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Tribunal Updates

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

Soldiers of The Inner Sun - should go to tribunal and will never have any official status again.
updates about their story and symbols later. I need to prepare this well.

Also my mirror item, with its symbols and meaning for md in general, is to be considered now part of the treasures the tribunal guards.
its secrets also , will be told later, or embeded in the land clues.
I already have a place for it in the land art.

My official denomination/status, together with all its symbolic meaning and later implications is:
Governing Demon

for refering hierarchy and authority in md in general that is just a flavored way of saying demi-god.
I am basically unlimited in power yet accusable by council if needed. I am not human so my role as a king is virtualy inexistant, but i am a GOVERNING power. The word demon was chosen to underline the darker nature of it. It also relates to the position of the land and its balance connection with Necrovion.

The apparent conflict of concepts between Shade Sentinel and a Mur Demon should be clarified, in case its not clear. Shade Sentinel doesn't have a name. Mur in essence is also a nameless name, as i revealed in Whats a Mur topic. Shade belongs to that land as a RESULT of that land. It is a cummulation of shades basically, given a unified reference name, Sentinel. SS is immune as it has same "level" as the land itself.

Mur on the other hand is an independent entity, with personality. something else...

i could talk hours about this so i should stop here

For now digest this info. I warn you i wont be a good king. sadly for you, i am not replaceable by vote.

This turn is totaly new and not fully considered in its possible outcomes towards md in general.
welcome to the jungle

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  • Root Admin

speaking of existing alliances. i shall appoint them new ranks..titles i mean. but for that i have to talk to each of you.
i wont allow this land to start with uncertain forces, so basically either you have your loyalty with me or you are gone. Its not personal, its conceptual, so i can arrange citizenship keeping, rebel status, i wont retaliate outside the land, etc, whatever, just trust me you don't want to play tough with me when i dont have time for it. Right now my role is strange. It will eventually settle to what you sensed from the first time tribunals should be like, but untill then it will be storm. Over time i will be what i declared, a demon, less involved with human leadership and such, but more greedy over "my" land.

remember this is not a fifth land, it s a strange combination. it might be something like gg experimental tendency with necrovion dark knowledge and marind bell sanctity, all surrounded by the magnetism of loreroot, so clearly manifested by the "mur effect".

Thinking of this now it kind of scares me. Four fold balance is only complete whith a fifth untouchable point,..i even said that in clear several times...yet somehow i failed to make the connection with my "dark" intentions of taking over a land in md as my own...

freaks me out when i get part of the event strings and not hold them myself :)
if i could only share with you the further "coincidences" leading to the current situation..
take my one word description of it: "WOW"

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lol that about sums it up for me as well. I think most of us knew you would come to be the ruler of the Tribunal. You pretty much said so yourself a while back for those of us who pay attention. You put some very strange wordings into some of the announcement and this post. It will be very interesting to speak with a non-god Mur. I think it will be as challenging, if not more perhaps for us to think of you in the way of a somewhat "normal" persona. As I'm sure it will be difficult for you to be this "new" Mur you speak of.

I'm sure I as well as many other who hold the Tribunal land so dear will be interested to see and speak with this new Mur in person.

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