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Centralised Quest Announcing Page

Should such a page exist?  

38 members have voted

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  • Root Admin

This is for all types of players, and is basicaly a part of the factions system but presented outside of it for now. If the voting goes to NO, it will be left for later when factions will be done, if its YES, it will come sooner and integrated with factions later.

I am thinking of a page where each rpc would have one entry available to enter:

Quest name
short description (250chars)
rewards given
Area where quest giver can be found (not exact location)

Maybe a filter on mp level, age, xp, whatever, to display the quest announcement only to players fitting the requirements. Problem with filters is that i want new players to see available quests within their first 3 days, not after month (beginner quests, later to be related to factions)

The permission to announce quests could be granted also via a wishshop feature so that pwr can use it too.

Please also make suggestions, not only votes.
(for example what fields structure you think best, other things that could go well with this possible feature)

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i like the idea in general, but what i'd like a lot more is simple: either a disabled personal page for RPCs or a Personal Page that includes the Quest Page at all times, for right now, some of the best questers (looks at Akasha, Cryx, and Gargy) have their profile hidden (no, not a nice profile page, plain and simply a hidden profile with almost NO info on their pages)!
i wouldn't need a list of any kind for the RPC-quests if i could skip through the link-list to their profiles and check out if the quest has changed...

nonetheless, it would be helpful to have such a list for the quests that are not set by RPCs, but that could easily be done if people cared to do it...

for example, the Paper could contain a quest page, specially since Garg and Grido were given the power to change the public page and can put short notice infos there [quest xy over, quest ab began](i hope i understood that right xD), if people only cared to tell that they have a quest online -.-

you could obviously say 'uh well, nobody reads the papers, why would i set my quest-info there?', but i think almost everybody would take a look into it if they knew that they could have lists of all available quests on the last page [product-placement? possibly yes :D ]

Edited by Burns
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i like the idea. most of my adepts ask me "what should i do now are there any quests left in the game i just got into loreroot?"
they dont even see that rpc have quests even if they already made it into loreroot and probably are worried that the game is about to finish for them now. if there were such a page for all to see they would quickly understand that the game is about more than just beating the few ingame quests and getting to mp5.
and if there is one please for all. its especially the new players that want to know how much the game offers to them. and if they see that they dont meet the requirements for some quests that might give them more motivation to reach those set requirements.

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[post='37471']I stick to my earlier idea:[/post] add one more form to the (Q) paper editor, that allows people to input a small comment on what they edited, or leave it blank if it was only a small edit. Whenever a paper is saved, store this comment and the time at which it was done. Next to the announcements, forum, free credits... links, add a new one that displays a list of times when people edited their (Q) paper and the comment.
It's simple stupid, yet efficient. Players don't really need more information than who made a new quest recently. (and it should be ridiculously easy to program.)

While quest solving and designing are related, I don't think that all people that are good at one are also good at the other. Having to buy an announcement feature will reduce the quantity a lot. If the above suggestion is followed, it could be easily extended for hatelists too; afaik that is the most likely place to find a non RPC quest. I'd prefer to have a Q page though.

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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='26 July 2009 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1248571542' post='37924']
Quest name
short description (250chars)
rewards given
Area where quest giver can be found (not exact location)

also some time periods can be added here

[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='26 July 2009 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1248571542' post='37924']
Maybe a filter on mp level, age, xp, whatever, to display the quest announcement only to players fitting the requirements. Problem with filters is that i want new players to see available quests within their first 3 days, not after month (beginner quests, later to be related to factions)

just list all quests available , with the posibility to list all "old" quests too

[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='26 July 2009 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1248571542' post='37924']
The permission to announce quests could be granted also via a wishshop feature so that pwr can use it too.

to pay to create quests ... hmm, i guess that I will not do that (but it is only me)
Maybe you can make it so that at RPC players could grant the "Accept" for a certain player to create quests. And if there are at least 2-3 "votes" for a certain player then he can create 1 quest.

After the quest has ended (time based) the player should be required to ask some RPC to grant him another quest.

Also, making good quests (at least 2) should grant one player the ability to do endless quests.

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When i have a quest up, and it is public, i like it to be in the papers i carry with me and the persons interested in my quests to find me. In the end, finding me is also a small quest, so the first step is always that :D .

I carry my book of stories, some can be found in MD Archives, some not, depending if they are connected to quests or not and the importance of them. The other book i carry is the Order book, in which i try hard to put everything the Order finds.

I also run quests like missions, some in secret, some in public.

Now, if you want to read one of my stories simply find me and open my book of stories, look at the Order one or even try my Quest, but do no ask me to come to you or to give you copy/paste just to be more simple for you. My profile is hidden, will probably have my story on, but until then will remain hidden as i simply have nothing to put for the lazy ones up.

And i must thank you for classifying me among the best questers. Soon, a new chapter will be up on my Quest page.

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  • Root Admin

The centralised quest announcing page will only tell a short summary about who has what quests. I understand your point and it was mine too when not adding a addressbook or a fast way of reaching someone...you want to find that someone, you have to realy search and find him...but currently its very dissapointing to search for a possible quest giver and find out that after a loong search he has nothing up and running. I this page will be just as its named, a place to advertise quests, not a place to spoil them.

The first step was allready made, now when you click your Q doc a small announcement popsup before you can edit it. In place of that announcement you will see a form asking you to fill some short details about your current quest, or to update them if anything changed. The contents of that form will be centralised then on a page that anyone can see.

I have an other thought about this and its possible that this quest announcing page will be presented in a map location not in the game menu..maybe in the archives? idk now, maybe both in menu and in location, with some more info on the one in the map location...i will see that when its ready.

Thank you for your votes, and keep posting if you have any other suggestions.

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  • Root Admin

I allready thought of that when doing this. The solution i could came up with was to have separate q docs for each. I am afraid that if it would be made in any other way, quest creators will just keep a list of quests forgetting to maintain them. If there will be a independent q doc appearing for each quest, they will be more careful , i think. Also its easyer to integrate in the current system and is much more flexible. For example there could be independent q docs for different types of quests.

I could start it allready but i am not sure how many need it and how many will just invent short new quests just to get an additional doc ... i must think of rules to give this out, maybe the wish shop ?

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rather than doing that, can the pop up be:
(- is in place of tab/space)

[quote]Quest name 1---Edit Details---Extend
Quest name 2---Edit Details---Extend

Make new quest---Continue to document[/quote]

or something like that, it possible?

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