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Improving Loreroot


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Answer with your most honest opinion. Please.

1. What can be done to help make Loreroot better?

Loreroot its self is great as it is, all of the internal turmoil needs to be dissolved ...

I would suggest maybe for now let it go back to only the alliances and guilds dissolve the "High Council" as far as I can see the largest number of problem is when it involves this governing body trying to control all of the peoples in the lands

2. What do you think can be done to bring everyone closer together?

Some times the best way to grow closer together is to take a step back this is true in many things in life and again you can refer to my answer to question 1 for my suggestion ... my further suggestion tho would be to keep things in game as much as possible all of the out side forums and things just make it hard for people to be able to find trust ... who among you trust a secret kept my a secret org of people who keep it secret that they exist ? I feel some may be looking at the people of Loreroot in this way also ...

3. What do you think is causing people to leave alliances?

distrust and drama

4. What do you feel can be done to fix the problems in lore?

again refer to the answer in question 1 there may be other solutions but i feel this could help a lot tho I know it will be the least favorite option for those involved

5. What do you need for the High Council to better serve you?

high council ... well if there is to be one it should run so quietly that everyone only notices it from respect not from it's rules and regulations ... and if there should be one it should be more open remember you are a high council not i repeat NOT a secret organization to better serve open the doors

6. What skills/gifts/talents to you have to offer?

My skills and talents range widely and can be used in many ways anyone has but to ask for my help and they will have it ... The best gift I can offer anyone is my friendship and loyalty ... these things are earned tho not given freely ...

7. What would you like to see in Loreroot?

more role play, more freedom to enjoy the game, less government and a fully open cooperation with the rest of the realm (please stop separating yourselves)

8. What do you believe could make Loreroot a better and more entertaining place?

I think the idea of the training grounds I have been ask to help develop will help bring people there .. I will be talking with lady Calyx more on this soon so we can test some ideas to get it underway soon

The preceding questions were sent to me in a pm asking my thoughts on how i think Loreroot can best me helped

I was also invited to post this info on Loreroot's private forum as well but choose not to as i wish all to be able to see and respond to my answers to the questions ...

If a member of Loreroot wishes to copy my post here and place it in the private form they may but as for this post i think it is a good and healthy topic that can get some interesting and hopefully positive feed back

so i in turn invite anyone who has an interest in the beautiful land of Loreroot to please answer the same questions posed to me so we can have more suggestions to help them regain the true health and strenght of the forest that is Loreroot

The Metal Mage

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[*] [b]What can be done to help make Loreroot better?[/b] Loreroot needs to play to its strengths, which are diversity, creativity, and culture. Loreroot should shore up its weaknesses, particularly in dueling, but it should also concentrate on its strengths and be true to its nature.
[*] [b]What do you think can be done to bring everyone closer together?[/b] Lorerootians need to do more together. They should train together, quest together, and so forth. They already party together.
[*] [b]What do you think is causing people to leave alliances?[/b] That is a question with vast implications, and I am uncertain I know the answer. What causes people to leave the realm? As to alliances, I think the difficulty is partly to do with the combat system and how difficult it is to train whilst staying in an alliance. In other cases, internal strife - and contrary to what some may say, Loreroot is not the only land that sees such strife - and worse, stagnation can drive people away from their alliances. But when people become emotionally distraught, they tend to leave dramatically, not just from alliances, but from the realm.
[*] [b]What do you feel can be done to fix the problems in lore?[/b] Loreroot's problems are no greater than any other land's, and hardly different. Still: Lorerootians must stay focussed on solutions more than problems, on the collective strength they gain from their diversity.
[*] [b] What do you need for the High Council to better serve you?[/b] As I am on the High Council I shall say that first I should like to see the two vacant seats filled. Second, I should like to see Councillors engage each other candidly and respectfully, for we have much work to do, and [u]we[/u] are to blame if our inter-alliance co-operation breaks down.
[*] [b] What skills/gifts/talents to you have to offer?[/b] I have long experience in leadership, I am a strong warrior and a fair tactician, and I am not easily cowed. I have focus and writing skill, having authored the Loreroot Charter and the codes of conduct for the Children of the Eclipse. Finally, I have a working knowledge of the history of MagicDuel, both recent and less recent, from my experiences in the realm, from my conversations with Archivists and veterans, and of course from reading the Adventure Log.
[*] [b]What would you like to see in Loreroot?[/b] More joy, more friendliness, more of the spirit of the Loreroot I know. Alone among the lands beyond Marind's Bell, Loreroot is accessible to everyone. Let us welcome all who come, letting them know our reverence for tradition, our enthusiasm in the present, and our delight in new friendships are the things that drive us and distinguish our land from the others.
[*] [b]What do you believe could make Loreroot a better and more entertaining place?[/b] More cooperative roleplay, more inquisitiveness into the land and its mysteries (have you ever been to Path Keeper?), and more quests! I am working to redress that last point particularly.

Edited by Tarquinus
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I will throw my 3 cents as a neutral observer:

Loreroot doesn't work mainly because there are too many players hungry for power. Raven, BlackThorn were the ones that started this (sorry but this is my opinion). Starting with the incident from several weeks ago everything fell apart. That was just the drop that filled the glass (which made me think there were some issues inside LR for a long time).
LR has too many big egos and that caused its fall. Also the secretive way of doing things made everyone look at LR suspiciously.
The idea with the council seems to be bad. Why? Simply because it doesn't work. You wanted to be a "democratic" society but there is no real democracy (mainly in MD) so the failure was imminent. I agree that you wanted to do things in a different manner but this "experiment" cost LR too much.

You ask for a solution? Frankly I don't see one. You are already compromised (again, this is my point of view). Maybe all you can do is try not to make more mistakes. Too many eyes are upon you and that kind of pressure will not make your life easier. In time things will probably change but if you are looking for an immediate solution...I personally do not see one.

I wish you all the best and all the strength in the word to overcome this "bad" situation you are currently facing.

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  • Root Admin

This is done from an outsiders point of view since i know little of Loreroot. The everyday Bob

1. What can be done to help make Loreroot better?

Perhaps some more co ordination with the "outside" world. It seems that Loreroot is very secretive and this makes it seem somehow a different place all together

2. What do you think can be done to bring everyone closer together?

There needs to be some definate laws and boundaries so that everyone (in the alliances and outside) understands how it works. From strife pointed out in the forum it seems as if many in the alliances do not know how they function let alone "outsiders"

3. What do you think is causing people to leave alliances?

distrust and drama x2 Definately. as pointed out in 2.

4. What do you feel can be done to fix the problems in lore?

Read Q2 where i pointed out my opinion why it isnt working and what could be done

5. What do you need for the High Council to better serve you?

N/a since im not in LR but with this note on the end
High council? i only heard about it a few days ago, How long has it been governing LR? Perhaps some more infomation on them

6. What skills/gifts/talents to you have to offer?


7. What would you like to see in Loreroot?

this is more What do you want to not to see in LR. Land segregation in my view is another form of "us and them" The lands are open (to a point) so that we may pass freely. There is not enought people for each land to have different quests contests and battles only for their land. For now we should work together so that we may promote the whole of MD

8. What do you believe could make Loreroot a better and more entertaining place?

Try and Draw more people into LR by having "open" events where it is organised for all.

My honest opinion, which means i am not trying to be disrespectful to anyone.

Thy who asks, gets.

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