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Dojo Debate


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And yes, we went over the RP portion of the Dojo, however, the issues involved lean heavily toward the fact that the offenders are not RPing. You mentioned that MRD would maul me if I was offending at the GGG. Ok... And then? I could go on destroying all the rits to my hearts content, healing all my critters by fighting while I was at it. So one: there is no way to actually harm players who offend, and 2: They will not stop if thrashed as would be appropriate of RP. IaB had a very good example of this during the discussion.

Now on to the other sorts of offenders. New players who have no idea what they're doing and don't know it's a dojo. Throw people into the game after teaching them the VERY basics of fighting in a heavily populated area and you don't expect them to try fighting before clicking EVERY click able in the area? MP3s sitting there to learn and heal get destroyed, which is incredibly frustrating. It takes a long time to heal your critters every time they die. Why put a learning area in a place you KNOW they are going to be constantly frustrated...

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Are you serious? Don't you have some sort of imagination?
They have the moral support of Mur, they can ask for an attacklock spell which could replace the ban spell.
As for MRD mauling you, I think you don't fully understand. I know how to give you so much negative xp and so much negative vp, that you can't play normal anymore. MRD can order his entire alliance.

I hope you get my point, because I am going to refrain from debating this further.

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Oh no, I quite get that spells can be useful MB, I thought you were attempting to say that people should just RP and not bother with spells. That they shouldn't be doing anything that a normal person can't. (The regular attack-lock of the WS doesn't really last long enough).

Also, I am incredibly confused about how you would go about giving me negative Vp and exp. Certainly the way I'm used to would do no good. But yes, with spells it could be manageable in it's current location.

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guy means that he wouldn't be scared of the usual 50-70k neg VP...

guess he's never seen two digit million-value on VP yet... and he seems to have no idea about the MRs social network, which will make sure you don't see a burst in ages if D doesn't want you to see a burst...

and then it WILL destroy your game, for a really long time ;)

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We ARE still talking about the dojo debate right? XD

(sorry if I start going off into something offtopic. lots of stuff to say and I don't feel like organizing it in my head XD)

When I was still an active MD player I policed and taught simple things to new mp3s XD

Well... All I did was send pms to about 50 mp3s at a time and hope they would care to even open them. But honostly I believe that dojo staff members can do that. It isn't that hard XD Just copy and paste the same message to mp3s :D

Someone brought up that the problem with this would be that mp3s would get spammed by the same pms from different people. Well I think this is a good thing. What kind of mp3 should get annoyed by 3 of the same pms? Its not like they get dozens in a single day... And the new pm would inform them that there is a new player or dojo staff members (teacher) to help them. I usually answer the questions I get in a few seconds actually [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]

Well yeah. Most dojo staff members simply post their little dojo message in the chatbox and send pms to violaters.

Oh and I think fenrir said that there aren't a lot of dojo staff members that are willing to actually teach about fighting on duty. Well... Not sure about this. But I think mp3s are allowed to become dojo staff members? I sort of think that is ridiculous. There should be a rule that only mp4s and above can become dojo staff members and I have even thought of only allowing mp5s to become staff. I sort of think that would take out the few people that only are dojo staff members for the power and the little tag they get XD I don't know a single mp3 that is fit for teaching anything about fighting besides the things that can easily be discovered by others. That is just my thought.

Oh and about moving the dojo... I would like that very much. mp3s are supposed to want to explore the entire MD so its not like they won't be able to find it if they move it to the fountain. Very good idea to move it. I think that besides the few people that attack in the dojo just for the sake of breaking the rules that the only people that break the rules don't know about them and are just passing by. So yeah...

And um... I'll see what else I can think about.

OH YEAH! And only 1 dojo. There aren't enough dojo staff members to support multiple dojos anyways...

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I'm more curious as to how you plan on giving me negative Vp... Now, I understand that if you want to try to lose all your health and hit me with the rit at 100% it might take me half a round to kill your ritual. Ok, honestly I have no idea what your stats, maybe you can go one round, but unless you have some SERIOUSLY hopped up trees you're going to have to hit me about 50 times to accomplish anything, and if I set the right defense, all you'll be doing is stealing my precious personal exp. Unless you're a MEGA UBER stat grinder, or a crazy person with defense tokens on all your trees, all you'll accomplish is giving me exp.

Yes, you're right, it's the social network that is the scariest. My point was that a single champion isn't going to be able to punish me without spells, and the entire game can't stop a player who ONLY wants to piss people off without spells.

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Alright, let me elaborate then, this meaning that I'll not hold to my previous words of me saying that I would refrain from doing so.

I will not tell you how to give you massive negative vp and xp, and with massive, I mean millions. I also know how to regain it almost just as fast. The social factor is indeed big, but trust me, dst can do this as well and what she can do is quite painful, even if she would work alone.
You are underestimating this part, big time. But that's no longer the point, mainly because I doubt you will experience this. You are a nice person and I don't think you'll piss someone off that bad.

As for a single champion? It does help, a lot. Disregarding the .MRD. example, I will go to .Wodin Ullr.
He held the first proto-type of the dojo and wanted to help out at the dojo.
A champion he was indeed. Now you are correct, a single champion cannot do a lot on his own, just ask Quichote.
But a champion, just like .Wodin Ullr. and .MRD., has the uncanny ability to attract people who are loyal. A single champion makes a difference because s/he leads a united front. I followed .Wodin Ullr., so did .Renavoid. and Yami no Sakura and .MRD. and many others.
A champion and most importantly, the people s/he represents demand your respect.

Where is the dojo's champion? Where is the dojo's /respected/ power?
I do not see it.

Now you would say that a single spell would not scare you. And I agree.
But a champion, a respected hero of the community, a legend. S/he attracts other spellcasters as well.
Having 2 mp6 constantly casting stuff on you, while 10 others hunt you day and night with ritual mechanics (Which I will not divulge) to give you seriously painful negative xp and vp.
That is the effect a champion can have.

If you don't believe me, then you probably don't believe that the GG alliance was like such when .Wodin Ullr. was the leader, or that the MR alliance is like such now.

Leaders have a tremendous effect on their community (just look at Obama. Just an example, not saying you should be like Obama [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]). A lack of strong leadership is IMO why the dojo is having such problems.

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