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Posted (edited)

Alright, to make this go by quicker, I am going to reduce the post delay to 10 instead of 20.

I will also post all the current ones that were picked so far. No one has gotten the correct ones yet.

EDIT: I just recently tokened some crits, and one of the grasans put up for this contest got a Blood Drop II, it is still up to win, just letting you know :P

If it is striked out, it means that post was either already picked, or is non existent.

1 1 Rendril 6
1 2 Mithrandil 30
1 3 Famfrit Flamel 14
1 32 Kyphis 56

2 2 Totenkopf 37
[s]2 2 Windy 46[/s]
2 3 Totenkopf 5
2 5 Pipstickz 39
2 13 Princ Rhaegar 10

3 3 marleybob 28
3 24 Yomiko 24
3 31 Raser 36

4 4 Grido 47
4 6 BlackwoodForest 38
4 24 Clock Master 32
4 18 Mighty Pirate 27
4 31 Mighty Pirate 50
4 36 The Witch Docter 42
4 48 Burns 2

5 5 Dante Falcon 7
5 21 Chewett 4
5 25 Famfrit Flamel 35
5 35 Mya Celestia 8

6 6 nadrolski 16
6 7 LadyDawn 3
6 13 Redd 53
6 14 Kyu 25
6 38 Udgard 19

7 6 Grido 12
7 7 Shadowseeker 15
7 12 Kamisha 49
7 22 Handy Pockets 18
7 30 likeitbig 54
7 32 Famfrit Flamel 59
7 39 stavaroiu 44

8 8 O'Be 23
8 15 Chewett 51
8 19 Shantu 22
8 35 phantasm 13
8 41 Talonclaws 31
8 47 Eirian Bryn 9
8 48 Phantasm 57

9 3 Atrumist 48
9 6 Esmerelda 20
9 9 Phantom Orchid 43
9 11 mojo jojo 17
9 48 druzik 61
9 49 Imagine Breaker 29

10 1 xPo 33
10 10 Nylah Raynen 34
10 47 darlec77 26
[s]10 47 Sir Kamil 52[/s]
10 48 Asterdai 21
10 49 likeitbig 11
12 16 Mith 58

13 13 vampir 40

20 20 kyuu 55

30 1 Wizard of Heaven 41

66 66 ladytwin 45[/s]

Edited by Yoshi

What? right thumb never is wrong...
unless you are lefthanded...

row 4 column 1, left thumb! If that's wrong, you are either weird or something without opposing thumb, like an alien... or a Yoshi! O_o


[quote]2 2 Windy 46
44 Windy 46[/quote]

the 4 4 guess was actually me....you've referenced both those to the same post as well, not that it matters, cos it's still wrong, but i'm pedantic

Row 1, Column 4

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