright. YOU STOLE. Simple. It is wrong.

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  • Root Admin

For Moderation purposes would it be easier to just have a topic called "Dst why did you do X and Y?"

then have everyone moan at you one that topic :P

And this post is offtopic but im back and i want to post some stuff.

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[quote name='dst' post='29762' date='Apr 30 2009, 09:26 PM']Hey! It was some sort of exploit and I used it just for the fun of it not to harm DA or for other reasons.[/quote]
o rly? 0.o
seems to me as just an afterthought excuse right after you were caught
be a man and admit you did it for selfish reasons instead of rationalizing it was for a "noble" cause
[quote name='dst']As for me I am still not ashamed if this is what the whole issue is.[/quote]
well that takes the cake

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First of all I cannot be a man. :P
Second; if I would have done it for a selfish reason I would have not replaced the crit I took with another one. Or I would have taken all crits not just one. (btw: maybe I should make my profile visible again so you will see that I DO NOT need crits, but hey...you are too young to this game to know lots of things...you just go with the flow and also get your revenge for what I told you in another topic :D. That's all right: I am trying to understand your frustration :D)
Third: I don't look for excuses cause I don't need them.
Forth: yes, I am proud of what I did. As I said: I am still the best bug researcher this game has.
Fifth:if someone has more to say about me, please use Chewett's suggestion and open a topic where you can rand and say all sorts of things about me. O promise I will never reply to it :D

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dst no picking fights with the younglings :P

all of us who are older know that this is something you would do and be proud of, so we know not to bother talking about it much cause we know you like attention :D

oh and Harion dst is female so she really can't be a man. it need a few thing changed that shouldn't be, and be confusing

Edited by stormrunner
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It was a fair punishment. Not enough painful for DST he he
But the talibans want a public executions; hear that:

"You stole. It is against the laws and the moral obligations of society. We work for what we have."

This made me laugh. Let's take it easy and analize a bit because this is fundamentalism to me.

"You stole" Putting the conclusion before arguments... Demo account is for anyone.
"It is against the laws" plural: (laws) intention to be imprecise because precisely there was no law.What Law

"and the moral obligations of society" AAh OH this is killing stuff you allmost kill me! Is just moral and society in the same sentence without logic.

"We work for what we have." Who is we?
some people are riding their dreams even if apear to have a hard job...
And I could survive in the woods if there be an 802.11b/802.11g there

DST can donate the next oldest creat. to demo account. C'mon DST I challenge you!
(Then I'll see if i can transfer it to me... )

Edited by GgSeverin
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i dunno i can technicly see where one can argue this isnt a bug, as such... and just for the record i dont care one way or the other if demo has creatures ;) he's still aces as a spy

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[quote name='dst' post='29811' date='May 1 2009, 01:18 PM']you just go with the flow and also get your revenge for what I told you in another topic :). That's all right: I am trying to understand your frustration :))[/quote]
revenge? actually, i just want to needle you and see how you respond ;)

[quote name='dst']Third: I don't look for excuses cause I don't need them.[/quote]
if you don't need them, then why provide one in the 1st place? and you so did
[quote name='dst']...you are too young to this game to know lots of things...[/quote]
don't i know it miss know-it-all ;)

*runs* nyaanyaaanyaaah

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