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Story Night! Exciting and New!


Story Night!  

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[center]The time has come to talk of many things,
Of Gates and Ships and Drachorn Lairs,
Of Willow's Shop and Kings,
And why Park is filled with Marble,
And whether Mur's have wings. [/center]

The Archivists would like to bring back the age-old tradition of story telling in this Realm.

Stories help us do many things: learn, come together as a group, share experiences and feel a sense of community. The Archivists would like to extend the invitation to those with creativity, passion and a desire to bring mirth to the Realm.

[b]Story Night[/b] will be held every Monday evening at 4:00 server time at Fortune's Well.

Just a few guidlines to help you:

[*]Please keep your story short (20 minutes maximum) Only one story will be featured to allow time for discussion.
[*]Please keep your story MD themed, no intergalactic warriors or teletubbies.
[*]Please keep your story family friendly.
[*]Please use proper grammar and spelling, if possible
[*]Feel free to write a story about yourself, just be creative!

Let's bring back an exciting tradition and bring us all closer together. [b]Story Night[/b] will evolve as people dictate it, so please offer your suggestions. Please express your interest here, or message me if you wish to participate.

Also, I will be offering a wish point to exceptional story tellers at my discretion.

Poem at top Adapted from:
The Walrus and The Carpenter-Lewis Carroll
(from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872)

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Hooray! Story Night! I would love to participate! I'm very interested. I can't wait. ^_^

What are the roots of lore?
Is I am Bored really a bore?
Is No one anyone?
What does MRD stand for?
What is a Mur in the first place?
Why isn't the Demo Account the Demon Account?
Why am I asking these things?
For more knowledge maybe, though I doubt.

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  • Root Admin

Poll seems to have bugged again ^_^

Will do some more tests when i get back. But i dont want anyone editing the poll to "fix" it or trying to investigate what has happened

To any Mods or anything: DO NOT edit Pamples first post. I repeat DO NOT edit pamples first post. i need to do some tests.

Edited by Chewett
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To be honest I hope I will never attend ^_^
I hope I will not have anymore sleeping issues and that I will be sleeping like a baby at that hour. :D

BUT...why not make a re-run of the story in another day. European time this time :P
I offer myself as a volunteer to re-tell the story that was told Monday night.
I think I am able to do it Sunday evening (around 21:00 server time).

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[quote name='pamplemousse' post='34551' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:25 AM'][list]
[*]Please use proper grammar and spelling, if possible

Then only native english speaker should tell stories ^_^

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[quote name='Akasha' post='34581' date='Jun 24 2009, 11:53 AM']Then only native english speaker should tell stories ^_^[/quote]

I'm guessing it sais "if possible" to indicate you should TRY not to make grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Not to discourage non native/less fluent speakers of English.

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Whoah, whoah, whoah!

People, especially Granos and Pamplemousse... Who has my permission to do what?
Look, maybe my prolonged absence didn`t hint enough my true intention.
I AM DEAD! I`d rather be dead and gone when it comes to every bit of lore there is but that can`t be... yet. Maybe sometime soon that will be `fixed` but until then, please people, try to understand:
- I am dead, let me get my eternal rest.
- Not now, or ever in any proximity of the future shall I give my permissions to speak my personal story or any stories I have ever told.
- Perhaps you need to read this knowing my hands wrote it: Starting my death, every story I have ever told or not told but written has become nothing more or less but fiction, fantasy, the ramblings of a deluded Romanian if I may paraphrase the famous quote. Thus, all my work is restricted from being sent or used without my permission. Sending and resending any of those works through Personal Letters also counts. Let the stories die.
- I have not been brainwashed, I have not been mannippulated in any way to state the above. It`s all me. Why? Because from my point of view you people, all of you people, could not understand that the stories were there for your entertainment and curiosity, AND NOT to be used as a personal shield or wall in case of a conflict.
Also, there is no hidden message in this post, nothing to read between the lines.
ALL and ANY criticism will be accepted upon my words but don`t any of you dare judge me for my decision. Although it might sound dramatic, it was all of you who forced me to suicide! And I mean that.

Granos, please don`t use any of my stories, request available for everyone. Pamplemousse, ask for permission, [b]personally![/b], with EVERY occasion if you want something of mine. Also, please remove the grammar statement. I made my share of bloopers in a rush to write fast and because I stood awake at a late hour to tell you stories. If you want to make it clear just replace it with ``Do not use `dudespeak`or `leetspeak`(ie: lol, roflmao, wtf, n00b, l33t).
Don`t send me Personal Messages, I can be reached on the forum directly and of course, on the Yahoo! Messenger.

Might and Honor,

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''Story Night will be held every Monday evening at 4:00 server time at Fortune's Well''

whilst i gather from other posts this refers to 0400, saying evening and mixing that with 4:00 confuses me, and perhaps others into thinking you mean 1600, this might need to be clarified

also, could another option of wanting more occaisions for storys be put on the poll? ^_^ 0400 is 2am for me so unless i suffer a bout of insomnia the night before i wont be able to hear all the (hopefully) great stories

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Your conceit is astonishing, Fenix Noir.
Story Night, as it stands now, is [b]not[/b] about you, your tales, or your "death." I believe the expression "get over yourself" is quite apropos here. One person has stated he is willing to share a tale [i]about[/i] you, not one of your many long-winded fabrications. One cannot stop a person from telling a biographical story about another.
Furthermore, calling yourself 'dramatic' is not giving yourself enough credit. You are clearly histrionic; others 'forced you to suicide?' I have seen many who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, but this is one of the most appalling displays I have seen in some time. You were the one telling tales; you were the one that did not stop. You were the center of attention, but now you are nothing. I suppose that must sting a little. However, adults learn and move on while children whine, complain, and seek to heap the blame upon others.
It is clear which of the two you are.

Now, back on topic:
If this were a true story night, with someone speaking his or her tale and everyone else listening, spelling would clearly not be an issue. Grammar, however, might be a concern for some. Yet, because of the nature of the medium in which we communicate, grammar and spelling [b]are[/b] important. It is not unreasonable to ask for those who wish to share their tales to use proper spelling and grammar. It makes the tale much easier to follow if nothing else.
And, yes, I understand those who choose to come into this world are from many countries. We have a truly global community here and not everyone is exceptionally fluent in English. This is not a fault, but a fact. Indeed, there are those who seem to be from America, but who have far worse grammar and spelling than those from far outside it.
However, this is not an absolute requirement for sharing a story. If someone has horrible spelling and grammar, there is nothing to stop them from sharing. English is the language in which we communicate here. Asking others to observe proper spelling and the rules of grammar is not something to condemn.
In the end, if one is hesitant to share a tale because of their fluency in English, there are those who are willing to help with grammar and spelling, to 'clean it up,' if you will.

As for the time, I find it to be highly Americentric.
As has already been mentioned, much of the world is sleeping at the proposed time this event would take place. Even though the one who wishes to bring this event back is from America herself, this should not leave her to dictate the time at which the event should occur.
Taking that out of the equation, or simply ignoring it, a second day and time should be allowed for those who are not on either of the American continents. Also, this time and day should be agreed to by those who do [b]not[/b] live on the aforementioned landmass.
These individuals should also have the option of telling their own tale and not be forced to parrot the tale of another if that tale is deemed uninteresting to the crowd who has gathered.
As Pamplemousse has stated, "Story Night will evolve as people dictate." If there is enough interest for a second night or a later retelling of another story, it will happen.

It will be interesting to see where this endeavor heads.

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I am so happy to see all of you responding to my idea! Thank you so much for your suggestions.

It seems there are three main concerns:

[*]First, the time. I chose 04:00 server time (which is 9:00 in the evening for me) as I often see people "awake" then, and it is a good time for myself. However, I understand now that it is very late in the evening for my friends across the pond. Would 2100 be better for the non-American contingient? I do not think that holding a Story Night twice a week is a good idea and I highly doubt that everyone will be happy with the day and time, but it is my hope to include the most amount of people.
[*]Grammar/spelling-In the interest of understanding I do ask that some effort be made to make the story as clear and readable as possible. I understand that grammar and spelling is not the most fun thing in the world and no one will be judged or critiqued for errors. [i]I do not wish to discourage anyone from participating because of this guideline. [/i] If you need help, or wish to disuss this further, please contact me. (On a side note: I am a terrible speller :huh: )
[*]I encourage you to write and tell your own stories, in your own words, with your own ideas. However, if you wish to tell someone elses story, please just obtain their permission to do so. The point of Story Night is to offer some fresh stories, not rehash ones that can be found elsewhere.
As I stated earlier, Story Night will evolve as you dictate. I will do my best to accommodate, but please understand that I cannot please everyone. Thanks again for your interest! I am looking forward to hearing more great ideas!

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[quote name='pamplemousse' post='34629' date='Jun 24 2009, 09:02 PM']First, the time. I chose 04:00 server time (which is 9:00 in the evening for me) as I often see people "awake" then, and it is a good time for myself. However, I understand now that it is very late in the evening for my friends across the pond. Would 2100 be better for the non-American continent? I do not think that holding a Story Night twice a week is a good idea and I highly doubt that everyone will be happy with the day and time, but it is my hope to include the most amount of people.[/quote]

How about alternating the time: one week at 21h next at 04h. And posting the logs somewhere. That way more people have the chance to participate and we can still read all of the stories if we want to.

[quote]Grammar/spelling-In the interest of understanding I do ask that some effort be made to make the story as clear and readable as possible. I understand that grammar and spelling is not the most fun thing in the world and no one will be judged or critiqued for errors. [i]I do not wish to discourage anyone from participating because of this guideline. [/i] If you need help, or wish to discus this further, please contact me. (On a side note: I am a terrible speller :huh: )[/quote]

If you prepare a story, how hard is it to run it through a spellchecker or let someone proofread it?
In general I don't comment on spelling or grammar, unless I see people making the same mistake often. But now that we are discussing it, I must say that a lot of people who according to their flag have English as their primary language, spell incredibly poor. It's gone so far that I've looked up the difference between lay and lie about 10 times now. People pick up your mistakes and repeat them, spread them like an epidemic.

Here's what my dictionary says:
to lay is to place something; to lie is to recline

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An idea building off of Kafuuka's...

What if the person giving the story decide what time it will occur at? As long as it happens on the monday, and give at least 2 days of warning, then they can set it at whatever time they like.

For me, neither of the two above times work particularly well.


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Ah good that you mention Kafuuka! What means "oh maan you should get layed!"
:lol: I was pretty serious when I heard that line.

40:00 server time is not an appropriate European time.
And what grammar? I speak English good enough to understand my self!

:good: Good Idea Pample, As the music in the place of gathering could it be the voice of the story teller??

preregistered, by all means??

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