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The Secret Of Tengri

Muratus del Mur

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[2009-06-29 21:03:10 - Alpha 8]
Major secret feature released,.. but ..its secret ... can't tell what it is, realy! ..now isn't this frustrating or what? I post it here so that one day i will have a historic record to know on what date this major change took place. (TNGMGD)

THis was an announcement a while ago. Now its over so i will disclose its secrets for all.

One day i made a pact with one of you. In exchange of a demi-god account, his Main if anyone speaks his name ever.
He managed to keep it secret, but all things come to an end. By now two people at least spoke his name.
For quite while there was someone around you that you all thought its me, giving items, performing actions only i could do, having fun with you or why not even punishing you when needed. Such a god-like role could not have been controlled by someone without a fair sense of justice and value.

Why is that a "FEATURE"? ..because a god like player of this sort means a human decision factor that has the ability to act impartial just like a computer program but also add creativity to his decisions. "Gods of MD" that is how this feature should be called. Invisible forces that can turn your RP into reality, change destinies, and make things happen. A uncheatable human based system. You already experience this in other md features without knowing it, and each time will be different so you wont be able to predict or assume its effects. The fact that i announce it, only means it moved to the next level, so consider the things i say as they are, bits of HISTORY not of present.

Now the question is, WHO out of all loyal players in md got to play with this? Two people started to suspect, the rumors maybe spread, the name of Tengri came out. But Tengri is a made up name for its real owner, and that is the one player that showed he is not craving for power, he can be neutral when needed, devoted to a role, and does not press the red button if left alone in the room with it :). Who could it be?

That player is Zleiphneir. A guardian of bob the tree that stood there for ages, sticking to his humble role, active in his own way, avoiding crowds, doing his own part in MD story, never messing with other parts just because they were the newest trend or such. A humble "goat boy" with his favorite lonely tree, in secret god-ruling MD in my place....and he did an excellent job i may say. You might think twice now before judging someone, he might have power of life and death upon you and you would never realy find out :P

I write this now, as a tribute to Z, since he is now away from MD , for a while, and his memory should remain as what it is, one of the legends of MD. It seems such legends go much better without the pressure of popularity and power on their sholders. Its like secret service heroes that cant take pride for their achievements.

Don't worry, i do not have a rule in picking isolated players that stick to their role as gods of md. In fact i realise that if i keep a pattern it will cause people to predict it and will void the entire purpose of such a feature. Also , praying or begging to an invisible god, is defenetly not something that will help.
I did my part like this untill now, and many thought the announcement refers to one of my accounts dieing, funny how i managed to surprise you. Mur might no longer be a "god" of md one day .. but might be one more real and active player, a humble old man that you could trick or mock, but when doing so remember the story of the goat boy :)

Tengri is dead.

ps. but then again, do gods die if still remembered?

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Interesting I never would have guessed. However somebody always has to be the eyes and ears of somebody. A person known to be a god will be blind to the true face of people. Only a person other than god will see the truth.

So in a way is god the people who are not a god?

Edited by Kamisha
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  • Root Admin

I should mention that such anonimous demi-god accounts are free from any responsability, anything they might do is considered as done by me, so there is no pressure on them if they do a bad decision, or if they punish friends or reward enemies. It seems anonimity is the only way someone can be absolutely fair, and full power without responsability makes you stress free :P.

Too bad i can't tell you about the current things that will replace Tengri, as usual, there must be things that you don't know and keep things interesting and efficient :)

I will miss T, i might log him in from time to time to play with it, but other things will take his place, improved things....

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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='21 April 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1271894452' post='58377']
I should mention that such anonymous demi-god accounts are free from any responsibility, anything they might do is considered as done by me, so there is no pressure on them if they do a bad decision, or if they punish friends or reward enemies. It seems anonimity is the only way someone can be absolutely fair, and full power without responsibility makes you stress free :P.

Too bad i can't tell you about the current things that will replace Tengri, as usual, there must be things that you don't know and keep things interesting and efficient :)

I will miss T, i might log him in from time to time to play with it, but other things will take his place, improved things....

By that logic it also considers that there ability to be demoted from god status very quickly with abuse of there powers.
...Wait a second. This makes complete sense. Murs quest concerning his alts viewing everything and the picture on the wall there. This makes things easy... the GGG picture he said could not be explained. He could not explain it not because he couldn't understand it, but because he could not reveal this "Feature"...maybe.

Edited by Kamisha
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[quote name='Udgard' date='22 April 2010 - 02:32 PM' timestamp='1271910746' post='58392']
Ah.. that answers some things..
Truthfully, i always wondered how Mur knew what was going on inside MD even when the ruler of all that is MD wasn't here.A simple thought is this.. if there was one demi god.. perhaps there is another, one that we don't realise is amoung us, yet his or her powers are yet to be revealed? The answer of course.. only Mur knows..*smiles*

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There is only one thing i would like to add regarding Tengri. Maybe the one who made up his name thought it is his invention but sadly it is not. Tengri was the main god of the pagain Hun's the ancestors of the hungarians.

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Goat boy had us all! Good job Z! :))

And Mur, his role was not humble. He was a strong guardian. He was an active guardian. He was my arch-enemy! He glared at me and stared at me and threaten me when I came to close to the tree. He was a nice quest creator. A person with pertinent opinions. A person with lots of common sense. Aaaand...he wasn't (well still isn't :P )a woman ergo he kept the secret and did not seek revenge.

In a nutshell he was the perfect candidate for a demi-god. I am glad it was him and not somebody else.

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Now i finally have time to read this properly (stupid essays)...

Yeah, definitely explains a few things :))
There were some things which happened a little too randomly for Mur to have done them XD
I seem to remember some person ending up dead at Gazeebo of Chaos one time, and you saying it wasnt you :P

It's funny to think of Zleip as a God, but since none of us knew about it till recently, must've done a good job at it :)

I look forward to whatever features come after him.

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