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Tutorial Campaign Quest - Quest for new players

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Not officially, but the clickies are still accessible.

I added a password 'tutorial' for the first step at Marble Dale park signpost clickable so that people can access it without it being on open sight with some of its obsolete infos.

edit: I'm not sure about the rewards I mentioned in the quest, since I don't have access to those creatures anymore (Tormented souls, Unholy priests), but if people message me with interesting quest entries, I will improvise

Edited by Jubaris
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There's no further steps at the Marble Dale Park, you got the wrong location.

However, when I tried to edit the clickable of the location I think you're looking for, I'm getting an error, "illegal action reported, keeping on this path will get you banned. "



I'm not sure is this a known error, will probably need to open a topic to file a bug report later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

weird I got the this instruction for the 3rd step:


Stepping on Words: The second one is the Magic Duel Archives. This link will guide you there: http://md-archives.com/ . Return here any time you want and explore it at length, I holds great stories and even greater truths.

In Magic Duel you have the possibility to create your own role, your own story for you character, free of all restrictions, only your imagination will limit your creativity. To get your personal papers, that you can fill with whatever you like, you need to visit the Magic Duel Archives lands. To do this, go to Wind’s Sanctuary them move up, continue on this path until you reach the MDA Main Gates, enter the gates and continue forward until you reach the great building of the archives, now enter and go left. You should now be in a room named Indexed Room of Memories, and here you will find the librarian seated at a desk. Just click on him and claim your papers. You will also see what options you must meet to unlock even more papers in the future. And since you are already here click the shelves and discover what the library has to offer.

You also have the posisbility to choose a mentor, an older player that will guide your steps and help you grow. Chose as mentor a player willing to answer your questions and who is active and accessible. How to do this? Consider this another challenge on your path.

Solve these riddles to reach the next step: location riddle: in park of marble, a wooden sign will show the way Password: who is the king of Marind Bell?


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Yokin, I've got no idea where do you get that text from, I've re-checked every clickable I have active or inactive, and I couldn't find such text.

What clickie are you getting it from, with what password?

The closest thing to what you're showing me is this one, which makes me think that somehow you got an old copy of the quest (perhaps you are trying to continue something you played years ago, I have no idea, you tell me):


<br><br>In Magic Duel you have the possibility to create your own role, your own story for you character, free of all restrictions, only your imagination will limit your creativity.
Of course, that doesn't mean the others will 'believe' you.
The key is to be realistic, balanced and faithful to your vision.

You probably don't have a clear perspective on what's Magic Duel about. Don't worry, you're not the only one, I will try to help in the next steps, but for the start, I wish to introduce you with the tools you can use.

Every player can get personal papers, that you can fill with whatever you like, descriptions of your character, your beliefs, or just something you wish to share. To obtain those papers, you need to visit the Magic Duel Archives lands. 
This is a hard journey, it requires a lot of action points to enter MDA lands, so you might better leave it for later, but after a week or so of being in MD, you should be able to get there. (don't forget to use the help of free credits for those action points)

If you still cannot make it there, people can help you. Kyphis and Darkraptor are leading the MDA community, and can help you get there.
If the problems continue to appear, contact me personally, and I will see to summon you directly.

This is what you should do to get there on your own:
Use the map and find MDA lands. You are searching for Indexed Room of Memories, and here you will find the librarian seated at a desk. Just click on him and claim your papers. You will also see what options you must meet to unlock even more papers in the future. 

You also have the possibility to choose a mentor, an older player that will guide your steps and help you grow. Choose as a mentor a player willing to answer your questions and who is active and accessible. To take a mentor, click the compass-looking thingie on your right, and then you will get a panel-interface, which is pretty much self-explanatory.

Just type the name of the player you want and it's done. You can change your mentor any time you want.
Mentor makes, usually, an important part of player's "growing up" in Magic Duel.
(edit: Recent changes made a new requirement - to label a mentor you must have at least 100 activity days, you can check those on the top of your screen, next to your playername and ID)

<b>Now,  back to some hunting.</b>
Inside the kingdom of Marind Bell, at the great keep that stores wisdom, a wooden sign will be your voice - who is the first king of this kingdom?
<b>(once you solve this, you will earn your first reward)</b>

In here I'm asking about the first king of Marind Bell, however, that next stepped is bugged and I can't access that clickie.


like I said, signpost at sage's keep seems to be bugged as I can't edit it, I think the clickable ID is messed up

On another note, please answer me through messages as I've originally written you there, so we don't clutter the topic, especially with spoiler-ish infos. :) 


Until the clickie can get fixed, you can message me your answer of the clickable and I will paste its content from my archive so you can continue on your journey.

I'm sorry that you ran into difficulties, hopefully the next parts will be of use to you to justify the hardships :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 year later...

Hello. I wonder if this quest is still available? Because I can see that it's pretty old so I'm not sure I can start it now. Thank you in advance.

On 4/7/2020 at 8:11 PM, Jubaris said:

Just an update, the mentioned problematic clickie was fixed, there should be no obstacles in the quest anymore (other than obsolete infos :D) 


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Well, the first 3 clickies work (I just checked), and there is good info there.  Even if you only get part way through, it is a nice intro to things for a brand new player.  I just suggest you don't do it for a reward if you're worried it might not "finish" properly.

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