phantasm Posted March 21, 2010 Report Posted March 21, 2010 (edited) Shadows Quest My shadow has disturbed this world long enough! When if first detached it self away from me and became a being of destruction, I was overjoyed to see the anarchy it caused upon my enemies. Now it seems as if it wants nothing more then to take over someone’s body and bring about havoc and destruction. It must be stopped and reattached before it does any more harm. At first its “possessions” of people went unnoticed……… It started with my arch nemesis Assira the Black. In a struggle to overtake her mind and soul, it turned her own anger against her. The only tale-tell sign was her right eye turned solid black. While strange to see Assira so filled with emotions, who is usually so emotionless, I was overjoyed thinking she was mentally melting down. As her hatred grew it began to consume her until the inner battle for her body took place. She succeeded in vanquishing the shadow and forcing it from her body. Next on its list was Mysteria Blue. A dear friend of mine, whose kindness and friendship was tested when the shadow overtook her and began to feed upon her anger. As time when by her condition grew worse, and we began to notice a pattern. Her right eye too, was solid black. As her anger grew the world around her began to be affected. Assira’s burst of emotions was odd, but this calm and kind person growing into a fiend filled with anger, lashing out at all those around her, was enough to create a stir all over MD. At its peak Mysteria was strong enough to fight the shadow from her mind and send it hurling to what we hoped was its doom. Last to be assaulted by this was Ladytwin. The fun loving, fiery demon whose love for anarchy was increased 10 fold as the shadow possessed her. Unlike the others Ladytwin, or Tara as most of us call her, was instantly raged. All her past feeling kept inside, as she always did her best to control her demon urges, flooded her senses and overtook her. She became a rampaging beast, with only blood and death on her mind. Burning anything in her path, fighting those she called friends, and creating anarchy the world over. Her black right eye was a sure sign that again it was the dastardly shadow of mine. This time it seemed the shadow had found the right victim and was going to take over Ladytwin’s body forever. In a most climatic moment, she gained enough self control to thrust the shadow from her body. This time, with the shadow being so close to victory, an explosion of dark energy was released from her body, as the shadow showed its anger and frustration at the loss. Unknowing doing so the shadow weakened itself and now is the time for us to act, before it find a victim it can keep this next time. [b] The Quest “All Mp6, Mp5, and Mp4 levels that have access to Loreroot are eligible for this quest.”[/b] [size="6"]The Right Idea The first part of this quest is to think up a way to trap the shadow, in order to keep it still long enough to reattach it back to my body. We must also come up with the way to attach it to my body, since none before have had this problem, we have no reference in which to work with. Read Mur’s post about the Shadow's (found in the forum) and think of an effective and inventive way of completing both of these tasks. Read over the past progression and think of why the shadow appears, and what appeals to it. The Progression can be found in my Quest Documents. It must involve three items that would be useful for whatever idea you are coming up with. These items must be ordinary items, not ones with mystical or godlike powers. The more you read about this on Mur's post in the forum and my Progression, the better chance you will have at accurately coming up with a plan, and winning this part.[/size] [b]PLEASE POST ONLY ONCE. YOU MAY UPDATE OR CHANGE YOU POST AS MUCH AS YOU WOULD LIKE UNTIL THE END OF THIS PHASE. ANY AND ALL NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON OTHER PEOPLE’S IDEAS WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE BANNING FROM THE QUEST. IF THE NAME ON THE FORUM DOESN'T MATCH YOUR IN-GAME NAME, ALSO PUT IN YOUR POST WHO YOUR MAIN CHARACTER IS. [/b] Each Phase will only be revealed after the prior phase has been completed! *edit* did I mention that the idea I chose, the person not only gets a WP but a major role in the quest that will has been/will be a big impact? The last phase of the quest will be quite a suprise. *edit* Keep in mind that these need to be plans, not theories or ideas. Simply saying to do something isn't enough. I want to join the shadow back to my body before more damage is done to others. Think up what makes a good plan, and how a good plan should be written up* Edited March 26, 2010 by phantasm Shadowseeker 1
Burns Posted March 21, 2010 Report Posted March 21, 2010 (edited) Hmm... considering the history of that shadow, it seems like a leech, a vampiric creature feeding on anger, rage, frustration and desperation. So, to catch it, you need a bait, a potential source of all of those, and make sure their emotions go high for whatever reason, and your shadow will appear to feed on it. It's stupid enough to stay in place even when it's fighting on a lost position, so it will stick with the bait as long as it's got emotions to fuel, and in turn feed the shadow, so there's just need for a way to extract it from the bait. I supposed killing the bait would do the trick fairly well, but we don't want to shed that much blood, do we? So instead, you need a bait in such control of its, or preferably her, since the shadow comes after you , feelings, that she can attract the shadow and banish it again. No matter what way you choose, there's a need to imprisonate your shadow afterwards, for that i'd propose a ring of torches, so that the shadow is encircled by sources of light and can't flee in any direction. Since it already drained you of your emotions, it wouldn't get back to you easily since there's nothing to feast upon, so i'd say you'll best starve it in its prison for a few days, in which someone would have to take care of your fires and make sure there's no emotion close by, to make your shadow weak and hungry. Then it's time for you to get into its prison and gently feed it with bits of what little emotions you have left, i'll gladly help you get a bit angry there, and bind it to yourself as a symbiont. Naturally, you shouldn't be leaving the ring of fire until the two of you have built a connection strong enough so that the shadow feeds your emotions well enough that it has no reason to get rid of you immidiately, and then extinguish the fires, so the shadow feels safe and in control again. As it thinks to be on the better leverage again, it will try to start its mission to destroy MD again, and force you to do evil things. That's where Sagey comes in to step in your way, creating a nice little conflict within you, and the shadow will overpower you. And bang, here comes Sagey and raises a mirror to your face, and the shadow finds out that he is actually nothing but a faint glimmer of darkness, with no form or power of its own. Then the shadow will be desperately trying to get stronger and draw more energy out of your emotions for Sagey, deepening the bond between you and it, and in the just right moment as it uses you to charge at Sagey, the readymade bonfires and the light-powers will ignite the very air around you, and the shadow, in lack of options will bind itself to your body just to avoid being destroyed. Edited March 21, 2010 by Burns phantasm and Kyphis the Bard 2
Kyphis the Bard Posted March 21, 2010 Report Posted March 21, 2010 I agree largely with burns but I would like to some protective measures to prevent A) the wrong people getting possessed, [img][/img] the shadow escaping the ring of torches. First, I suggest that anyone who is not the bait wear reflective armour that encases the whole body. This could be with highly polished armour easily, but best would be a suit of armour made from actual mirrors specifically for the purpose. It would not have to be highly mobile, just enough to allow basic movements of the Shoulder, Knee, Hip, and Elbow, as well as some mobility for the Ankle, Wrist, and Neck. Any armour used would also require a number of light sources around them, such as fireflys in small jars hung from their body, to ensure they where always surrounded by light. The effect would be to create a light barrier the Shadow would have difficulty crossing, preventing it from possessing the person. Second, I would have covered , convex mirrors around the ring of torches, covered and face-down until the shadow has taken the bait. Once the shadow is inside the ring, the mirrors could be raised to reflect the light in stronger beams around the entire circle, creating a stronger barrier. This could be done in multiple ways, either facing them all inwards so they flood the whole area, or by focusing the majority of the light so that all but the very center was bathed in intense light. The benefit of the later is that the shadow would be more reluctant to leave the very center of the trap, as doing so would require it to increase its exposure to the light. Also worth note is that the bait needn't be inside the trap, but once the shadow makes a move on it if the possessed one is strong enough they may simply walk into the center and wait while the trap is secured before shedding the shadow. Let is just hope the shadow can't fly (Shouldn't be able to as shadows generally act on a 2D plane, but considering it could show itself around air particles, it may be able to. Also, if a creature flew over it may take the opportunity to hitch a ride within the creatures shadow as it passed over, if it is able) phantasm 1
BFH Posted March 23, 2010 Report Posted March 23, 2010 (edited) [size="5"][size="4"]I agree with all of you, but i think the surprise fact should be more involved. It's Phantasm Shadow's so it can't be underestimated. It had already taken 3 victims: Assira the Black, Mysteria Blue and Ladytwin, so it have more and more power. First Phantasm needs to get rid of all his emotions and feelings, maybe broking things, screaming or something like that. Phantasm can write his feelings in a paper and the broke it. The point is to get rid of emotions. (That's to prevent the shadow get out of him again after being trap and bonded with Phantasm). Second Phantasm needs to Find a place that can pass from dark state to bright state instantly. Maybe a cave, like Hollow Den. He should use something to make the cave bright fast, like fire, or maybe plan very well the time so he can use the nature in his favor and use the dawn (sun) to make the Shadow weak and put it in problems. Third Phantasm must select a bait, but a prepared bait with something at hand for his own protection, like a mirror (to show the shadow how weak it is) or something that produces light fast(powerful flashlight,halogen light), so when the shadow attack her she will turn the light to shadow and the shadow will stand back. For example you can use *Mya Celestia* she have some good experience,she is woman (Phantasm's Shade have being focusing in women) and knows the cave. Maybe this is like things could go: Phantasm talk with *Mya Celestia* and tells her the problem and shows her the plan he have to trap his shadow. Phantasm gives *Mya Celestia* a fast and very powerful halogen light and a mirror. Before entering the cave Phantasm writes his emotions in a paper and then he broke the paper. After that Phantasm scream very loud and get rid of his anger and bad feelings. Both, Phantasm and *Mya Celestia* enters the cave prepared. They have calculated the time very well so Phantasm's Shadow will receive both the halogen light and the dawn (sun light). Phantasm's Shadow pass in front of the cave and feels Mya's Feelings. The Shadow enters in the cave and heads directly to Mya. Mya fast turn on the halogen light and put the mirror in front of her just in case. The Shadow head back trying to get out of the cave, but the Sun gets out (thanks to the dawn). Phantasm Shadow feels weak and vanishing, without any other choice the Shadow bond again with Phantasm to avoid being destroyed by light. Phantasm feels happy with his shadow back and bond with him, and Mya feels happy because the Phantasm's Shadow will not harm any other woman. Both get out of the cave very happy and enjoys the day...[/size][/size] Edited April 5, 2010 by bfh lighthing phantasm and Watcher 1 1
Indyra Posted March 23, 2010 Report Posted March 23, 2010 In order for a shadow to exist there must be some light. Without "light" there is no shadow .Shadows are the result of light.Shadows hide in dark corners but they can't exist without light. We don;t want to kill the shadow .So trap the runaway shadow. How do we do that? First of all Phantasm must be alone , so the shadow won't have anyone else to possess, second he should be alone in a room/place/cave where the shadow can't hide, a room/place/cave so lighten that the shadows only option should be bonding back with phantasm. The normal reaction of the shadow would be to hide from the "light" that gave him life. Hide ..but where?*grins* well the only place left to hide would be Phantasm dark piece of soul( where feelings anger, rage, frustration and desperation are).The Shadow will be drawn to that. We all have that. Some of us show it some of us keep it well hidden, some of us don't even realize having it. What do we need ? Torches to light up each corner of the room /place where the "entrapment" will take place . A knife ( Just a simple knife .No powers needed) Phantasm must do a sacrifice. The knife will be used by himself to open his dark side of the soul but only with his mind , no blood will be spilled, only the soul will be opened. After the shadow reacts and hides in the only place left with the hope of regaining it;s powers by feeding on Phantasm's dark feelings, comes the tricky part. Keeping it there. A ring should help us. A ring that will help Phantasm concentrate his dark feelings and draws them like a magnet. As long as Phantasm wears the ring the shadow will feast on the dark feelings trapped in it but wont gain enough power to escape again. cutler121 and phantasm 2
The Warrior Posted March 25, 2010 Report Posted March 25, 2010 I propose you wait... wait until there have been enough more victims to work out a pattern. I believe the shadow is specifically targeting people. Once next target is obtained, get potential victim to stand in a bright area (as shadows can only move in light) in which the light can be extinguished immediately. Therefore I propose the celler of the MagicDuel Archives. Here the target can wait in light (when the door is open) and when the shadow enters someone should close the door behind it. The celler will be consumed by darkness. Then the target can escape from the celler by using a teleportation spell. The shadow will be trapped Kamisha, Kyphis the Bard and phantasm 3
Assira the Black Posted March 26, 2010 Report Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) Items: A large steal box like cage (that can only be opened from the outside and it has no holes so that not even the shadow could escape. So more or less it is a really big box that you can not escape from), a small cube that is able to open and close, and duct it fixes anything... any way on a more serious note, the third item could be a crystal. Now the plan of how to use everything above. Step 1: In some cultures crystals could be said to store emotions/thoughts. So the crystal can be put in the small cube and then that is set down on the ground with no one around, other than a person who is able to use light. The shadow maybe drawn to the crystal inside the box that contains. Close the lid of the box and surround it in light by the person that is able to use light. But that person is also there to make sure the shadow does not escape before it is contained in the box. Step 2: Put Phantasm and the box containing the shadow into the big cage, the person that is able to use light will also need to put a ball of light inside the cage with Phantasm, and then someone locks the cage. Then Phantasm will need to open the box to release the shadow in the sealed cage. Phantasm will need to retrieve the crystal from the small cubed box. The crystal will enhance the light given off of the ball of light bathing the inside of the cage in the light. Since the crystal holds emotions inside of it Phantasm can temporarily absorb the emotions, this will hopefully attract the shadow to him. T The reasons this may work is: 1) it leaves the shadow no where to run. 2) the shadow will be weakened by the light and will need a source of energy 3) the shadow could be attracted to Phantasm because of the emotions and of the fact he is the only human around. 4) Phantasm and the shadow would not be able to leave until they are connected again. Edited March 26, 2010 by Assira the Black phantasm 1
Sephirah Caelum Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 Ok, this is my plan: Since we can't see where the Shadow stays when isn't possessing someone, we can only wait the next victim. After discover victim, we should carry she/he to the underground, to the place that receives the sunlight next to the Gazebo of Chaos, and imobilize the person bellow the sunlight, with a rope, or chain or a straitjacket. This way will have a halo of light around the possessed and below her/him, will stay the shadow. By one hand the shadow will stay stronger at the circle, the sun's light is responsable for make the shadow stronger, but at other hand it will be concetrated and in full presence. In front of the victim will stay Phantasm into the darkness locked inside a cage with a magnifying glass on his hand, the cage will stay close to the light halo just enough to let his hands at the light when stretched. Alone with the possessed and with the magnifying, Phantasm will concentre part of the sun light into a point and points it to the shadow, this point of light won't give strength to the shadow but only pain, and this way will weaken the shadow and let it very stressed. I noted that the shadow stay tied to the victim until the person be able to release itself or be released by someone or something. Being the one who is harming the shadow and the only person around, makes Phantasm the only target to the anger of the shadow. With the arm in the light will be easier to the shadow reaches Phantasm and, if I'm not wrong, complete darkness can weaken the shadow so the darkness around the light halo could prevent the shade to escape for another place. Doing this Phantasm will untie the shadow from the victim. Once the shadow reaches Phantasm, will have a moment before he be completely possessed, with this he hides inside the cage away of the light and warns about his success. With the warning people will come to release the victim, they will also cover the cage with a dark and heavy piece of cloth and carry to the Gazebo of Chaos. In complete darkness Phantasm will be able to defeat his own shadow ... I hope. Seph phantasm 1
Shadowseeker Posted March 30, 2010 Report Posted March 30, 2010 Items needed: An item which stores and releases one's own energy. Several lights which give off constant light A grinded powder which gives off light First of all the shadow has to be attracted. By having phantasm seemingly growing weak by storing energy into the item, he will attempt to control him, and reach the item for more power. Emotionally phantasm has to try to become angry, and feel hatred. That is what his shadow was born out of, so it will feel this, and also grow stronger. This is a risky move, because if it goes wrong phantasm will be devoured, and the shadow gain full power. As such I would suggest that he holds the item close, and when the shadow appears hands it to someone trustworthy in order to keep it safe until after the ritual. He also draws upon it before handing it over in order to gain some sudden strength. Still, he should focus on clearing his mind ASAP when the shade draws nearer. Weakened, the shade will try to devour phantasm. that's where the lights will be lit. Constant lights, so no flickers will allow the shade to flee. Now you use the powder to draw a circle around you in order to prevent the shadow from escaping. If phantasm is unable to, a helper has to do it. Now, since phantasm is in the middle of the circle, and that is exactly where the shadow is, it is as if they are one...but it's not entirely the same. As long as this state exists, there will be a fight against each other. At this point, the darkness principle comes into play. By using that principle, phantasm and his shadow are "erased". The ritual may turn off the lights at this point for the symbolical effect. Now we have a huge instable sphere of darkness, which we stabilize using the principle of time. We regard the process of the whole ritual as one, and thus stabilize this momentary darkness. Imagination is needed. Imagination of the whole identity of phantasm, and the outcome a new, reattached shadow. Combining the ideas together, but the rest has to be done by phantasm's mindpower himself. Embracing the shadow once more..he fuses, if everything goes right. The old one vanishes, the new one appears. Once the ritual is over, phantasm will have to be order to know whether it is him, or his shadow. This can only be done by a person who fully understands and knows him. If it is the shadow, then the quest goes in, trapping him, and trying to release him once more. If he isn't, he shall regain his strength, or some after gaining the first item back. All this should only be attempted while he feels to be at the peak of his condition. Favourite clothing and all should be used in order to have the best mentality when doing this. by Shadowseeker Watcher, Yoshi and phantasm 2 1
Kamisha Posted March 31, 2010 Report Posted March 31, 2010 (edited) Items: A very good drill Fire making kit Giant bolder OK lets take everything we know about the shadow for starters it seems to have the ability to possess at least to our knowledge anybody it chooses. Second of all it has freedom to move through MD at will. It is there for important to realize that the archives state that MD is always in day time except for just a few times of the year. So there for the shadow is not weakened by light it is actually strengthened by it. No light no shadow concept applies. Second of all all three people where actually positive people before the shadow. Even Tara though she occasionally liked to burn things for her personal enjoyment she was a very positive person as any plains of hell member can quote. We can also agree that the shadow displayed a black eye when in possession of a body. That is an important note as now we know since the characters would have and also be absent of the black eye they where attempting to fend it off. Thus we can assume that the shadow was most often forcefully evicted from the body it possessed. Also the shadow has never attempted to possess the same person if for some physical reason or part of its mentality we are unsure. So first off we need a positive person for it to bond with. The problem is drawing the spirit out of the person or possibly bonding it to phantasm in the first place. Second of all it has to be trapped with phantasm. Lastly we have to keep it there. So lets put the plan together. We will use the eastern lands cave as it is dark there. First the bait must be outside of the cave and phantasm inside. The cave will have a hole drilled in the top to create a spot of light in order to cause a barrier of darkness second a fire in order to create the two most powerful types of shadow another important fact is to make sure that the fire only faces phantasm so we will put a light blocking shield beside it. First the shadow will infect the first person. Since the person will lose control of them selves they will be pulled in by a magic spell or simple rope when phantasms shadow has infected them. Then a rock or some sort of barrier will plunge the cave into perfect darkness accept for the hole in the roof giving a pillar of light as soon as the shadow is trapped it will if its not so smart evacuate the body and run to the light. Though it will likely not but will still revert to its instincts and move to the light. Next problem is the difficult part. we now have to keep the body away from the shadow so the shadow will have to be stuck in the shadow in order to weaken it. The person then may be able to fight it out of them selves. As it was evicted in complete strength by others in days. In complete shadow it could be evicted in hours or maybe even minutes. Now phantasm has to be generally happy I guess we can do that by putting phantasms arch nemesis Assira the Black in misery. When evicted it will run to the light to strengthen its self in order to take possession. It cant posses people that are not in the light as it will not have enough strength. It is there for trapped with phantasm and to keep its ability to be in the shadow as well as the light it will take his body. I think we can agree that phantasm will not fight it. The door or block of rock will be removed returning the light to the room and allowing both people to leave the cave with his shadow. Just keep Assira the Black in misery and things will be fine. So now a lighter misery will do so just stopping her from being the alliance leader eating away at her will work. Its complex but follows murs rules as well as some things we can deduct from its behavior. It will not be able to leave through the whole as it only can project on a 2d surface it cant fly so its bound to the ground. Though I am worried about the fire we will try without it and only light it if we need to as the shadow could become two as two light sources are going to make two shadows since they are from different angles. You can notice this by using a dark room and shining a flashlight on an object from two different angles. Though when bound to phantasm it should not be a problem as when you have two shadows it is not a problem. Phantasms shadow is not a entity unlike our own shadows. It is an entity like ours which has found a way to separate so once attached it will be like our own shadows. We will also have to convince the bait not to totally know the plan is. The problem being that those who have been infected the shadow has been seen to be aware of the possessed and the possessed is aware of the shadow meaning that the thoughts of the possessed could be transferred to the shadow also how else would they fight it off. Things that could go wrong: -Light the fire and cause two shadows. (possible though unknown) -Shadow fails to bind with phantasm -light from above falls on person possessed -Shadow can not be fought off by bait (bring canned goods?) -Bait does not suffice as the correct person (very critical) -Shadow decides to change its mentality and rebind to the bait -Shadow does not instinctively act and flee to the light -Shadow possess phantasm but phantasm losses control (Since this thing may get stronger it is a possibility) LAW OF ULTIMATE REALITY #1 - ANYTHING THAT CAN GO WRONG WILL GO WRONG (It just might be good to anticipate what may go wrong not that there is much we can do to help) Edited April 7, 2010 by Kamisha phantasm 1
phantasm Posted April 1, 2010 Author Report Posted April 1, 2010 i am seeing some very nice posts. I'm going to add a deadline to this section of the quest. All entries must be submitted and edited by April 11th. After that time I will pick which one I like best and phase II will begin. It will be a hard choice because there are some very good ideas in here. Of course most of them sound painful or scary to my own person:D
phantasm Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Posted April 4, 2010 bump to get up to the top of the page
apophys Posted April 5, 2010 Report Posted April 5, 2010 (edited) Unfortunately, a ring of torches would make a ring of shadows, giving Phantasm's the flexibility to shift from one to the other, making it hard to pin down. Also, I don't see anything mentioned as to how the bait's normal shadow is to be restored. Items needed: any 3 items that can make 2 separate light sources, such as 2 planks and a lighter Magic needed: levitation of bait Location: any pitch-black cave with a nice smooth floor. The Caves of Torment should work nicely, I suppose, since it is Phantasm's homeland. One helping person is needed to hold and put out Torch 1 (the torch holder is to be off the line, on the side, away from the shadow that will be cast by the bait from torch 2), and someone must levitate the bait. Configuration: <torch 1> - - - - - - - - <torch 2> - - - - - - - - - - <bait> - - - - - - - - _________________________<phantasm>_________ Steps: 1. Immobilize currently-infected bait. (we are doing this for your own safety... do not struggle...) 2. Take bait into the cave, led by Torch 1. Keep it high so the shadow is cast on the floor. Torch 1 must be the only light in the cave. If necessary, block the cave entrance. Keep the bait's shadow isolated. I.e. do not touch the bait, do not walk between the bait and the torch, etc. 3. Put the subjects in the above depicted configuration. Torch 2 is still off; phantasm is holding it in front of himself. The shadow of the bait must fall on Phantasm. This primes it for binding. 4. Levitate bait. The bait's normal shadow that will be created by Torch 2 must not touch the one cast by Torch 1, or else the bad shadow will have an escape route. 5. Turn on Torch 2. This would normally cast a shadow behind Phantasm, allowing his shadow a transfer from the bait into this new place. This also creates a shadow behind the bait; this is the bait's normal shadow, freed. 6. Put out Torch 1, without moving it. Phantasm's shadow is forced to bind to him, via the light by Torch 2, and the bait's normal shadow is strengthened. 7. Put down the bait, and exit the cave, led by Torch 2. Keep Phantasm's shadow isolated; the bindings are still weak. 8. Enter sunlight, strengthening the shadow binds. End. Edited April 8, 2010 by apophys phantasm 1
Fyrd Argentus Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 I'm not eligible yet (loreroot problems), but maybe will be by time this quest hits final stage. For bait - use a desperate somebody trapped in a desolate place, like an mp3 in GG, or february in that temple. Then, surround the place with light so it can't escape. Finally, there is precident for reattaching shadows - Wendy sewed on Peter Pan's shadow. What to use for needle and thread though? To pierce shadow, the lightest and brightest metal -- mithril. To hold on in the face of corruption, the hair of the purest of animals, the unicorn. And I just happen to have a unicorn-haired mithril-bodied autoharp.....
Xcercses Posted April 10, 2010 Report Posted April 10, 2010 nice posts but first of all, the shadow is part of phantasm, so doesnt that mean that the shadow feels the same and knows the same as phan? if so then we should lie phan(i know sounds stupid but just read on) as long as phan doesnt know of the plan,the shadow also wont know it. the plan items: a very large torch, a mirrored box filled with different stuff and a knife the place: GoC the plan: tell phan that there is a big crowd of people(i would prefer crowd of women)at the GoC that are all very angry at him, the shadow will know it too, so it will try to get there. but before we start we should place the mirrorbox in the middle of the center, everyone puts something very emotional into the box, lets say a ring of a friend or something like that. let the box open. after that we will wait till the shadow and phan arrive. when the shadow arrives we will light up the big torch. the shadow will grow bigger, but his strength will shrink very low because of his volume increasing. now part two of the plan: we will all show big emotions. it would be to much for the shadow so he will become distracted and will try to control something that is not so full of emotions, and thats the box with the items. because those items "dont live" he will have it easy to take them over, which means that he will jump into the box. if this happen we will close the box immediatly. as the shadow is trapped into it he will try to drain the emotions out of the items. part 3: phan will stay down there with the shadow as we all go away from that place, we will extinguish the fire and shut the door behind us.phan will open the box and without light the shadow will be to weak.phan will take the knife, and he will start to cut himself. pain is a great emotion so the shadow wont have any other option to jump into phans body. after that it will be up to phan to overtake the shadow, he must have to deal with it alone, or else he wont deserve it to hold the shadow into him, if he fails he will die and with him the shadow will die too, sounds cruel but thats the only way. (btw. sorry for my lack of english, never have been good in english) phantasm 1
Kaya Posted April 11, 2010 Report Posted April 11, 2010 (edited) EDIT: I can enter Loreroot now. [s]I’m actually not allowed to enter the contest jet (because of Loreroot) but I still want to give my solution of the problem. [/s] Using bait would be a good thing to do if we knew who would be the next target, but since we don't know exactly how the shadow picks the victims it picks the chance is too small that it will fall for the bait before he takes down many others. What we need: Mirrors (or one big one) A candle (or another small light source) A rope (or anything else that could be used to immobilize someone) I suggest we wait for the shadow to target it's next victim. When the victim is found (it won't be hard to recognize because of his black eye) he should be summoned to an empty room in a remote location . In the room should be as little as possible obstacles that could cast a shadow to prevent Phantasm's shadow to hide in them. Furthermore the room should be completely without sunlight, but lit by the candle (or the other source of light). In this room Phantasm will have to make the victim unable to move around, it doesn't matter how although we don't want to kill the victim so I suggest using a rope. With the slight amount of light the shadow should be weak so it won't be too hard. When the victim is immobilized we have to open the room to the sun, we have to lit up the room so that the only shadow in the room would be Phantasm's if his shadow would be attached to him. To light the room in the right way we should use some mirrors and put off the candle so it won’t interfere with the light leaving another shadow. Also we have to make sure we don't kill the shadow right away so the victim should have a tiny shadow where Phantasm's shadow can hide himself. The victim's shadow should be made smaller until Phantasm's shadow is nearly erased. Then the shadow would have to reattach himself to Phantasm in order to survive. From then on it's up to Phantasm, he will have to fight the shadow (not directly of course but as a fight of willpower) until it obeys him the way any normal shadow obeys it's source. The only thing we can do to help is close the room one's, so the shadow is on it's weakest again. Now we will have to wait until the fight between Phantasm and his shadow ends. The only thing Phantasm can do to prepare for the battle is rest and take in all the energy he can. To me this seems the best possible way to catch the shadow and reattach it to Phantasm. [s] I have a feeling I’m almost able to enter Loreroot but I still can’t, if the tactic I have in mind works I will be able to enter by tomorrow evening.[/s] Samon Edited April 13, 2010 by samon phantasm 1
phantasm Posted April 11, 2010 Author Report Posted April 11, 2010 First phase of Shadows Quest is now CLOSED. I must say alot of these ideas look rather dangerous to me:D I shall maul them over and choose my doom in the next few days
phantasm Posted April 15, 2010 Author Report Posted April 15, 2010 After careful consideration I have chosen to try ShadowSeeker's idea. I must say it seems like quite a few of the idea's were not researched well enough. All of them were great idea's though and shows that there are lots of people who are good at thinking outside the box. This is a difficult quest with lots of intricate workings. The Quest is on a Pause right now to celebrate MD's Birthday, but afterwards Phase II will be posted here and also in my Quest Page. Congrats ShadowSeeker on your Wish Point. (all WishPoints will be handed out at the end of the quest)
phantasm Posted April 19, 2010 Author Report Posted April 19, 2010 The Quest Continues! Now that we see what sort of plan we are looking at we can find or make the items. An item which stores and releases one's own energy. Several lights which give off constant light A grinded powder which gives off light The item wich stores and releases one's own energy will be my Chain of Mercy, check that off the list. Several lights with give off constant light...the question is what sort of lights give of a constant light?? hmmm (no need to answer to this question, its retorical. The answer will be given out at a later date) A grinded powder wich gives off light.... what powder could possibly do that? (same thing retorical question) I shall gather with ShadowSeeker and others to find how to make, or where to find such items.
phantasm Posted May 19, 2010 Author Report Posted May 19, 2010 As days seem to drudge on, the end seems closer. Windy, with the help from Sagewoman and Mya, have created a powder from the concentrated beam of sunshine. They have captured it in a chalice capable of holding such a powerful powder and it is currently held in safe keeping until the last item can be found. The last item are 5 crystals that can store enough heat from people to emit a light source. Once these crystals are found and collected then Phase II will begin. My heart yearns for more, as the feeling of part of my being being gone away form me in the shadow grows. I can only hope that this plan works and I will be whole once again, sooner then later.
argos Posted May 20, 2010 Report Posted May 20, 2010 (edited) lol i know it's late but just for show i would have suggested taking the anger orb from MR. Mystery's quest and using it to trap the sahdow in the metalic object found on berseker's way. Edited May 20, 2010 by dst Removing spoiler
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