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Moderators - Humans Or Machines?


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applauds to Fenrir for turning DST into a moral victor. How ever could it be possible...

What Fenrir is doing now at dst is totally wrong on so many levels, those attacks on her RL being, but what he done is just degraded to her level.
If you people haven't noticed, every argument that dst gives a bit more energy into, dst does the same stuff, trying to provoke people by saying few words that have traces of truth just so it can hurt and disturb their opposition.
Only she does it way smoother than you Fenrir, noticable so it seems only by her "enemies", while you managed to turn DST into an innocent child hunted by evildoers.

So please, try to keep it clean and maintain level of decency, and show a greater level of person than your opponent.

furthermore, love to war doesn't make anyone brave.

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and as I figured this has gone way off topic but seeing as how its not yet closed

ON TOPIC: It seems to me that the lines between in game character personality and opinions and real life persons thoughts ideas and opinions is getting very blurry here in the forum, if I'm wrong and this is not the case then forgive me but as I see it the Mods have their own thoughts and ideas and there is no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to voice them just as any other member of the forum, from what I've seen there is and should be a distance between moderating forums they have a personal interest in, beyond that they are people who have just as much right to post their view as any of us.

Ironically Fenrir is choosing to let dst bother him. After having told quite a few people that they choose to let things bother them, the same thing appears to be happening to him.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 May 2010 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1274340594' post='60090']
And you would be wrong about the IP, Chewett. Because I've logged in from several countries. The US, Germany, and Cuba to name a few.Edit: Not to mention several canadian cities. So please, don't lie.
Im not lieing when i trace the Ip's i have. Unless the IP tracing tool is lying ;)

[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 May 2010 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1274340594' post='60090']
And as far as the infrastructure for the internet while on base in another, I believe it goes through satellites and those satellites reroute it through servers, which then perform searches on it so that any information can be traced, flagged and removed if necessary.

Hmm, that would make sense with the server setup they had us configuring. They asked us to set em up and train people over the phone to use it, But all unnecessary information such as how they were connected to the internet was classified... But on the plus side, i do still have the lowest level security clearance :D, Not that i could do anything with that lol

And now on topic. This topic is about Fenrir complaining that Moderators shouldnt have an opinion because they have "authority" i have posted about this and if there is any ambiguity about my post you should ask here. This post is NOT about fenrirs views about women or anything about him. If you want to debate that you can start a new topic or i can split this one.

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I is so much fun to read this.
How can / should I start ?

Something that most mods should have already read a few times on the forum, but anyway:
Maybe some need to understand what really "dst" stands for and it is not [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direction_de_la_surveillance_du_territoire"]DST[/url], it is simply my name's initials (ME as "No one", not that I've touched "dst" char in the year or more).

From initial post on this topic, dst said:
[quote name='dst' date='13 May 2010 - 11:36 AM' timestamp='1273739772' post='59744']
Play the game, obey the rules and in case you don't want to follow the rules don't be cowards and assume the responsibility!
and Fenrir responded:
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 May 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1273741256' post='59746']
Try doing what I do, and then talk to me about cowardice.
I will consider that you are not a coward (not that I've seen it clearly stated), but do you take responsibility ? You never said that ? (as I've seen lots of people that take "bold" decisions but don't take responsibility for them)
So ? Do you take decisions ? Do you take responsibility ? Do you listen ? Do you accept feedback for your actions ? Do you accept / ask guidance before taking decisions ?
I don't want to know the answers I will just tell you that bragging does make you smarter only in the eyes of the less fortunate.

Anyway, you also mentioned :
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 May 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1273741256' post='59746']
Anyone with eyes can see that you are a spiteful woman. No one appreciates that.
even if it was not intended, knowing dst as much as I do ... yes, I do appreciate her ;).

Hmm, you are full of truth here:
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 May 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1273741256' post='59746']
No, you didn't use bad words. I couldn't care less if you used every curse word known to mankind.
Whether or not it is true, or a lie, what you say sometimes is just plain harassment. You target the same person over and over again, launch at them your very own brand of hatred and then watch with joy as they flip out.
and I guess that you talk about attacking you. Hmm, true, she might have had more time then others, but face it, you give plenty of reasons.
I personally wanted to tell you some, but responding 1 week later would be pointless.

And another :
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 May 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1273741256' post='59746']
As for Mods behaving like children? Mods are in a position of authority(how ever little it may be). People in authoritative positions must act like people who are in charge, otherwise, who will respect them and listen to what they say?
:) do you speak from experience ? As I remember you were a mod too and as I remember you did exactly what you described.

... I'm starting to enjoy writing, let find some more ...

I do hope that you don't try to brag here as there are a lot of people that can prove that have been in more countries more exotic then you did.
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 May 2010 - 10:29 AM' timestamp='1274340594' post='60090']
And you would be wrong about the IP, Chewett. Because I've logged in from several countries. The US, Germany, and Cuba to name a few.
Edit: Not to mention several canadian cities. So please, don't lie.

What did you said ?
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 May 2010 - 10:29 AM' timestamp='1274340594' post='60090']
Edit2: And as far as the RL challenge to DST, she does not RP. She is not a "character" she is dst. Through and through. What comes out of dst's mouth is what ever her real name's mouth says.
Dst does not RP ? :D:D:D yes, she doesn't like to call that RP, but she has a role and she is playing long before you (and most "Pro's") started playing MD. She even got an award for it.
So far, as I understand, is that if someone doesn't say that (s)he does RP, it means that he doesn't.

Lets put an end to this.

Fenrir, I will say whatever everyone avoided to say and I promise I don't try to be mean, but you get upset because you RP "stupid" and people takes you as is.
I am sorry for saying this for 2 reasons : you might get upset and second : if you get upset and leave ... there will be no more fun from your RP. :D

Anyway, try to take a break from forum and write once every month, it might change your image.

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This is getting beyond ridiculous...
I skipped through a few of the last posts because I got tired of reading all of this.

After reading CrazyMike's reply, I hope none of you have is unwise enough to continue that debate in that topic; as for actually starting such a comment; I must say that I really, really dislike arguments ad hominem, Fenrir, but seeing as how this entire trial is already in that direction, I cannot fault you for being human.

I am asking this pre-emptively; Please do not debate the war in here, create a seperate topic for that in the offtopic section, because it has absolutely nothing to do with MD.

Not only that, I request that everyone at least stops with the inflamatory posts with either the seemingly, or actual derogatory, degrading, insulting or humiliating comments.

If you can, please wait until after the trial, if you have accusations, then relay them into the trial, and please stay on topic.

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Mmm- I wake up to see this turning more into a flame war. Apparently I'm the only mod who isn't really involved here, so I hereby CLOSE this. If you want to trial Fenrir open a new topic. This was about the old response of Fenrir saying we shouldn't be players anymore:

Which we are as well.

Our position has been made clear, for any other debates open new topics and possibly request old posts to be moved.

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