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From: when will avaible the new pack of avatars?

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[quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' post='33629' date='Jun 17 2009, 01:43 AM']Correction, there will be no new avatars as I am not allowed to send any artwork in.[/quote]

just to have it for reference if removed.

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[quote name='King Manu' post='33805' date='Jun 18 2009, 05:53 AM']Untill then, i will provide a avatar pack to cover the huge gap caused by the canceling of the previous pack. As for you Amoran, you are no longer an artisan, or you could stay in the alliance if Glor decides so, but i will no longer want artworks from you, not after you accused me of stealing work fro others without beeing able to argument your accusations...and you were never the only one providing avatars (is that news for you?)[/quote]
First of all Mur, with all due respect, I was not the one to make the accusation that the artwork was stolen. Logan Marquis specifically stated that because of who he has spoken to he believed that some of the artworks in the game were stolen and also that you are using copyrighted material to gain profit off of it. I agreed with some of the things he said but I do not appreciate being practically attacked and crucified for having an opinion about MD.

There were two reasons I did not speak in game. One is that Akasha continued to attack me in the chat. I would have spoken if she had, pardon my words, shut up- or if someone had shut her up via chat controls. But the simple fact is that she did not, therefore I did not speak in game. No player should ever be subjected to that kind of treatment- you had the power to silence her and you did not.

My statement to you that "You are a horrible person" was solely for the fact that because of the fact that you ALLOW such things to continue and instead of focusing on the true problem, you turn to what emotionally affects you or what affects your reputation.

The second reason is simply because of the fact that I did not make such accusations against you and the accusations were said in a YIM chat, which is OOC and out of game entirely. The YIM conversation was NOT a trial against you or any other person, nor did I use my RPC position to manipulate any player into believing me.

I had a batch of at least ten avatars that I was working on for the month to turn into Glor and I was to request that because of the accusations in game that I be paid via paypal.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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His name on these very forums is 'King M.'
The entire MD community knows his real name. Thus it leads me to believe that you are not in fact doing so to mask Mur's name, but instead doing so to harass me.

As I stated once before, I would appreciate it Akasha, if you would make a reply asking me to change my wording rather than editing it yourself AND not giving a specific reason for it after editing.

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For frack's sake! Stop with your constant bickering! It does nothing but cause unneeded strife! Can't you see that bickering with each other does nothing but cause more bickering? You both are unwilling to drop it and let it be, because why? Is MD getting to boring to entertain you now? You need each other's despair and misery to fuel your daily necessities?

Honestly girls. PLEASE. Drop it. You both are starting to go out of your way to annoy and frustrate the other.

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No, Fenrir. I am unwilling to drop it now because I was not treated with respect as a player, a RPC who has spent 7 months trying to improve MagicDuel, and over all a person. I WILL explain my side and my point of view on Muratus Del Mur's posts, and I will do so here on these forums as they are unwilling to speak privately.

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[quote]There were two reasons I did not speak in game. One is that Akasha continued to attack me in the chat. I would have spoken if she had, pardon my words, shut up- or if someone had shut her up via chat controls. But the simple fact is that she did not, therefore I did not speak in game. No player should ever be subjected to that kind of treatment- you had the power to silence her and you did not.[/quote]

I could have shut you up too , but i didnt. Anyone can speak its mind freely, its up to the ones feeling attacked to react to it. Akasha felt MD was attacked and reacted placing herself in a fight that was hers too as a player of MD

[quote]The second reason is simply because of the fact that I did not make such accusations against you and the accusations were said in a YIM chat, which is OOC and out of game entirely. The YIM conversation was NOT a trial against you or any other person, nor did I use my RPC position to manipulate any player into believing me[/quote]

You contradict yourself, you say you did not make those accusations but you say there were in private. It doesnt realy matter if you do them in private if you talk to people from MD, people that know you from MD and people that know you as RPC, authority given by me, making your word count a lot more than normaly should.
The conversation was not a trial but a brainwash, masterminded probably by logan and actively presented by you. You two ended up taking players one by one to convince them about paranoid stuff how MD is built by secret organisations and how i am some kind of freak erasing your minds.

I dont realy care Logan was the mastermind behind this as i suspect,... a man is represented by the ideas he fights for, you fought for logans ideas so you payed for them. I never punished logan for his ideas because back when he was RPC i was not aware of such a thing happenig. Suddenly after he steped tottaly wrong and got demoted, he started to have paranoid beliefs and agitate people for nothing. What a coincidence. I don't care to punish logan, he is no longer rpc he has nothing to lose, anyone can speak freely, but you as a rpc, you have no more business in MD rpc group anymore and on top of that I will no longer let you or Logan scare players with fantasy paranoid stories based on imaginary proof just because they sound cool and because scandal is more interesting to others than truth.

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