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Posted (edited)

I set up a ritual with

2 rustgolds
1 max ele
and 3 angiens

and gave the spell to dormouse (to attack someone that was bullying her) and


2 trees
2 birds
1 rusty
and 1 lifestealercame up..

I did set the ritual i wanted to use on defense.

I'm not entirely sure if a topic like this has already been posted. ehh...

Edited by adiomino

That's currently guardian_army's fault, Shadow. It creates a random ritual to give away, you don't have any influence on the creatures in it atm.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Yes i just wanted to add a screenshot since chewett said a screenshot would be important if trying to fix a bug. err something like that in his pinned topic for bugs

  • 10 months later...

Yesterday, the spell was casted on me twice and once on AmberRune by an mp4.

When fighting others, the rituals were still on random, but what was even weirder was when attacking AmberRune with it while we both were under the effect of the spell I won with her ritual. Will add a screenshot once I try it again.

  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

[log='Spell description from Wish Shop']Guardian Army Spell
Allows you to use your army to guard an other character for a limited time. When that character will be attacked, the attacker will fight you instead. Good for roleplay but but also for practical use. It might have unexplored results under special situations. It will grant 4 casts, regenerable every two weeks, or increase maximum cast number by 4 if you allready have the spell. [/log]




[log='Present case']

- attacker: Asthir

- defender: Antyvas




[log='First problem']The slider has no value; it must be moved before it can be set at 0%.




[log='Second problem']Fight log does not match Wish Shop description.


As stated, I'm the attacker = player in the lower half. Antyvas is the defender = player in the top half. As per Wish Shop description, "when that character will be attacked, the attacker will fight you instead". Basically, I should have been attacking the caster's creatures. Instead, I - the attacker - was replaced by the caster.




[log='Third problem']Attacker is switched with defender in the entire log.


The numbers are displayed correctly: attacker = 0% loss and defender = 100% loss; however, the creatures and the "Sheath Balance" result in this image belong to Antyvas - I'm looking at the Summary from mixed perspectives: numbers = attacker's perspective; result+creatures = defender's perspective.




[log='Combat Log: confirms that the caster is the attacker, and not the defender, as the Wish Shop would suggest']Loading apophys creatures
Loading Antyvas creatures
Applying 0% of apophys's energetic influence
Applying 50% of Antyvas's energetic influence
Influences for apophys ######
Fawkes: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Elemental I gets frozen
Rain of Fire: creatureboost
Animated Tree II: regenaura
Nightfury: antifreeze
Rudy gets unfrozen
Rudy: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Nightfury gets unfrozen
Rudy gets unfrozen
Presents for All gets unfrozen
Dark Archer gets frozen
Influences for Antyvas ######
Applying apophys's Creature Tokens at 100%
Presents for All's creature tokens []
Fawkes's creature tokens []
Rain of Fire's creature tokens [claw1]
[claw1] Rain of Fire gets 1000 power based on Principles
Animated Tree II's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, emeraldglare]
[claw1] Animated Tree II gets 1000 power based on Principles
[claw2] Animated Tree II gets 1333 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
[emeraldglare] Animated Tree II gets 2 regeneration and 10 defence based on enemy creature skills
Nightfury's creature tokens []
Rudy's creature tokens []
Applying Antyvas's Creature Tokens at 50%
Elemental I's creature tokens []
Dark Archer's creature tokens []
Dark Archer's creature tokens []
Antyvas's Dark Archer does  weaken to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -90
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree II
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-90|from 15 to -75; )
 and remains with 3000 vitality
Antyvas's Dark Archer remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Nightfury does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 570 damage
 and remains with 2087 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 639 damage
 and remains with 2411 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 639 damage
 and remains with 2237 vitality
Antyvas's Elemental I remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Presents for All does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 33 damage
 and remains with 2054 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 102 damage
 and remains with 2309 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 102 damage
 and remains with 2135 vitality
apophys's Rain of Fire does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 1 damage
 and remains with 2053 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 39 damage
 and remains with 2270 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 39 damage
 and remains with 2096 vitality
apophys's Rudy does  randomdamage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 96 random damage
 and remains with 1957 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 151 random damage
 and remains with 2119 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 73 random damage
 and remains with 2023 vitality
apophys's Animated Tree II does  heal to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Heal power: 1070
    - Animated Tree II doesn't need any healing for now
 and remains with 3000 vitality
apophys's Fawkes does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental I
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 120 to 70; )
 and remains with 1957 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Dark Archer
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 51 to 1; )
 and remains with 2119 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Dark Archer
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 51 to 1; )
 and remains with 2023 vitality
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-90|from 15 to -75; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 2 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 120 to 70; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 1 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 51 to 1; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 3 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 51 to 1; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Antyvas's Dark Archer does  weaken to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -90
    - maintains weaken on Presents for All
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-90|from 25 to -65; )
 and remains with 3500 vitality
Antyvas's Dark Archer remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Nightfury does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 620 damage
 and remains with 1337 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 689 damage
 and remains with 1430 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 689 damage
 and remains with 1334 vitality
Antyvas's Elemental I remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Presents for All does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 83 damage
 and remains with 1254 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 1 damage (luck: cancel effect)
 and remains with 1429 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 152 damage
 and remains with 1182 vitality
apophys's Rain of Fire does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 20 damage
 and remains with 1234 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 89 damage
 and remains with 1340 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 89 damage
 and remains with 1093 vitality
apophys's Rudy does  randomdamage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 190 random damage
 and remains with 1044 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 195 random damage
 and remains with 1145 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 177 random damage
 and remains with 916 vitality
apophys's Animated Tree II does  heal to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Heal power: 1070
    - Fawkes doesn't need any healing for now
 and remains with 200 vitality
apophys's Fawkes does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental I
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from 70 to 20; )
 and remains with 1044 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Dark Archer
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from 1 to -49; )
 and remains with 1145 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Dark Archer
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from 1 to -49; )
 and remains with 916 vitality
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 6 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-90|from 25 to -65; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 2 :
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 70 to 20; )
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 1 :
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 1 to -49; )
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 3 :
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 1 to -49; )
Antyvas's Dark Archer does  weaken to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -90
    - maintains weaken on Fawkes
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-90|from 15 to -75; )
 and remains with 200 vitality
Antyvas's Dark Archer remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Nightfury does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 1 damage (luck: cancel effect)
 and remains with 1043 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 739 damage
 and remains with 406 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 739 damage
 and remains with 177 vitality
Antyvas's Elemental I remains frozen, skipping turn
apophys's Presents for All does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 133 damage
 and remains with 910 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 202 damage
 and remains with 204 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 202 damage
 creature DIES!
apophys's Rain of Fire does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 70 damage
 and remains with 840 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 139 damage
 and remains with 65 vitality
apophys's Rudy does  randomdamage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 194 random damage
 and remains with 646 vitality
    - Dark Archer receives 134 random damage
 creature DIES!
apophys's Animated Tree II does  heal to random creature(s) of apophys and:
    - Heal power: 1070
    - Presents for All doesn't need any healing for now
 and remains with 3500 vitality
apophys's Fawkes cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "3" ######
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 6 :
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-90|from 15 to -75; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
Applying temporary effects for Antyvas, slot 2 :
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 70 to 20; )
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
apophys's Nightfury does  damage to all creature(s) of Antyvas and:
    - Elemental I receives 670 damage
 creature DIES!
apophys's Presents for All cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
 ... apophys WINS!
Creature Experience reward for apophys -  Winning player
Animated Tree II recovers 420 Vitality
Player has very low honor, no xp reward
Creature Experience reward for Antyvas -  Losing player
Elemental I recovers 32 Vitality
Dark Archer recovers 120 Vitality
Dark Archer recovers 120 Vitality
Player has very low honor, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented![/log]




The same will happen if only the attacker is under the effect of GA.




Will update later regarding how it affects defender.

Edited by Myth

Indeed. While the description doesn't hint toward the spell being meant to use specific defense rituals, I definitely find this to be a more logical effect.

Posted (edited)

Let me add to that a bit, more formally. A fourth problem (in my opinion the worst) is that guardianarmy uses a random set of the caster's creatures, regardless of the caster's rituals set.


There was a time, long ago (years), in which it at least used the caster's def rit for the castee to attack with. In other words, when I first tested "attacking myself" at that time, I got the same ritual on top and on bottom. The change to random was unnanounced anywhere as far as I can tell, so it was surely something breaking.



TL;DR: No, it is not meant to be a random rit.



Example of current action:





As we can see here, one of the mp5's attacked me while I had cast GA on them. On top is my defense as the defender, on the bottom is the randomly-assigned GA that is attacking me. By the way, the logs I get from GA attacks are always counted as an OUT, and this particular one is a victory, if you're curious.

Edited by apophys

Guardianarmy always seemed straightforward to me while I was using it, cast on people and they will fight/defend with a random rit of yours. I don't know if it's intended to be random but I've never been inclined to think it wasn't and never had a problem with it (made it a bit more fun).


As far as attacker vs defender goes, removing the possibility for a person with it cast on him to use the caster's rituals in an attack would probably be more convenient for the attacker but would limit the use of the spell to a large degree. As in, If you cast on someone else you don't know if they will be attacked or not, and others can simply choose not to. The extra use of say, a weaker player, using your army to fight I think is a good reason to justify having that feature in the spell. And besides, convenient or not to the attacker, not all spells are made to be "convenient" anyways.

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