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Md Shop Boosters And Items


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I was thinking today that many people spend well over £200 pounds on the MD Shop.Good thats keeps the game running, brilliant :D . Then I though(I know dangerous ><) Why don't we have a day where all things bought from the MD shop are deactivated for that day, who knows, if it is possible it could even be turned into a competition!!!! That way we can see who really is the the strongest/ cleverest when they are stripped from all their backups.

Things that SHOULD be(if possible) removed for a day each month are.

Bloodpack Archers
Pimped Grasans



All tokens.




Vitality Boosters
Stat Boosters.

Like I said this is just a idea that could and should be worked on by brighter people than me ^^, So please do post your comments on this!!!

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Hmm...stats...no, I don't think they can be removed(it's a bit difficult to calculate how much each player got using from the shop) but the crits and tokens can. And yes, I would like to see that also. And not just for a day.For at least a week. This way you can give the opportunity to test things to more players.

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The idea is good.Really good.But it is possible? [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img] just wondering.
And yes,more than just a day. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif[/img]

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stats, at least the 5% for sword and shield, cannot be removed since they are instantly and permanent. if the former values of each time the 5% bonus was given haven't been saved somewhere there is no way to tell how much a specific person got.

anyway, an interesting idea ;) i'd have suggested a place at which tokens have no effect, but a realm-wide 'purism week' (well, except for extra creature slots, as apophys mentioned) also sounds pretty good -_-

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1) No the don't think creature slots can/should be.
2) At first I did think more than a few days but was not sure how the idea would go down ^^
3) The stats I did think would be a very hard point.
4) (To shadowseeker) I think that it would do some people good to lose those creatures and tokens etc for a week or so...it would give them a chance too actually remember what it was like in mp3, instead of being bored of winning so much.

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  • Root Admin

i don't think removing paid things is an option, mainly because those things help players get permanent benefits such as stats and i have no way to know what stats someone has because he used that mighty rusty for example.

An other thing that could be close to what you want is MP7 level, in mp7 all stats are zero, characters fighting with their "empty" rituals, magic and other such things. ..still a lot of work to do for that level -_-

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[quote name='Shadow(mcvities)' date='05 August 2009 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1249478963' post='38754']
I was thinking today that many people spend well over £200 pounds on the MD Shop.Good thats keeps the game running, brilliant :D . Then I though(I know dangerous ><) Why don't we have a day where all things bought from the MD shop are deactivated for that day, who knows, if it is possible it could even be turned into a competition!!!! That way we can see who really is the the strongest/ cleverest when they are stripped from all their backups.

Things that SHOULD be(if possible) removed for a day each month are.

Bloodpack Archers
Pimped Grasans



All tokens.




Vitality Boosters
Stat Boosters.

Like I said this is just a idea that could and should be worked on by brighter people than me ^^, So please do post your comments on this!!!

As i told you in Chat this is a great idear.... Maybe make a contest of it and dst is right more than a day like same as the Heads contest.....

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[b]I'm going to be devils advocate here a second:[/b]

Surely the true strongest or cleverest is determined by those who can still beat people with extras by the standard means. What does this accomplish exactly?

Im assuming its the want of a level playing field, but that cant be done if you consider HC rewards, dream mutation jokers etc etc. So if I do consider that it just seems like its a way to (for some reason or other...) punish those who pump money into the game and reward those who don't, because the only thing you could judge in the end would be things bought from the shop and things not bought from the shop, and if that be the case im not sure its wise on many different levels.


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  • Root Admin

Firstly any kind of stat boasters could not removed. So they are out already. They are also a main part of your idea since these will have boasted a player quite considerably.

creatures wouldnt have to be removed, where all these problems could occur but it might be easier if they are just disabled for a period of time. Again this will require a lot of coding for Mur

Tokens again would have to be disabled, Not exatly a great deal but again it would require more coding for Mur

The shop could also be disabled for the day, again which will need to be coded.

and yes becuase the stats would still be there it would be just like rewinding back a year and a half when there were only about 3 rituals that anyone used so they could win and that your stats nearly always mean if you would win or lose.

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